Show it t i r1 I I f i Fotico ti The annual meeting of tIle tocItholJen of the Ieoplei Equitable Cooperative Coop-erative Allocation 111 beheld be-held Monday Sept Jjlli 1893 At 71jo p mat their more 7 and 9 Main Street Salt Lake City The object of the meeting la to hear the financial report the election of officers for the ensuing year and tire transaction of tucli other hutlncu u ihall come before the meeting JOSIMI ANDCRION Secretary Salt Lake City Sept ij1893 Soiled The 1rlmary aitoolatloni of this Htaks will hold a conference In the AMembly Hall Haturday September Zxrd at lOs ro sodS l1 tuna 1leaie bring hymn hook K U CLAUBOM 1rriU Ftfeed fatthitlttte ND Carpet Company 30 2 at so as r xjriito SOUTH I Cash or Easy o 1 Payment II We have just received a carload of Office Desks and Tables mop o o 1 f 1 SRO o t Mantle and Folding Beds from 12 up Bedroom Suites 15 up Carpets from 20c per yard up Parlor Goods Summer Stoves from 125 up Portiers and Lace Curtains Baby Carriages Crockery Stoves and Lamps Gasoline Stoves at Cost I 11 U L 1 1 m u Highest of all in Ltavinmg rOlVcrI alcsl US Govt Report OX l kin l Powder ABSOIJUfflSKlf PSJUJS One loll lIon M I oir e r Irhil II ll tIre host of all tnckaxe colfim Ho BAY WI AM Connoul 0011 JrIClH drink laid Itaurt 4 olIO Garflold Doach Trains KflecllveHnt Uth and iinlllfuither notice Irnln tetween Halt Lake and Uirtleld lIch will run M follows Len Arrive loon Arrive Pat I 1111 lurlUll lUrn11 Oats lola h I 1 JHfu Jlui > uC toor lUpm 11P 141 11 110 1IlhiJIr floating Uanclrg Tare for boot trip only 60 rent U K lluniir Utueral Agent loosonger Depirtuient The attention or tcouotuloal home rel I called lo Ihe Hold llaud arlogi otto It halite I Uu The lluld llAiid Iqilee will bu alwayi lu yrur buuxholJ alter line trial Hirclil limn tchle durlnff the HIm HI-m uIIJI Sept II 18 and 10 trait will leone I n U I W Depot M follow 1015 nm 213 315 I 615 Oa3 T 10 n ni Leave Halttlri 12 m 1 00 4 SO 645 7100 1000 11130 nor UcKurrviOeuIlitiirlit scOOp titIan Hpcdu filled UammtiDtal Ulock All flnt cla Kroow keep loll linn I Colic In took try a iiaclia u and you will ha l Itnied i The loll < 1 Hand euro ha I always riot form lu I itunglli and Senor sad lull uulglit tico the hauiltouw plolurM oonlatned la tract IlAeh of hull lltn I Cole Halt liKko City dolt 110189 Tin illreotoM i bf the Woniani Coop arc pirated to announce to their numf ruin trill JDS tlmt Ihoy hnva rt mimed theIr ttMiaahlng Thanklnx Ihenifor lost Jr mole they solIcit their tinker pairo v 1Kiiu giro ui an rru II eutly call IInIohea tnlna Oulva I loIn llrn HAMIC lu thr world for Cult Jmiliet Herr Ulcer Hall Iliuni Fovr riore Teller t Chippwj I Handf Chllblilnf Oorni and all ritln lruiitloni ant podllvcly cure tile or uu pity requltnd III la I guaranteed to give IoCWtt atUfactluu or money le tondrrJ lrlCft 25 CIII hoc boz For bale 1 by A HIIIUhk 1 Cu hin letse Slalaa And lint Ilicj feellnr lox of aPPetite ami nervous hrratmOItOri am driven away hp I Hoo tOaratl arllla like mU intro the morning tun To reallte tire Unrllt of HiU great mtdloine Hire ibis trial ann you will join the anur of enthulutlo admirers of Ilooda Her laptrllla Hurt inicltDt eaiy llooilU Illli They tliouU bo la enary traveller grip and every faintly medlctn Clint 23 cealea boa 8 Atply I to Utah ll Normal College for private Inilrucllon In any tin if stony The toll llnnd Inckneo It I handiome tot the nuallly of the good buds tolls I Ira story No pockagu 1 colIc irma attracted 5 muoh or the cimeurotr4 attention a line loll hurl Icy II llr < > II irrioll A Hoa The Itadlus dentIst Dooly Block Hlrlolly llrrtclMi work at oueual Intro I llitrgtJ elsewhere licit wclt 01 Chlcauo n D PfUCES nam akiKlg iilPowde I The only 1uie Cream of Tartar Vowder No Ammonia No Alum Used in Millions of Homes 40 Yea ho Standard I i oi Chlldreti watrh Iho olitnltu of each mckee of Hold Jlainl lolTre to get the itndiome Mclure ton their scrap book A Ik I ll5 tel eialirmlKH Hue Mad by the Aniorlcan BrewIng Cuminny I vl HI Louis I l < brewed attire I tret harley and Hohemlan hop It ln iu a beautiful amber rotor n dellcloiu I bop n Urlll in er k7 < lIke Chain aice Fred H HaM Wlml ile ealrr 41 Kail Pint bulb Street Ball Lake City bush As An alIce llnnrr cnnre ytu will b piesnd wilt toll UIII Your brcakfeit Itbln will not be com Title without lId Hand ColTie If your grocer doe not keep 1 loM 111 l Cofffe jog hIs memory till be dues I keep It Have you triad loll lUnil Coflre I II Dot you have a genuine treat In tore Cheap but good The < loll Ham ofTre It nw on line high road la bo come Ihe rrople faiorlte 1011I Hand I nlTMi Is I a quirk teller Ihll In evIJitncK that II tIn popular with tine conum1I llia ashO help I you I y calling for loll Hand Colic when I ordering your grncemle I nlirnltr ril I Inn Fall term beKlueHepleiuber IS 1991 For catalogue and other Infornutlnn aJUrM 1 > 11 Allen Hill Like City Utah Carflold Doach Trains flfcUveHeptllth and until further noIre mains bvtwevn Halt Lake and Uarlleld lle cli will mona 10110110 Ion e AniOn lanre Arm > IIUK > lirlold Oir ild OitUko lOan lU Lm niipm 410110 SnIun Mum 10pm lilapm 4Wim llorm cupm lApin llalhlng llnatlnir IMnolna lire for round trip only I 8U cent D k IIUIILH General Agent loeceoger Department H J H JcnsoD the Jeweler hat removed re-moved to I three doom Veet tf Thettar Oft your Abar roots of lIIft at the ounty llecordern nice > They are madedlrtctlyfrmn hIre onifhnnal reoardi V hat It I mum atirattivn lunatIC pritly mo with n freih brlitht complexion 10r It ue roryoNtg Iownrii 2 Ask your Kocur for uld Hand of rr hiss I winner and li de > ervedly 1Iular = 11907090 Kept At Home In Insurance Premiums Since the Organization of the HOME Ill UTA1 npllnl li 230IOttO < A r 141111111 burcl fiOOIM fibber I Giant Co C Gcnl Agents 110 Mnlii MIred TV1OEL TEMPI TON hire Hotel Templeton It I oprn ll I Temple I unbar Tithing unictt I Kaglo iKtFDniKHETNMVd IlullJllu and all rolhU oflnlerent In Halt Lake City WJIITK HUIXK Holt and HUter Proprietor flJ to J2W per day MBIT mtniigeuieiit mint centrally located I lo-cated refilled and beat lintel mint table or the jrlco In lIne dry Arthur IMwirti manager HIt LaknClty file Cullen Hotel < > IMII on the KuropMU 11 lin ens ins Ma aol up writle cccl i < i < ifneo You wIll In Ilaeenl with Hold Pind I ConVr 1or tale 1 by all fritclan encore Wires hImrol I slrl you want sonIelhhn I 10 ireip you rcrrew I yuur youth Icy Vol j 1IlllItf JI o n A Irlead In need It a Mend Indeed acdliotleiithnonemllllonpeopl I I l iiav ouudiuoh a ftlend In Ot IClnefNiiw Dlioovery far Couium linn Ooughi f Cold If f you kane niver uied UiliQreat Couth Medicine cue trill will convince yu that It hat wonderful wonder-ful curatIve lowers In all dlieum of Throat Otmt and Lung Kacl totllr le I guannlttd to do 2 all that li Claimed or money will t refunded Trial boltlet free at A O Hmltk I Coj Drug store Large lotllri Ma Inrul II1al U u h Salt Lake Hot Springs Sanitarium Co G2 WEST THIRD SOUTH STREeT TIne unl vms I opinion of tIne llioUMiidt whit limo luatimol In lImo Rial talon llm Hirlni I llolh It I It U II lie fliml lonhr I 11 ever 151 I lIne ilei > nra moo yoteoco ant iplonJIJ OIlIlIoell Itltt be sot n to I bn appreclntod lreI nieeleslr elsenI aol epoohst l allentlon pM 11 tuwird milking llm front fao plNumit mil 1 aitMctlvo Ui woiuii rotc no whrtlur aloe or anCinOllunlOl l by oncorln rim < IKHI It I Krowlnit In n i Uilly ovory dup II = lj i No Iorinnronr sorrr lonnuitng onnnInrct lner ittei Tho Urgopnol I In tho ret r It pnnionlirly ai rwtlrn fur IflvO WI rlll All lnuiir tOe eirept for men with suit which I ara iSo rutcli Tool and > ull > wahed by Troy Iiundiy COOP FURNITURE co No 11 13 MAIN STREET During tho Btrlngoncy of tho monoy markot wo art soiling our Roods at a bin discount Wo are closing out our R rlaarators and Daby Carriages nt cost Wa have a largo lino of Car pols which wo aro offorlng at n bargain Call nnd oxamlno our goods our low prlcos will surprlso you TENDERFEETEH ROBEiSON BROTHERS L 300 SHOES 300 J local UednintoosioaU8utnoierOIroea 4401100L plIo53ntl iE Ahidaild rlfl Aiiboiil 40 VV First South Stroot THE OLD RELIABLE GodbcPitts DriJci g Co o rcillll 1 the Old Shod Corner Main and Flnl Soutn Brash The laro il and Belt Slook of Drufji Chemloil and Patent MEDICINES MEDI-CINES In the Territory PrIces Very Modor te rybodyoill anJ U Vo Imvo rcoolvoil n 1 consignment of n car lend or lioil nntl SiiiRlo Loungua it it tl Upliolalcruil Iirlor Furniture Ihatllltlst bo sold to I pty the Freight Hegar lOlls ofCoitl I I 11 DlNWOODBY POIIMITOUB Co jj j j |