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Show Ullll WIMIIIl.lt. TtiK mouthly review of tbu Utah Weather rervlco In to oratlon with the United Htatea I)eLirt,n(ut of Agriculture Ag-riculture for rcbruary la Just Issued from the otllce of Ueotge .N.Ballsbur of this city. The rerttya tbo month was not severe. Half of the daya were cloudy, the inowi melted gnvdually, and the water loaked Into tho ground Instead ol running oil". Thl should Imvongcod lutlueucuou the coming itasou's crojs. -. A new fcaturo of futuro reports will le the "ueather croreort " Per-talulng Per-talulng to It tho following address li tromulgatcd: "Inordirtusuliirto the agricultural li,turiiata,9t la loiiteutplaled lastilng from Hit olllcc, during thocoinlng crop-grow lug seetson, a weekly bulletin akowltit. Ibeeirect of th weok'a wenthor otilho erope Ihroushoiit the Terrltor This will require sn.oral riKrtcra lu eneh iount),and it is requstiil that nil real lug llltl 1 nniphli I leu 1 tin Ir hsarly al I In si curiui. u llimp.iiportrri, '1 lie nanus e f thosei who aro willing to report should boscnl inutoueeltottil ollhe, uu 1 in is. aarv nlaiiks will bo furuUhcHl. V su ply of the blank oards hu lteen sent tu each of tho present obscrrt rs, nn 1 1t I hoped that liter, at least, will repoit, as It will require but little thni to fill ntillhe cards. The- Importance of tho Information la np parent, and II will 1 widely dlsseiulli-a'cel dlsseiulli-a'cel Tho liulleilil Is lo begin with the llrsl week In Ai rll eircn. If Hirtsnt nr, lilreetor, libserver U N. eatlier Uu reeiu Central onlce, Salt Laka City. |