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Show 3 will buy j ou ctillsh, icrvlrtable, still shoe. droit usoorttm nt of tiylas, Hpcntcr a. 1 ji e 1 1 t, 1 jotwmi i lu-iv 1, UlMilur . HE HOTEL TBHPLETOH. The Hotel Temilolon Is opposite Tcmplo Bquare, TllhlngOfUcn, Ksglo aoIo,I)Fsnii,TNr lliilldlugaud all I othts of Interestln Bait I.skeClty. Tjik Cui 1 1 , H. t" J.srirnl l'roprlo-lor. l'roprlo-lor. Half block from 1'esl OITlco, 4 doors froMi Pullman ticket office, Main HL Hates JT.00 ir day. Special Jxal J.'altt Tub WiiiTt HutHi.-Agaln under gcod management, Mrs. ( . fc l'odlecli having returned irom California and taken charge, with p-quilar hottlman M. 1. Uerrnoas mamfcr. Halt Litre's bU, new liolol Is The Knutsford. Humelike, elegant, con-tral con-tral and ressonal l Inn l! Ilfliis Commencing May 7ih the nio Urande Western and Denver & Hlo Uramlawlll Inaugurate a new dally service, umuiia-ed, conslllng cf elegant day coaches, rhalr rara and l'ullmen sleceis Iraln No.!! will leave Halt I,sko at 6. 5 a.m., arriving at Denver at 7 5 o m next murnlng, connecting will, Huillngton nnd Hock Island Wurld'a I air fait Il)er. Train No. 4 will leave Bait Lake at 7 0 p.rn , arriving nt Denver at 0 41 pin. next day, connecting nt l'uehtu Willi Itock Island nnd Mias ml I'aclllc, and at Denver with Jlurllnglon trains lor all )Kliita enit, giving an oipportunlly of viewing Iho msgnlllcenl and world-famous world-famous scenery of the Denver & llio (IrnndoletweenUrsiid Junction and Denver by daylight. Take this route and haven comfort-abb., comfort-abb., sieody and wonderfully Interesting Interest-ing trip. W. J. tinoiM i LU (leneral Agent. Halt Lake City, Utah. H. K. llooi 111, (J. I'. & T. A., Denver, Colorado, (let your Trunk repaired at Qallach-era, Qallach-era, 07 Main, Waenlch building. Large Hit ok I Low l'rlcsl J. G (lallacher, Trunks and Valises, 2U7 Main. Lsdlei' black, "), Ian and brown Sunle Oifirdi reduced lo V, former irlco $4. All six b an I wldibs. Match ynur Hprlng Hultc. iSiient er t Lynch Co , Luders In footwear, l.'l MalnHt. Trunks an ban etl at llsllachers, 07 Mai i, Wasatch building. Illiekleit'a Arsilrn Milee. Tup Hijit Hai.ti: In the world for Cuts, llrul-es, Bores Ulcers, Halt llbeum, Kever Horer. Tetter, ClisppeJ Hands, Chilblains, Corns nnd all Hkln I rurtlons, nnd positively cures l'llee, or no pay required. It Is guaranteed to give rfeet sallslacllon or money re-lundetl. re-lundetl. 1'rlco L3o nl trr box. For tale by A. C.Bmltli & Co. "llr.ro iv Is a tantalizing admonition to Iho who at this soaion feel all tired out, weak, without appetite a'ld discouraged. discour-aged. Hut the way In which Hood's HiruparllU builds up the tired frame and gives a good appetite Is really wonderful. Bo we say, lake Hold's and It will brace you up." Torn general family cathartic we confidently recommend Hood's rills, t) iluy yrur Children's Hhoea, Oxfordi and Slippers from Bieucer & Lynch Co. 121 MalnHt. A ftaaud I Iver Ilasiea m Uell Iran. Aro yiu Hill us, Constipated or troubled with Jaundice, Hiok Headache, Head-ache, Had taste In Mouth, Foul Ilreatb, Coaled Tongue, Dyspepsia, Iudlgestloo, Hot Dry Bklu, l'alu In Hack and between the riuoulleri, Chills and Fever, tto7 If you havo auy of theso symptoms, your Llvor Is outoforder, andjour blood Is slowly being poisoned, btcauio your Liver does not act properly. Heroine will euro any disorder of the Liver, Htomach or Howels It his no equal eaa Liver Medicine. Prlcu75 cents. I'reu trial bottles at 2. C. M, I. Drug Well. ly Lollma CotTeo Is unequaled for I'urlly nnd 1 lavor, Harlow Thompson tlrocery Co. Tor I canty, for oomfort, for Improvement Improve-ment of I he complexion, use only I't t Z)nl' I'twiler; lliero Is no equal to It. .1 QflUT LtHKB THHRTEf? eius 8, liuBTuv, atsosger, Tunnn PERFonMANccs. Friday, Saturday d Saturday Uallnee, MAY 5-6. Dlrr i mn thnlr rco.t phenornf nillr lurccu. fu 1j I. ( mm unf iho twiQ lromkiU g-vton ot uro in I oj ular umuiouent PRIMROS& WEST, Anj their FAMOUS MINSTRELS. This u tU ii6i eiirTiBnllymiTulllceBt or mation n (ho world o I th .rcAtcti romi nnv w hta CTr ownoj Voa ( niii He n our (lie uinuUr granj X First Part. In ei-il -e mcaatliie. MSVT tTTItAOTION. NAT C. GOODWIN. T!rlr.9 WeeyK, iun.it rut rMi. itir JTir. jr it I t mi nnv li, toe ttnntlon feuecsii, tin- ii iivintANOier a 1 1 hi l he trip All I r I I n-eMII on lllo attic. tt tir. ihi Atiael s Illorliaa lo t 11.11 XOo. - aoillssION XOo. tMfay Not? O Why not buy your Carpets from a large, i$ varied and fully assorted stock? $lfi) Why not use Room Mouldings for your m& Pictures, Etc., so save your nice walls? We Wf almost give them away. Why not cover your every-day floors with Linoleum or floor cloth? It saves scrubbing, and we have just received a carload. Why not select your YALL PAPERS and DECORATIONS from our supply of Hie latest artistic styles and colors? 0f We will paper your room, 12 by 14 feet and 9 feet high for $5 only, less 5 per cent for Cash! 1 1 Why not prepare for warm weather by buying cool, clean, comfortable, Chinese or Japanese Insertion Mattings? Why not buy Lace, Madras, or other light fancy Curtains where you can get them cheap? T. G. WEBBER, Supt. tteMmNST- JEWELERS r,S,UCIUDS, TltO I. G WEBBER lrritjnt Mm lTetiDL G 1! Juuouv. fec'r ana Trtu. cecurity" ABSTRACT CO. flr , , Offloo In Desarot National Uank Bulldlnir. Salt Lake City, Utah. Tolophono, 142, rutscroisi r. S. l:lchrdi, Thos n tVetiWr, N. H . Clsitoo, rtlss l. Smllb, St. E. Com silDK., Jaios. II. SIojls. Cbsi. O. Kicnsrdi. A.tt.Carlsoa,J Q caeler H, II TATtoa, a C ReST. TA7L0R, R01NEY,z. ARMSTRONG CO., kimu CLUMBER i S-h, Doors, Monldlags. Etc. t7l.ul.ii Hill aud Tar d. O.. BMt tul r V. r. Depot, flail Itj .lly, ClaU. UEO 1 OUNH,ll,nir, O l KOJINrV, lilrt k4jMT. Asst Jl.n.j.r. EMTAc Ire.. allOorresrondencai tloi.ioj .v 303 M, fsuulls l.itiiiltssslreee. fe CiioesBsiJapaDese Bazar. lITiNJlUfJKGtcpiOS.L tip turjthlnj In New etjlis ','Jei r.edqc.o i rices j CIIINKSi:4JlASESRTrA8 QUOHG CHONG VIHG, 04 CAST SECOND SOUTH. Basn ssO1 tfMm J32 Cocoa, Chocolafo and Coffco SErwJFBB AT Castleton Bros., Cor, L and 2nd Streets. SALT LAKEGRAIN CO. bolciilo an. Ilcttll Doalcri in Wt- SEEDS 32 Wost rirot South Stroot, r.ltAon. ill tall UU C'lfy. DECK'S HOT SPRINGS. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH. --TEflSUR-i and HEALTHRESORT W.ecrilnralliblsforltbenniktUin, Uout, Catarrh, Iai 1 olsoDiar. and all tlool sad Ikln allelic. Temi erklure W, Swimming Foal 239 fast loij .'.'. PJaago Bath 70 fast long. Privato PIuhqo Balbs for Ladios. HOTEL AND RESTAUnANT ATTACHED E. Y. TAYLOR, Mnnci0Oi FOJlTSFRINI .-. EOOTWEAR 1 - - - Call ao Imiect olh tlnEAT AssoimicMor LADIES' AMD CHILDREN'S FINE SHOES JISI IV, Many Specialties for Men anil Boys. Wo nro still manufacturing to 1 it all 1'oot, "FROM .'. INFANTS . TO .. GIANTS. Oar Imporlcl QooJi aro from ttio Mint llollablo Mnkcri. Most Uurablo Khooi for ttio Least Jlnnoy, SOLOIOJf ERQS., No. 70 East Temple St. ci, co, cc r. rinsT south st-, Barpete; Wall Paper, BABY CARRIAGES, REFRIGERATORS, PURNITTJRE, In Endlosei Vailoty. PRICES LOW AS THE LOWEST T --. POPULAR sL Eatabllahod A Oa AKonto May, rt lVV- Dssorot 187 0. X Vj Woolen r iV M"l Punctuality, . VV) 8. E. Sacqu. Fashion. AAv 8U',, ' "b V TAILORS "f |