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Show I HIS "3LAJESTY." H Jnana, tlteivrlfo of Kin; Kellpo, ia- H atonale! lovri tlio art of palatini, aud H jrae.tle.cei ft with admirable riMilta. It H was of course nimort.l that tlio poor queen hail become eierange)el, nil 1 tfuit P lbla artltio ni plication vu re illf crilon H suirgestcel lijr iyrlelana. It la certain, H liowcvcr, th it lirr Ugliness bccaina u H ic-niuuimata artist llcr prrccptlon H wat keen an 1 her lintM truoj ah ititir- H rstitiff faro. Kn lmt once, rim euuM ilt- 1 it t in n iliapo irotlily rucouiullv bulh H iu t catnro ami rliarartc One ilajr It ploawl her rornl lmilnnd H to m an tltonllinmM herein tliocnalllo taml cf tho queen had kketdtetl from H htrrUli fanry mxl rcprcxlncetl aceun H Irom lirr cb mltu rnrrouiidinKfl. H & At that me, let It bo tiuilenttool, I JonttA nluno uai adrircMeri oa 'Your I Mijratr" Jler pnai, in cotuoquenco of Uing tho ofTjprlu of a furtUm ovcreljn, n nddreaMtl a " Vour High ncM," ami iqinn all onleUtl ducuminld requiring Ixith tinattirra oda roadt "Jdaiu rcfrtiMi,' and undcnioalh ran tho other, 'Tillta, rei." Thl4 klnit bjr mar-riago mar-riago funnil In hli uifo'n iktlchbook iiuineroiiiaiidarieliMirtralU of a ro inarkabljr hindiHiitto knlfiht rMiinetlmM li4MwuiHrtrj't'd aa n vlttorioui hero, then n u ruflns iiilffrlm, and again ni u kneeling lour. ThU truly hindaomo faco innht haro occupied tlm qutvna f mi r, forltwaa often dejilcteil, nod In n nanncr atrlklnirly ennsdent Ions and ardent Ono could ro at n Klanoo that tlio linirt liad nubtcl tho lmnil Tho lagona not that or King IV llie Tho faro vaitvholly unknown to I im rcrhaMltraaniervlyanldiilr1a-luli rcrhaMltraaniervlyanldiilr1a-luli of ) out li audi UA apivjra to tnaldena in romantlo drenuia a RiijiematnrAl lielnir ThlH wa Krliiaj a lint cwijeflnru u ho f;azel iqion tho plitun lmt iinju further fur-ther rellcctlon hl toncetittou of thcra Uvaino lea- innuccnt Ho waa McitM vrith jenloUAy, and Jealotuy and reveuo po hand in luutl in tiialn. An Inquiry rent to tho grand Innuiititor anont tho I original of tho tkctrlica, n wink to tho nrgua ej ed illcor of t ho liiquUltiou an 1 tho Information uaa not lonln coining Tlornau vrith tho liandn!io kuii;htly counttnanco: tho fall, rod, hu'ghliiK ll; tho lar,e, lumluotH p)i4 uadcniealh tho thick, dark, Uld e) ehrowa aa l tho ,raud Inquisitor iufortnod tlio lilu llou Jamo d'Aiila, n tnarratio. At that tlino n liurrauo which It thl hlkinlth knn for n ils waa a inaraivl-lug inaraivl-lug knight anl generully nn niioktato. AUliuugh protftl)ka they worn atruiigly rurpirted of hrreiy and conctiontiy bitterly nccutl, dcupiti) tho fact that they wcro tho Hotter and tho (Jorj of th Aiulalnalan nobility, i elehratetl for tlii Irrnlor In tournanu nt, their chlvalric d jwrtmi nt and tholr bratrry In Kittle. ItwaMiiut iuijiOMiiblo that DouJayiuo VAillalioro no tuirtlculArrotiuibliuco to tho ilcturea In tlio queen a ikotch-look, ikotch-look, but ho aa n inairano and tho vealthiett rpanlh nohleuinn of tho time. Thlauui enough for tho judea tf tho IminUltlon. TherollreillnCantilonn arllatof ration ra-tion n. Ilia reputation ho not acldovod 1 j creating n new school or tho palntiii;r cf laluablo tiiiHttrpieiea, but by hia wonderful qnkkuoea and accuracy lu pitching urtralta. Ilia itaino wai I.aU do Lucira, but ho waa known among lilt confrLrea na TaprcaUi tho Haptd. Klu ilitw aeut for Tapreato. 'ilater," auld tho kins, "you aro to taako ael l-ral ftkotchert of a 11 iu couu. tcnancu, Tlio ivraon will Ihj at your dl jualtlon for two houra. How mauy coi lw tan ) on dellrer In lint tliuo" "At inauy iu uu? uiajeaty coia naiida.H "No Ihticryl Iinprlmla, I am not a 1-ilrcnaoil 1-ilrcnaoil na Majiwty, tin 1, Mtondly, an artut cannot bo(rumuiau led, bhall ) on lo ablo to iuako.iii good iKirtrnltaof tho fMo within tnohoura If jou receixo n couiiiciiaattou of 3,CKH Iiu)uui.a ptr copyr Ulio palnlcr'a greedy rea glittered. "If j our ma jcaty I era o 4mlon, but 1 And tho a ivlhltlou jut-lf it pleOMi our uiajcaty to honor tno with 4,000 pica) unei for each drawing, I lliali cuar anteo to lutiko fifteen copiea " 'Uoodt Youahall havo thosuintbnt If tho fuco you aro to delinouto chaugo from tlrao to tlmo nud tho cxpreaklona ar) conatautly, 111 It nut confiiaoyou? lteiitcmlicr, tho Lonutenanco will not bo an ordinary ouo, uu tho ccntraiy, it la to bo on extraordinary, a rcnmrkablo Solo 'Oh, jourmajeity, an onlro faco la ever a faicluatiiig HuJrl It la wmi-thing wmi-thing for Tihlih n real urllat jmrin. If ue.h a bubject nwalt mo I ahall ghull) Inrtray it for ha money .iy 3,(xi0 pli ayunea.' "fallencel Ono dooa not birgaln with errauta iu tho Icurlal, do to tho Al yuazH'a ckamber, Yott elll thero n celvo mitirial for jour work " i In tho chamber they handed thoar ! tUt tho ncoM.iry material and rcquert ed aim to atep Into u clnaeil kcdin. i'or a long tlnio he wai carrieyl through Hliclng hulls and corrldoni Finally tho carrlera toil luwliat thoarlUt i.urnilae.1 mint dtlmr bo u roum wlili low celling or ono whh.li waathronsnl with pevple, for tho echuoa loaned Thodooraof tho ti-lun WPro opined Mil Luuio lleniil out. At tho lint llancu ho rinogni2od tlio jlaco Al-thouhhi)liadnour Al-thouhhi)liadnour hem th ro Itfo.c Jet any ilmd lu Hpuln would hava kuoMn It, for mothers and uurici had otiiti reclle.1 lo tho llttlo onea nnrter their care IcrrlUo lolea of thu anfal cliamur Tie celling, wall", nrehea and llllira Were rorernl Willi Hick clotli. He p, n J lag from tho hugo jiillara Wero nmwlro ringa and clmlns hinting tho peculiar rut that accruea from dried blood. la ll.o comer lay Iron tonga, aclMoni, qoi-etly flailed poon, bamtnera, acrowa and other at range objetta. In tho rear, uion rt allghtly eUvated i latfonn, aat enl aepulchral, inuto flgurea attired in heary black, their facea cxnir.l with a clotli of tho aanio hue. At one aide tho wernk, trembling llleker of ii candlo in. knallled the gloom and horror of tho I lace. It waa tho chamber of tho In-qnlaltlon. In-qnlaltlon. Hut ono vUlgo upon Iho ealrndo wai nncuvered It mutliat-of thu grand In qulallor. Ilo waa aeated tqion n high ilialr amldUio judoaandwu attlnxj Ii n blaolc, pearl tttuhleil, miIii gown, which waa at rikltigly couaplcuouaamoii tha plain gannenta of tho othora, At the ol Inr Uo of tho court were a toblo an 1 throo atotla, ono of which vros nacmlfor tho arttat, tho othera lring occupiuil by two men who wero as thickly icliod na tho Judges. Ono of them hid a quill In his liamb Ho waa tho recorder Tlio other, who requested I.uoero Willi a hanghty geeturo to In scnle.1, auggesh'd tho king J.'ot a on was spoken. Action alono teemed lo suffice f After the artUt had arranged Ids material ma-terial tho pnrsonago at hie aldo garo an authoritative sign to tho grand InqnM-tor, InqnM-tor, who rrimted It to two inynnldons. Tlio myrmlilona walknl to tho center of tho hall and renuni.1 n cloth U tn-nth which a ball shaped ohjevt o re.l to morn. It was Iho head that l'anlo n as conmilwlom.l to depict. It w as m t it life lees heal revered from the body. On tho lontrarj , it w as n very nnlmatcd, n herolo heal, from which a jialr of nngry, fiery ejea accmcel to dart lUuiea. 'J ho brow ciproaaed n iioblo cvurngo, and tlii lips ovinceel tin ill met con-teuq con-teuq t. It was a hood of tho kind that warriors rctcro and women ndore, l'npruato rflnprtlieudnl tho situation ntonco. Homiut sLelchthongontilng changes Hint tte Cul larla nouM muko uiian tho face. Tho artist was not of atlmorons nv tare, but hocoull nut snpreunshud iler This Torquemadlan torture ion-inteil ion-inteil of a largo metal ceuL HIM with oil, lacod under tho floor directly U-nenth U-nenth an aperture. Tlio delinquent was forei'el Into the cask, tlio hiatus giving to iho spectators a fnll r low of tho I cud UnJi r tho cask a slow lire would li Ignited Ig-nited and Intensified according to till obstinacy of tlio rlsoner. I.uceru's era) on Hew over tho parchment. parch-ment. It depicted a face, tho c)e of which shot forth contempt, halo and uucouipromiabig disdain. I'opreato s nelghlnr glanced over the artist's shoulders shoul-ders and nodded approvingly. Tho grand Inquisitor 1 rernks tho si-lemoj si-lemoj turning toward tho occuitcel ho says "Hon Jaymo dAltla, confeaa to ) our judges When did )uil first rwak to Juana, tho daughter of Tiruando cf Tho lips oiicucd. "I Laio seen her only from afar and liavu never stioLen to her." "Don Jo) mo d'Avlla, do not attempt to decclvo your Judges. Yon havo lcn elek'Cted In dhhonorablo relatluns with Jnaun. Confess. What proof of her Illicit loi o has sho gii en ) our At theso worils tho herolo faco flushnl w tilt angcri tho eyes shot forth lightning I ttlances. Tho knight was suriass!ugly ! bandsomo at tlds moment. I "Your question calumniates tho one to whom you and ovcry Spaniard owes reverenco and duty, Wero I to conn, knuicoyounmcetlon 1 shuuld fwl self contempt, Tho queen Is na puro and innocent in-nocent as an angel from htaien " I.ui-ero was nbout to sketch this lu llg-limit llg-limit vltagii when his hand was staid by tho iraonago beslle hhn. ".Vcirr mind that: you will huio a prittu,r expression ex-pression prestently " Hu nodded to tho Inquisitor, who gavo n signal to tho two in) rmlJons. They 1 hurried away. . Hoon 1)A Ill's eipresslou clanged. Tho firo had bee n Ignited "Xow, then, Fairesto!" At frit tho e)is gl jwed and tho veins Uion tha brow began lo swilL A presentiment pre-sentiment of his ratowas mirrored lu tho knight a face. Despair, and tho frightful lognlianco of utter Ul les. lietsa dUilgurevl tlut manly countiunnco. It was an interesting niond stud), "Will on answer lnyquetlluiinow, Don Jaymed'At lloT reaoundcel throughout through-out tho hall in tho hollow, querulous olco of tho grand inquisitor. "May my tongue lw parol) joil forcvir if It rosp.J.J oi i-u In n slnglo sj llablu to ) our Itifimous qncstinu." At tlnaw words tho head turned toward to-ward tho Judgeis again lu fnll posMisslon eif tho herolo determination that It s 1 faltercel for n moment. Tho llii wero tightly comprowd na thmi.-h to keep back an exilamition of iaiu, rnd thu eyre eipreswHl ilerlsluu rather than suh-lutaslou. suh-lutaslou. Luccrogrus;eelhtscrd)onfor n third study. Tho tiro wa stirred and fanned. Trom tho whlto brow 1 irgo elro of irsplru-tlnullowM irsplru-tlnullowM down tlio fui-o, upon which tho intense) stnigglo le'tween an iron will mid uuspenkiiblo rain was ialble. Hildlenlyth crnin-l ilpa opelieil and groans wero .heard that mnst havo rile ite.1 pity from hearts lets hard tli..u those lu tho Inqnlrlllon. "Nov, Kapresto, drawr Tho csprevslou ih ingcd ns rapidly ra thought und gruduilly Ucama luotallie Slln I no longer i redomlnalul in IL Tlw e) es rolled wildly in Ihilr hollow toekets, tho mouth frotbad and tha lips emitted rposuindla turaos. '(Julckl (iuia.raiirottot Tlufourtlt study will lo ageuil' Tlio liro was ngalu stlmil and feel. "Don .layine d'Avlla, wllljoiinnsnoi my eiuostluu uowr asked tho grand in jnlsltor, In a calm but terribly tlguM unit tono. Tho head did not respond. It hul cuooihI to unathemntlze, but it bugrn to laughl Iho oxerueiatlng agony luul furciid llakulghttuuiBXhleuenl laui,hkr, aul litem to demoniacal )elU. 'llile horrible liughter causej tho iu) nnl loi a to trend lo, arid Lunru wua cempill-d to think of tlio gold that would sunn mako hltn ealthy in order lo quel) ids throbbing hunt, steady his shaling hands and aubeiuo his ttairs. Tim iiuMiii at Iho artist's sldo again ii'Khhd, Ihugrnttd ItiquUltor uu.l.r-lUxxl uu.l.r-lUxxl Hooider d tho lluinu. tobo jmr llallyexllngnlthetli othnruiso tho vie tlm would loo tooa Ludtlii end from kirturu. I Tho facoelowl lost lis ru-hty color rndgrnluallytooknllae id yellow hue Tho f alures retumivl somewhat to Uu if natural lines, e. it f arrows in tho shape of dlnilnutlvo reptiles a pearnl to lilt acroeo tho counrenance Not n vestlgo of ) outli or brouty roaialned. The sixth skotcli was finished. Tho Inquisitor again ejnerlcd, "Will yott ic 1) , Dun Jayine" The head had cuuiprthcmletL fowly it was llfteel, tho on tit tss.l wildly as though they vnwl 1 dart from their sockets, sock-ets, tho chin shook and Ml TJie sceiM wua on awful one, Tlio cold lienlte.1 anl rapacious artist shuddered as he turned away "Well, Faprnto, why do yon hesitate! This Is the moat Interesting study of all flio phantom hend rpoko In n thick, steriorotn voles), "FsdrnpI'i veil ebn 1 ahall answer your Tlm eyes rollod, tlto lids sank hoai ily, thu titi bee ume bine nnl rpmnime open the head drew lo ono sWo und Ml 1hv-Ily 1hv-Ily iikiii tho flagstone, liver) reatutd stltfenol "Hstliiguith tho Urtr cried tho inquisitor in-quisitor "Is not this a niagl6ctnt study? Draw It carefully atl at yeur liHsme. Ilo has f li'itMt, They will reilro him I reeentl) " Tliey did not ance-el, however. It) hail not falnteil. Ilo was) dead "YoiisluldfeIlowrcrlel the nrllei, when Dun Ja) lno'a elenth wnsniittuunreil " Waa it neceeiMiry fur yon to die at Iho eighth sketch! 1 lo-o I.IOJ plui) linear "Do tint fiar, you will receive the full amount for the eight studies. They hniobeeu sutrhly executed. Now,gu homo and retouch them." I.ueeni iter im! into tiio serdnnand was colli e) eel to his study In four days tlm lurlralta wero llnl eel They wero oniute-d with lerri niellly. Uli j raised them higL und sint them to thoepiecn O I tho fifth day it was nmionurcd that tlio queen was Insane. On tho elith tiny tho grandees i f Uastllo wero ni mbh'el in tho K-iurtnl when lliey wire In-formel In-formel by Fe Upo tiuit in conaeepte nco e f the queen a eh ranged mind sho woul 1 lsi tinahlo to govern. On Ihtseieutlidiy Fell thn n,ir was no longir ' High-ttemi," High-ttemi," but "JIaJety," and his nauio was written nboioJuana's uKinstatotlocn-inenls. uKinstatotlocn-inenls. On Hit eighth da) this tamo IVIIim lay iiipou n bier. Howufounl ehiad lu his cliuuiber that morning Translated from Dm Hungarian by Until Frleii I fur Itomanco, |