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Show LOVE LAUU1IS AT LOCKSMITHS. How n Ilinicutly wa. Otercomo by n Uuuplo Contemplating Mtttrlinonj. A youtbfdl couple, wlio.e namea It would be hardly tho correct thing to lubllih atpri.enl, tripped lightly Into tbe county clerk'a oflle. abortly after 11 o'clock thla morning and opt lied lo Urpuly Clork Jack fjr a litem. D wtd. When the que.tlona. to age waa Ut, It trau.plioj that whllo Ibo pro.ptctlve brie'egroem had pataed tho Lorder line cf twenty.our, the young lady ha. not yil quite reachod her eltfDtiintli year, thl. luta.lUht obeok; upon tho Itm-ancutf Itm-ancutf tho Itcemo fjr thetlmo being. Hut County Cl.rk Mcloy uud hi. dupuiy are alwnya readj 10 "belli a lame do,; over the .tile," aud Mr. Jack waa iqual to the preaent emergency. emer-gency. He auggetted tbat the ulllUully could be overcame by thu lidy obl.lulnr the tlguaturo of her father expulsive of bit const ut to the mauWire, tbla to be aworu lo loforo a jutticu of Ibe peace lu tbo irettnceoi two wltueitta. A.Uhof lellef nint upn. the ptlr lelt the room full of ixprcielun. of eternal gratitude. |