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Show THE PRAIRIE ROSE. Tfeitlliy Hie Alt lllon or Thoio "bo Went nnmrtlilni- lrell. Itosa tctlgcra, tho climbing prolrii rose It indlgcnont to fho central ttatcr and It found growing wild to tho eout and west lUwcatrrnllmHmnathroiin the sontlieoatcrn jort of Knns.11, where It It often found In old pattrirct ami nlong tho edirw of tlmlier lreltt. The jlant hat a Icmsi, running, rank and withal rl graccfnl habit ot grow tic In early Jul j It londt itself etilh btinchot of 1 n tty pink tingle lion crs, nnd U then qni to at attractive as miny of the uioro ImprovVl Tariotles of Iho specie. Over twenty varieties, Including such couiiiirin ernes rol Ilitltimoro Hello nnd I'rairio (ueeit, havo been elerlveil from this scles nnd aro l,n tnoro or le-4 gen "rnlcnlllenllrei. In American Uardeu Ing altnntlon Is i..i.lnlly ntlracteil to the original tpi:tM at It It found grow Ing wild. In this form it Is 0110 of Iho imit Interentlng of nil those Indlge bona plantt which urn being ttsul mora nnd more by gardeners who Attempt yatsnil cllecli rather than tho tnoro elegant nrtlflrlnl conqtriictlont tuch lit tuces-Barilylneolvotho tuces-Barilylneolvotho hi jhly improved cub tltatnl arittica. Itoni tetlgeni la nl waj t w crthy tho attention ot thu plsnte r w lin wants roinethlng pre ttv riither tltmi sotnothlrvc: rare Hi graceful, f rent growing grow-ing nnd peculiarly wild nm'iirnitco,pro-cludo nm'iirnitco,pro-cludo Itt iim 011 n smoothly almvni lawn, along a ttrnlght front walk, ngilntt tbo front mstili or In any other fonnil turrotniilliigsi but tho ramo habits will cimally recommend It to placet whero roirlety In Hie lelecllon of vntictlco plnnlrd it t)ulto as desirable. Oecr oil fences, lit fence comers, along winding tlrlvct nnd agiilntt oulbullilltitrs which It Is desirable partly to hid.-, Iho Iloa ih tlgcra la 11110 ot tho inttiest plnntt Im aglnahle. Iho original ticeles ns It grows wild in tho pasture It kej t by tho licstiiurscrjiaeiL llcb.i.oo. l.onl.s. It ll iinrlsliig that to nohlo n flower, almiot rUallng the rose In brilliancy of color and iwrfectlon of bloom and Ihe rhododendron In stntety growth, should Isj to neglected. Amntoiirs teem to hai o lost tight ot (ho many Improved arlctlcs lutrodiiceel within the last low jears, and our llnest gnrdent, iierfuct In other rtuiocli, aro slugnliirly tlchcleut In specimens speci-mens of tho nowcr kinds. Tho first polut In their f.e,i la liurdinrsn. It may bo truly said of them that they aro "hardy nsanoak " In theaowrrat climate tho I lantt require no otht r ! refection than that which they afford themselves. Then tin Ir eh-oroiis habit and health) growth, freedom from ull tliscakes and ln-ccts aro important arguments In favor of their cultivation. Growers of rosea know well that their (lowers aro obtained ob-tained by great vigilance and care. Nut so evith tho peony, which when onco planted all is d mi. Rich succeeding jtur uildt to their slxn and lsnuly, Tbo foliago It rich nnd glossy an 1 of n beautiful beau-tiful deep grc-e.it color, thus rendering tho plantt very ornumcntal oven when out of (lower The uowor arieliet pro-duco pro-duco wry large, lutudaoinc, regularly forincel cupisd blouiiit resembling lrtrgu rones. No ol her llow cr it tu w ell nda pt cd for Itrge, ahoevy iKuuiucta. The sony may 1st planted either singly 011 tho Itwii or In Ixordors Where tho lawn hUxtcnsiroA'largo bed makes a grind ahow.tnrpastlngnlicilofrhoiloilondrons. It it really n tlowor for tho million. I.I1-wnugor I.I1-wnugor and Harry ilaco them in three tlivieioiis. First, tbo oniciiuelit and Itt litbrldt; second, .iradoxa. Tlittio ale lluropcan and bloom from tho iiiidilloto Iho end of Muy. The thlnl ll ChineMr, and blooma throngh Juno and July. A trlection from tho three die I. lout will givo n fine dirt, lay of llow era during t'trcu me uths. Tli Ksn.n. Ils.iitierry. Tho Kansas raspberry hero depicted Inn now blackcap from tho ttato for which it it named, and Orchard and Uardon considers thut it It worthy of n placo among tbo most promising ot tho botriet teievntlj produced. A M!W UUICKCAI' nAXlIlQmV-. Tlio Kansas it about tecond early In Its Benson of rljxnlng. H ripens Itt crop anon after Bouhegan nnd that class, but much earlier than (Irtgg Tho Kansas, It Is claimed, It ngood grower, inaklAg II sigoruut growth throughout iho tea sent Us cunt a and bronchia aro coecriHl nlliin thick U110 bloom Tho lit nice nrotiulloat large as Orcgg, but clear jet black, mid without tho down or bloom that li peculiar to tho latter berry, ber-ry, In iiroducttrencta it la suierior to (iregg, Tho present indications aro that thla new berry will roo of Milno, l'lant toino grapevines this reason under tho copings or 1 avca of tho houses barn or oilier outbuildings. Under such niic Iter there will, itt all proliabllily, bo no mildew-, and such arlctlcs us cannot bo will grown In open exposure will hero fruit eticcosifully, according to Orchard and Garden. |