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Show V ailitu. Il.llaluu. llalli.rlii.. Hot Hi msiia, Atk, May JO. In tba I'rrabyletlau geuetal asasmbly today to-day the committee on synod teportcd favorably on the formation uf colored ibutobea w llh a view of forming these Into I tctbyletlue, and nlieu two or mora - tcsbytetlra exltt they may lotm a synod, ltav. A. L. l'iill was appointed lowolk among the negtoea I for carrying out IhU plan. It was decided de-cided to coutluuu tba prevent policy of aid to candidate ttudjlug fot Ihe niluUlry. Till OAHIIII nAMlltllOAIJI. Council III uii. In , May H The Danltlt l.vangullcal Lulhetan church aatoclalloli of America began its te. Ion heru today with repreieutativet pmentfrom all patta of tho country. |