OCR Text |
Show Denlli of.i I'lonecr. Harrltt Ami Walkur, of rjouth Cot loo ood, Halt I.ak(i(.V,Uirli'd tlila ll'.Manlilil, lid.-, froiiilbllumnulluii .'lb. lunga, retiming frouv la Kill I o oiJ ntuiu inla uu th oreplng of the tibluiL.itt tltvaiiaof 31 ycari and 7 u)a, Diceifri urea birn Manli 01b, ISIS, In Oakland l'u., Mlililgau, au I waa llio only daugliter or i'antilo aud ltobn Onto, rliu cmlnratid lo Ulali In 111, Hltllllrr pnrilllr, Willi lln llr.l fompany cf Hatnt., Ibu ile ttiliti lavta an ngrl iiiulbi-r, n iiuabu il, our rhlldrni and a trlili ilrrleur t r owing frimuli to mourn lit Kri art P'u Iom. llrt ulllfutit Ubura In thu ward QriranUitlnna won b.r tin. " and iu uu ni tiry in.inbor, runualaervlcM wrruUoldnt Houtb 'iltonwooil ward hoiiaii on Haiclt 10, IWJ, londuitM by Joi. I, lluwllta roe tvenkera wrr let. H, Taylur, Then. A Win tier, John (1 Idbium, I). l'rluloii nud lllthoii Hiwllua.all or whom lore lullniuny lo lur lunai lioo-l ((uallllix and fallbful udlitrcnu lotoe prlmlplia of the (Joatl, llir Jftnnlna were Inlirrod In tl.o Boulb I'Ottonwuol cemetery. Tin, oravu waa dtdiiatt d by Lldtr (', u. Ilrlutou. |