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Show Fuucrnl of John S. Lett Is. The funeral aervliea over the remain, re-main, of Klder John B. Lewla wore held at the Beventctnth word meeting hou.e yeaterday afternoon. 111. hop Tlngcy conducted the tervlcea. The mtellng hou.e wai crowded to Ita utmost ut-most ca aolty by the uumerou. frlenda and acquaintance, of tbe deoeated. The Union Oleo club, lof which Iho diccn.t d bad been nil active member from Ita organization, attended Ibe lunernl In a body. Itemarkaon the life and charaoter of the deceased, aud word, of oouaola-tlon oouaola-tlon lo tbe her.Avid one. were made by tho following epuakoiB, In the order named! Klder. Geo. U, llywattr, Aurellu. Mluer, John Tlngiy, Jot. K. Taylor aud Angua M. Canuou. fhu muato for the occasion waa rendered by Ibe ward choir aud Union Oleo club. All the plena uug were of the dccentoJ'i own compoil-llo compoil-llo . Tbo tbral efliirlngi were elegant and profuec. Amouglho numUr w Iho biautlful di.lgu of a harp from tho Union Olee elub, and lower tent by I'rof. I'.van Htepliclia, In behalf of the Tabernacle choir. At Ibo grave tho plteclub tang, .weelly and allietlc-ally, allietlc-ally, Haydn'. O, My rather. Tne dedicatory prayer wa. onVtoi LylllderJos. 13. Taylor, nnd all that was mortal of John Baucdera Lewla waa con.lgucd to mother earth. |