Show TIII niuiir 111LTI11S I Homo inonllii ago Ibo Niva pub Ililied au account of a Cillfornla cue I wlittcln an editor wun adfudiod lu contempt for publliblug iroccodlnt oro I trial ether lUu court bad ordered him not to do 10 Tlie editor did 101 relish this performance and took tile tu iu me luprimia court ol liiuilalc wlilcb on Uio 11th luiUnl ojuiplrtely vindicated the Jouraallit and toppled Ibo court from UiatK raled pedeilal TliBapiellale tribunal declared Hut nu oou amp waicoiiimllled nod tint lie Ju KolJrlu li acted mlllely will lUljuniUlctlon In the t Irmlece when Iu orduud that tliu delude III wliul llioulJ hatu LWJII A publlo iruMudliii must not bo iubll > livd Tlio opinion rovl0a0 thu I law rlallllil l 10 couttmpt thus ir adorn of tliu pros und tin III oily of jufcb III U iromuuctl l tin llrtcomiiltludliLUuloiiof the nuljtcl tour liitudcil down by tlm court uutl will Uoubtliit llnuiu ai a precedent limnflurln Ilioietllcmiiiitof tbouiucli foaled lubjeol Wa should alt and moat ol in do hold tho higher ourli lu such rujcci at amount to anything IMIi Ida ol actual lorvlllly rots wu aocord to 110 mm or aitency Hut It should bo tin derttood that court liavu their mule indboundiof uulhorlty mid nunti ul luini lira a rlulit ti deny or abridge f = the freedom of the cllltn ncf 11 111 > < 111 unicltnt Owes duly ahown In ml ten I of doubt It It I hula islet to luo to the olds of the greater Illwrtn and III It lw yi bfoomlnn In the Jurist to aiiuuit no mOl than llm code and 1 rccoRUlieJ principle confer upon him Wllli moh understanding all around cclfty ihould bn I able lo gel 101 without chilling between the Judlolaty and thus clllieo eicli having rill hi to bo retpectml l and both having dullu 1 to be orformed |