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Show H LO0K1M1 AK AllL'Al). M Camilla l'lammarlon has a aerial In B ihes OitntopoUan maRStlrPi e-nlltloJ B "Omega, tin Knd of llio WotlJ." Tim current chapter del let a mcellnK cl French scientific! loitltulo ioiuo m jtan hence, at whloli speeches ate H maJe by different members, inch bold-m bold-m Ins to n theory divergent from the H others as to the collapse of our hsliita. lion and no lese thin six dlitlnct causes M being atslgncd tlierifjr, but all agree-M agree-M inir that the end will comowltlilu a H' period ranging Irom 8.000,000 to 40,-B 40,-B 000,000 years. If Ihls wernall demon-H demon-H strated truth, there would Ik) no H foundation for npiuhcnilonj for not B until a long lime after Hilt generation M wan forgotten and all III records had M crumbled Into duit, eTen If tho pre-M pre-M ceia or disintegration Trent steadily B along, woulJ there be the sllghtoit B app-cclabla difference In pbrslcslanJ M topographical condition. M One of tho meana tuggnted as the B onward march of tho grand finale H lithe tut Ject recently referred tolu H lhc columns cf tho watera of the H great tlTcrsandthelr tributaries wear- lng away the banks and bottoms, B crumbling away mlouto fragments B with a less moYcmcnt nnd awoclcg H theru (lowly Lut (Uadlly Into tho cs. H Ilytbla means the bauka are lolng B loToled and eventually mount jltn will B be undermined and made I lalna rfj aa H the land lowtra llio water naturally B rltea In a corrcirondlng ratio, rivers M will cease to flow and there will events even-ts tually bo no ground visible, the earth B will bo all water on thosurlaceaiidall B thlngsanlmatumuit perish. Thltwlll M require tho briefest period namod but B It la far enough ahead to tecuro aafity and a dry shod career to tho end of llfu to our dcicendanti for generations Inconceivably remote, One of tho other metlioda by which Bm mundane dissolution la to oorne la BJ what might bo termed "un. failure," B corresponding Ith lieart-fallurolntbe B caioofn mortal; the euurca cf light Bh nud beat will he burned out and. like tho moon la presumed to b-, B become n dead body surround- til li; i retinue of dead UiJIes all B meandering almleuly through space. Another Is, Inversely to the flrit, tho Bl utter d!iapearanco of water and eon-B eon-B sequent destruction of all fjrn of life; and still another la the Increase rind Bh spread of heat until nothing but what Bb Is Igneous shall subsist anywhere. Bl It Is a splendid theme for one poiieii-Bh poiieii-Bh Ingatonosakuowledgoof aatronomy, Bl geology and coimlo sciences generally Bb ndded to the fantaitto yet analytical Bl literary power of JulteVeinc. When a Bl jenon wants to read something that B suggests thought, that contains pro-BB pro-BB found Ideas and Is thoroughly BB entertaining something by way of a Bl compromise between Idlo amusement Bl audmentslgymniitlcs wo can think Bl of nothing belter. In addition to this, Bl If the reader has a studious disposition Bl an J a lertala degroe of reference, such Bh reading may lu the means ufcauelng B him to turn finally from the thing M read and to seek In bojkt whoso word s B are those of real Information, tho Ley B to the oocultod aubleots ooneerulng B which aclonte can at the best but B liypotheilte. Of couiso I'lammarlon's B nrtlclo Is fiction, lut It ireiuuibly B retts upon rclentlflo premlies and M wjuld posioss no mors lutormt to the M advanced reader than "Aladdin's m Lamp" or "Hobluiou Crusoe" If It did B not. It creates nn Interest which It B dots not on J cannot eatli'y, because, Bl apart from that whloli wo rvcognlio aa truth all Is coojecturo more or li plausibly put forth, but still conjecture. B The spans of time Bat out as those BB within which gravo trlioj aru to BB occur nro ao ait, so Incompru. Bl jenslblo to tho mind of man that of B thomsolves they remove tho subjtct Bl from the palo of retentive lutormt and thus ceiso even 11 they over begin to B b profitable, and It la much the same with all kinds of flotlonj thero may bo BB a useful FUggustlou hero and there, a Bl word of wisdom or n lino of good Bl coumcl now an J then, nn I tho general Bl tone may bu moral If not actually Bl liualthful, but In tho end llio alloy li BB found to outweigh and overcome tho BB I reolous rnetil In wlilohltoccurt. It BB I not vlolour, nor necessarily ii watto BB of time, to read such things; It should BB bo like going to tho theater not mala BB a business of norengasod III at nil to tho detriment of regular and proper H )ursult, tut for dieorilou ef the mind BH and relaxation of thu body when there BB la time and opiortunlly therofor; aud H tbeulf aujthluglnstructlvaor proper-H proper-H ly suggestive occur;, whether lncl BB dentally or etherwlse, tho uudltor Is so BB much the gulucr. |