Show A RELIGIOUS TEST that Is the First Tblij Applied to an Applicant for Work 1T 1 lIE JOIn Itinnc IIUIIIIIMI Thru It lie ApliliUiil llrtl DM In > ole 1 Ihe ttorut I llk1 lIe Ii I thuaneod Vm Miller who inlJfn unar Iho Uulou 1Mlflo depot In tier SUUeiiiu ward 01 thin city had I nu rxperlenio it tie elhy cad ojunly building tItle moiiilng Ibal Ia l at liilvimt It tin workwomen n Dr rally rtnd la Ihn luloa10 I In itirileuku I photo the money el the letter I h I lug met III lIu work SIr 1 MINT 10 n nttlvnof lirmany 110 hn hived In the UnUed Slain her Chilly yparr onolliird of lliut limn ID Utah llu I a olllteiiof iho United elicIt alit a Iupsr OltI a 100 ul Isuothy II deante to Ills oily I ruin blotu IhboS cmiit hIlrllIlIlbbll l I iiI ii-I lutrluutljr lltnl III tile city 0 irrpnl 1 jent Mr 1 MMIir imut n Moinmn Itlil 11 I i tTtr lIce Um louneelrd a llli lute Merit liuiob He gtve iheiullcmlni tocounl o liU dolt to the my mid county bulldltiK i today whither ho weut la apply wnth I ralld l at lie i > lnw I and ailinl I 11111 Whit Ma anting down luretupl > hunt llupiiliiuj mo In n tnnii who iree coin dUtlauco uvay I wont la Um latter eiijultnl lot aJb J The llltlliliiif lie hlj hi l mo war Wlwt celitlfryhtiea uyoIl1 Tamlal JomallU I Do ti u btluutt to the Mormon LhurchT Hki Ihti next iiutillon In I akd I maIi no ret and ho ncutou itArt Jon a cold I Yubl I replied What ticket all you blob to I nIL ailJ I In I k11 Unit and lu 1 iptaled thu iiueuuu t llieu tuld 1111 ym ml inderrtiud me I atkuj jou hit wurk nl not auyllilng atioul religion Itt pullllo Ito aid not Rim inn tliu MI ro I luniad away An I Was tolOeilTttul 1 ol Iho ID u HIYou ahmilil HUTU tola him jou would Totu tna Liberal llckt lininuu would havuKOl wotk Hit alo l jd lug Hint ulnu men Were anti an-ti nriirU lent I Friday bmaum It unn lunliJ nut Hint tlioy wrru nut llbltl Iliu lu indlvuuHlt who feet I I irmii lie lubllocr b limit Urn Ill I a ut al mliiMinllvu tjicluju taikuivii vu lellitloui cod politico littr |