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Show WILD AND GASEOUS. Conn.llnnn Lawson Iosliailes Tba Ills Collesgaes m Docdltrs. a Munr or i,ntM)SAi.mi:,. The (!at and Mm ric II;lil I'ranclilic I'aiira After a lsmg nnd Uott Ill-graceful I tow. Newspaper loproof end nlueetlin have had a moit I rneflc aUnVictnullie cojnollnieu Inouitnir tliem t) tiirnd tlioir rnjri In tho matter of delnylnp; tho commenc.ment of mcvtlti far btiyotil tho tl:ni r.ra.-crlbiil by ordinance. ordi-nance. Tho lai, to aualont weru birtiinpriimttlon ttmr. I.aat nUht nt T:3 Couiicllmrtii Hum wat calluJ lolhuihnlrln thaaUencoof l'ntldmt I'OjIbourjw, The followlni; inembcn wtrv rvreoti Itloh, Tolland, Hardy, Moran, Kelly, Kract, Hlimudl, lleardt'cy, licit, Lawton, ICarrlck, Hell. Hit I'loefeilliiK. On motion of Morati Iho rmlullon granting ceitalu tilvilejtt und ini-chlm ini-chlm to the Halt l.nku aud Odeu (lu end Klectrla Light lompany vrm Uktn up for Ihml reidlng. Thu rradlncwus jroceejed with without Interruption until thu clau-e fixing the price of gat at $iW per lUUil i tihlu ftet m retched wneri ldwaun mured thatil 75 wr lUUU faet be tubttltuted Inatead ol 12.00. Well teooiidod Iho motion and Kvant tald ho didn't know much about gaibut until ho got more light on tho aubect he announced hit Intention In-tention to ttuud by Iho $1.73 prouoal-tlon, prouoal-tlon, Lawiou agnlntecurod thelbor tnd made along and windy argument for chiar and belter gat. Tho petitioner he tald, wat a very wealthy corporation corpora-tion aud wat before the council for all that It could get. That wat all right but aantrrrantof the peoile be pro-I pro-I oaed to aee that hla conttllueutt n oro properly repretenled. While Mr. Lawtou wta tpcaktng tho rou null grew reatlve and tome ol tbn mtmbert walked about the cbambor laylnglltlln or no attention to what Wae tald. Thlt Ulacourleay net.lrd and andlntulled Mr.Liweou andliu warmly warm-ly dtniandcd Ihut tho ruka bo en-forctd. en-forctd. The Chair The room It qultt enough for all practtctl purpotei. l.awo& I uou't think to. Thu Chair Well,,! do; prucuod wllh your argument. litwiou The prlco li enllroly too high at pitaent. Utrcit lighting lu tome cltloa coaU only $1 CO pr mouth per aro light. The Chair Haro you got flgurea to tubataullate that declaration f I.awaou I certaluly hure. Theohalr I don't think to. The chair bellevea It la a mlnUteuient. Katrlck (watmly) I otjoct to the chair uettini; Into a wrangle with any councilman or debating the question In any form. If you want tu Uik, tlr.call tome one alio to the ihalr. ltlch I alio otject to the preildlng ofllcerludulgtng mauy auch uujtl. mentary and unbecoming conduct. Idweon Well, I ant going to re to agalnat the rctolutlon. Moran Well, that la your prlrllegv. Kelly That it right. Moran While f agree wllh Mr. I.awaouon aometblngtl douotlnnll. i.awaou I otject to Mr. Moran ipeaklngaa I made the motion and have the light to clott the debate. Tbo Chair (ttrlklug Ibe table tharply wllh hla gar. I) Moran baa the Hour, Mr. l.iwiou, lu Ukeyouraeati Moro dlaiuaalou followed aud the Yoluoii l.KVtion'a motion retuiud at lollowt: Nott Ileardtlry, Tolland, Hardy, Helta, Horn, Kelly, Moran, tjlmonul. Wnutlaud V, Ayit Hrnct, Karrlck, I.awton. Itloh I. Karrlck then moved that Ibe price bo fixed at tl.UU per tboutiud cubla feet, and lu eupport ot bit mctlon tald he knew poaltlrily that goa could be ruanuliieturod atbd ceiitt per lUCO cublo leet. If hla tuition varrlej It wculd Hill Uave thu tore-I tore-I any Jl.IU jer 1UO0 cublo leet ml profit, ihat teemed a eploudld Ir,-Tialmeut. Ir,-Tialmeut. llu eald If there wat any ijuo.llou at to the correctniae of hla atateuientthe bouki of thocoiuauy could bo brought In and tbowtbat ho wat correct. l.awion again got tho lloor and, epeaklng to KultlcU't nut'ou, hildtlio tomtnny'aai plication (or a iruniblio akovu hie htkd and then ttr.lgiitvned up, threw hick hit head und ftunlly hook Iho tper In the fucu of thu onalr said: "l.oo' here, Mr, Chairman, don't you kuow mat thla document wat drawn up by the compauy ttitll? Of courenyoudi, but what o( lhatr Llko Mr. Moran and othorof you uitmOarH olihlt Council (turulug around) you alotiiaingllkeaiilntanuiuan. Moran I objcil to belui; culled an tnaaiiu man or Intuited by auv of my lollettguer. ThuCbuIr Mr. I,awaon It out of order. I,wton No, I am not. The Chnlr Yir, you nre. I,awiou (bono-Well, I tay I am not. The Chair (pounding the table vigor-oualy vigor-oualy with nla guvil) Again 1 my jounre, tu down to jour cliulr. ItUh (rltlug quickly nnd Interpol-Ing Interpol-Ing In behalf uf Lawaon) No gog bualniat got! here tonight If I can have my way and I will. Mr. i,vt. ton li a member uf thlt Council nud ilull bu htard. "You bit I'll be heiid," cried Law-ton, Law-ton, Moran can talk about labor, bacon and potutoer, but thlt la a meeting meet-ing on gat und of gu we ahull near about." Wantliud Morsti la tuning tho tame Hud nf ocullar work here tonight to-night ui tt few nlghta ago uud I want It ttOiud, Moran Well, I went you lo etop, Wautlatid I caiue lu late, It ap-Hari, ap-Hari, and yet I didn't, but you com-iiieurvd com-iiieurvd early for toinu rciaon, pre. umably to taku tuup Judgmuutun aomooru', Iitwron Yet, I hav heard It laid that thla ujmrauy line declared that It tmte.uudvd lt men here and can get whatever 11 wantiand 1 beglu to bu. Ilevo It. Yte, mora thin believe It, I almoat know it. Karrlrk'a motion wat Ihenloet on a vole of tevuu lo leven. I.awaou then moved Ihat the fran-chliu fran-chliu lay on the table for a v, eek. Itlch atcoiided tho motion and Moran took the lloor and tald I.awtou .11 bti.u riadtuu the Duuiajr Xvwa nnd tin, Mnrrli number tf Iho JUtiew if i'Cixwtai, I from thibojcurunu, he I'llhHIiiroiinulon nad be had only rmltliotouf late. Wanthiiid I otject to thlt ma.. Moranabutlngrioploatlio dot. Mumii (rwaribs wlldlyj 1 1 tiwrilld lUkultorkbiiia hiuenberiif thlacouii. ell uud when I uu I will bo auir for Wnullaud (,totIcultllng excltolly) You ehouli tovtr jour biad wltn yackclotli nud athttnnd ligm teuuit. Intfatonce. l,iW4in I am dull and to aro aomn, cllur inuuilvra of the council but thniilc Oo 1 1 nui no' m dull hut that I cm aou tho meat Injuitloe btlug doi u Iho utill,-. rtio taxiajertahuuld rail an ludUiittlon hiirtlugnnd cry I uhl ilytlilt time Mr. I.auion'a frtn.e riirly ahook with nULer and hlauiu waaglmitly paloaul heconchljiij hla in.;uuuiut by alinklui' hla Hat In the Incut of aeveiial ouunc luien with Iho worJi deliberately ta.ket.: "Money ruleatbu world aid rnuniy It ruling tbligatfrauchlic." Not a word ofuljecllon flat raited by n tollury member nil finally a motion to iurIio thu prlco t:.u i,ur IU0U cublo leet wat lou at wuanl.ua motion to make It $:' to for tbo tamo quantity, llhout further dl'cus.lou $.',2) per KWUoullo fttt wat luiurtud on the following vote: . . Al" 'l-orllcy. Hell, TulUnd, Hardy. Kelly, Klou, Hlmondl, Waul' land b. N) a Kvant, Horn, Karrlck, Law-aon, Law-aon, Moran G. Hlmondl then made a lonir Inllt In which Karrltk retpoudedi "The mau hat tpokou for leu mlnutet and hebu not mado h alngle aUtement that would Indicate that hu reprereule the city. Ou tho olher hand he thowt plainly that hu It vrorkluz for the com any. llulltnenaprteontho price of aro llghttaud Wantiand naked him how much hu propoaod lo "hold tho illy up for." ' Thlt la a night and meeting of per. toualltlea aud I reply (narmly) that I am not lu tho blguway robbery bual-ueaa. bual-ueaa. Wantiand (apologetically) Oh, I didn't moan li that way. J,".'7 VVc" "'"l ' ''u way you tald II and I rcatnt It moat emphatically. Lawtou then niiclo another long talk In Which he advise I hit colleoguet to attend the echool of Couiltteucy; torucud their way and bo hontit. Iolland A great deal hai been laid nero regarding common Interetu. w, I go good deal on the wlidoui of lotrn,ir oouuclla. They were at leotlourpeert lu eouio rcjpectt and condition! haro not materially changed. The matter thould be left open lo competition. Ithat been add that tbo lympathy of tho prctent Council it with Ibe applicant. The city aome time ago told thu tutor Itt got itock and within ,two weeU there were two oompiulet applying for f nuclide. Karrlok-Uut they didn't get thorn. Folland Tnat mikei nu dIUerenee, they mtcd for them, Thlt ono hat been heto for four mouths and the company hasn't got It either. Hell oflered the following, which, alter being dltcuaard pro und con for three quarter! of nn hour, wat lost: The ball Lako A oden Oat & Hlectrlo Light compauy funher agree, by Im acceptance of tbla frauchlto or grant to funil.h aro light of not Icaa tiiau aw candlo-imwor lotbecityof Halt Ijtko for all publlo purpoiea of atrect lighting and for building, ownod by aald city ut a prlco not encoding JIO.OO ,,tr mouth for cuch nro light. Karrlck clterod the following which carrltd uud wae addol lo tho fraucnttu aud called aectlon 8. And all rlghla nnd franchlaea horoto-foro horoto-foro granlc.1 in Iho Silt I.ako City (l(i company and tho Halt Iiko I'ower, l.tgut A lloatlug company bo rellnuulabod on Iho oecoptauco ol thla fruuchlaj. llll. auunv IKIii, Thoordlnaniepaaiud on tbo following follow-ing toic: Ay IloJtdiley, Hell, Fnlland. lUrdy, Helta, Horo, Kolly, Motau, Hlmondl 0 Noet Illch, Lawton, Kvano, Kar-rkk, Kar-rkk, Wautlaud-3. Tho llrat, aecoud and teveuth ace-IIoup,u ace-IIoup,u lubllihot In latt i veiling'! NMs, weru wid without amendment. amend-ment. Tho following wat added t thu third aectlon: That tho tald company thall only lav 1 itcml plpoa ( n aide of atrecta, and .hall not In any way or inamior Imorfoio with tho wuter plpoa or eower pliwaof tbla cliy.ornny otbor plpia that hao been '"'dlnthe.trceta of mid city: and Ihov Uallnlalltlniei confurm to all ordlll-ancoj ordlll-ancoj pjiiaril governing frenchlae. nud regula Ing the mo, irom tlmo tutliuu that are paiaed by tho City Council regulating the laying of plpoa In tbo alteola of thla city. The fourth, flrtli and- alxth etc'lont wcrenmeuilelto rend at follow, nnd an olghth eettlon w ai added: fc,;. All etrccta, linoa. alleys and putillo plaioa that may bo openoil by ibo "1 h nf'".??."! "" "' fforcaald puriioaei hall be Ailed and put lit at good repair ji tlioy cro prior to tho oponlng of auch irouchn to a. not to uiiiiccea.arily on-liuct on-liuct the frio paeingo oor the aircota lor u longor llmo thuu may bo noccaaory. I no una of attnta for audi purMiiM ahall bo controlle.l nud govoruod by tho ordlu. aucea of aald city. that all plpoa, icndulta and poloa almll balildaiil placoj at auch nolnti and plicea ui .ball bo ilclgnatcd by tho city engineer, nud no otbor, and under the eupor lalou of aald cnglnoor and boord of publlo wntk., anil to tbolr approval, tho mid ttreeti, lanei alley a and publlo plica, thai) bn tepatil by aald loiiipanv Kithontltfiiciloriof thoilty engineer cf aid city. Sec. i. Tbo tald Ualt UUo and Ojilcn Oaa mil lllecttlc Light mmiany, Itt anc-tcasora anc-tcasora ami aaalgna, ahall bo rianiialblu for oti3 lUtuago lo poraon or pniperly resulting rrom any net or iickIIkcuoo on Itt part which may nccruo by icnaonuf tho exorclao or any of tho prlvlliLoa lirirlm Hec. 0. Tho Salt Ijko nnd Ogden (I at and l.lccttlo Light eoi'ipiiny, iluting tho tl(lufori. mi, almll by fta ainpunco ofihepilillei;ca hereby granted egroea with ll,o jil rlly lo luriii.li manufte-liirodgaiiiiihocltltctHoraald manufte-liirodgaiiiiihocltltctHoraald city n'la ptlconot osiei-dnig tl pcrthoiiaand tublafcit.andlf naiergiiHlalurnl'hcltlio price almll not exn.nl rl W )nr thousand IM , and If naiunil go. it furnlalied ilia I rice ahull not cxtco J So cent, tier thou-kiindleoti thou-kiindleoti nnd lliai the Mid city for all publlo piirpovi uf atrect lighting, for building-, owned br tho city. Tor nil liu,.lial. aud publla bulldhiu-a for charltahlo or rollgUma puipoae. of any Kind thill makn a dl-coiini, from Iho nrorewhl price, or ten twrcont And tho aaid Halt Lako und Ugdou (lai nnd Hlectrlo Hlec-trlo Light company ngioua to liirnlali an lllumlnHllnggaaof not Imi than 11 tun. illoiowor, and Incandfcenleleetrlo light of not loaa than Id candlo power, the tamo to bo aubject from thna to llmo tn tbo ln eel Ion oln properolllco appointed by tald City Council, in dotormino tho 'lunllty of aald Illuminating em and elaclrlo light. Hoc. 7. And all rlgbtii nnd prlvllegoi heritororograiitoltolhe Hill Lako Uty '' coinpiny and tho Kail Liltol'ouer, Light A llontlng comintiy bo rellmiuiah-id rellmiuiah-id on Iheacccp auco of Ihla Irancbi.o. IIUIIUATIUN PIlOl'LAJIATlO.t. ltlch ollend tho following, which wat u Jo ted iinanlnioutlyi IteiolrnI, That tho Mayor bo dlroclrd lo liuue a notlro to iho ctTect that all water taker, be allow ed to ute water from tbelr hydranta lor Irrlgiitlhg puriwic., eta, and Iho eatno lo remain In force until countermanded by Iho Mayor. IllllCK AM) 11IX LKAtC The liaie of thu Utah llrlck and Tile company, which hat been. before the Council lu ono thopo nnd another fjr teveral weekt, wat finally iasttd. 5I01IE UAB. Boveral motions wore made to adjourn ad-journ at tbla Juncture of the procted-Inge, procted-Inge, It being after 11 o'clock, but they all failed to carry, and Laweou movid that at everything wat of a gueout nature, the gat rctolutlon granting certain privilege! to Wendell Demon, hla helri and ottlgm, be Ukeu up. Carried. The franchise was on Hi third rending rend-ing and cauied tlmoit at niuchitlacui-tlon niuchitlacui-tlon tt Hi icoto lurtunite tredecceeor and rival. Adjourned until Tuvtday night at 7:3i). |