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Show A Valuable Work. Mr. (!. M Mumford adTetllzet In theNrwafor local agenle lo tanra.e for a work for which he holtia the agency for tbe Territory, It li en titled the "I'ottMlo nf Life, or a l'opu. lar Htudy of tuu Houae In which ,e I.We," by Prof. Henry H. Itaaaweller. it Isllluatrated Ith oomplelo ael ot anatomical li atei. II la dialgned for tbe uau of remittee, general readera tracheta and atudeitte of hyalology ThU la, lo far a we know, one of the mat complete look of Keclaaaevcr Itibllahed, Uprcaenta the Inijortant aulject with whliu Itilialalnatliarin-Ingly Itilialalnatliarin-Ingly tlnilef way, io aa torenderlta cnbtentacomi relteiialble to all claiaie of readere the ealuo of the lh)alo I tgtcal truthe It ronveya aro teyontl ektlluate. The WMk la one of great uicfulocai, aud Can be tafcly cou.-uieuikd. |