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Show Gleaned iu Valium I'uurls. In Commissioner Norrell'a couit yesterday afternoon the case of (Jtorge W. Carter (of the Valley bouie) vs. 11. II. Ilrlttow, to collect a board bill araouutlug to $111,10, came up. Dili-'w Dili-'w put in a counter clslm (or$Jl for a set ol false teeth aud a haudkerohlef, which he loit from lilt room while at tbe hotel, and alleged that he only owed 1:13,40, but waswllllug lopayjIS and settle tbo case. Thu oourt rendered ren-dered Judgment agaluit the defendant for the ninouul claimed. Thu suit of Charles Theldu vs. Countable Cou-ntable J. W. Camabell, II. K. Illoch & Co , aud Charles ltelfel, waa befuro Justice Whltehoru) i tlerday afternoon. The plain till alleges that on December 17, 169.', thu dofeudauta conspired to defraud hlmr thu result being that It. K, Illoch began au attaobnient suit agalutt Kelfel for 13I, and that tbo coualablu thereupuu lulled n saloon and fixtures be!onglu to plalntlll, which he value 1 at fJi)l. He demands the return of the properly, and dam ages lu the turn of -'J"- Tbe defense put In evidence to the t fT ct that Itellel owed Illoch A Co. (131. On December lUth.one ol thu Htm, learning that ltelfel wat about to till out, cailel to tee lilm about the acoouut, and wat told that ihello bad purchnted the saloon, paying $23 to blud Ibe bargain, and thai when the balance waa paid on the day following, the account would bo settled. Tbe next day ltelfel uud Theldu had some disagreement about thu bill of aale.nud Illoch .t Co , fearing )that tho)' uoald losu Ihelr money, began a lit agalutt Kelfel, and attached the saloon. Tin Ida now alleges that It was hit properly nt Ihu tlmu of the attiibuieut, hence the suit. Thejutllce took tbe matter under advltuiueut. ga George V, Adklnt, arrested reuently on tho clurgu of eijury, alleged lo have been commuted in Commissioner Moyer'a court, had hit hinting In Commissioner Martin's court yesterday yester-day afternoon. It wat charged that Adklus went upon Hie bond of certain appellant In tho comiuUtlotier'alcr.iirt, and that bu swore that be ownod to),-(JOi) to),-(JOi) worth of proterly over (and above hit exemptions. This was doubted. After Uenilug tbe tostlnuny, however, thu court unhesitatingly acquitted tbe nccuied. |