Show Wasatch Literary Club Holding Its Annual Card Party Saturday Aft Afternoon Affair B Being ing Given Giyen at Elks' Elks Club Utah Delphian Delphian Delphian Del Del- As Assembly Announces Its Sixth Annual Banquet The annual card party of the Wasatch Literary club will be held at atthe atthe atthe I the Elks club Saturday at 1 1 p. p m. m The party will be a luncheon after which tables will wUl be arranged for tor cards In the ballroom of the clubhouse Guests will be re rec received by Mrs R. R E. E Ganahl Mrs Thomas E. E Rowan Mrs G. G W W. Browning Mrs W. W S. S Taylor and Mrs W. W WC W.-C C. C Vissing The party patty will be in ln charge of the entertainment committee which includes in In- the following Mrs Thomas ThomasE E E. Rowan chairman Mrs W. W C. C Vissing vice chairman Decorations MI Mrs W. W H H. Bawden chairman Mrs W W. Bj Roberts Roberts' Roberts Mrs Mra arl B. B Schofield Mr Mrs Louis Schank Mrs Irs Ernest Urien banquet Mrs A A. G. G 1 Tallman chairman Mrs R. R T. T Sallis Mrs R. R A. A Broadhurst program pro pro- gram grain Mrs Olive King Lindsay chair- chair nan man Mrs W W. V. V WIegand Mrs Albert M. M Mr Daly-Mr A. A E. E Kennelly Reservations by may be made by callIng callIng call- call Ing members of the ticket committee which includes Mrs W. W S S. Taylor chairman Mrs T. T F F. Farrell and Mrs R R. R S. S NuttalL The sixth annual banquet of the Utah Delphian assembly will be held Saturday evening at the Hotel Utah he guests of honor will Include Mr Mrs Mary E. E G Goodenough national organ organ- izer zer and past presidents Mrs Conrad Con Con- ad rad Jones Mrs Mn L L' N. N McClanahan n E- E EE E.-E. E. E Martin MarUn and Mrs Rhea Carier Cazier of Ogden A program will follow fol- fol low law ow the dinner r and Mr Mrs Raymond Raymond-J. J. J Ashton ton will give I a welcoming ad addres ad- ad d- d dress dres I I Salt Lake Loke auxiliary to o the alumnae will hold it Its bridge regular bridge luncheon Saturday at 1 p p. at atthe the home tome of Mrs Mr- Grant Macfarlane First Firt avenue venue The assisting hostesses will be Mrs Mr B. B H. H Robison Mrs Bertram Smith and Mrs B. B N. N Robinson Robin Robin- son S The National Federation auxiliary y No 6 of the Post Postal l Clerks will give a Halloween party Saturday at p. p m. m Mrs Doral F F. Cutler i is general chairman and will be assisted by Mrs Thomas Madron and Mrs Welby K Johnson The decoration and entertainment entertainment enter enter- committee will Include Mrs B. B S S. S Chambers Mrs Rosan Williamson William William- son Mrs Roy Boy P. P Cahoon and Mrs Milton Oman Oman- U Utah State society Daughters of ot the he will Revolution meet Saturday at p. p. p m. m rat at the home of Mrs Jack Jackar Sears ar Fourth avenue Mrs I. I J. J Armstrong and and a paper willbe will willbe willbe be given by Mrs Lee Green Rich ards Assisting hostesses for the afternoon afternoon after after- noon will be Mrs Maude P P. Huntley and Miss Clare Patterson of Ogden S Junior lodge of A. A O. O U. U W. W will meet Saturday at 1 p. p m. m at unity balLU halL balL U Evening section of Lynds chapter No 1 O O. O E. E S. S will give lve a bridge luncheon at Z C. C M. M L club lunch lunchroom lunchroom lunchroom room Saturday at 1 I p. p m m. Miss Mw Florence Florence Florence Flor Flor- ence Stevens is is' general chairman assisted as as- by Mrs Osra Ona Hausler The committee committee com corn consists of ot Miss Lotis Ivory Miss Sadie Sadie- Bergman ML Miss Anna Jones Miss Mw Mildred Miss Emma Guy Miss Abbie Lowe Miss Elvira Hartman and Miss Mw Manolia McIlvain Reservations should be made with Miss Florence Florenee Stevens or Mrs Mr Osra Hausler The Phi Mu sorority atthe University University Uni Uth- of Utah will entertain at a prettily arranged luncheon at the chapter house Saturday noon In honor honorof of Mrs William H. H Rowe district president of the western chapters Mrs Rowe will arrive Saturday mornIng morn morn- jag Ing for a brief visit and inspection of the chapter Miss Lois Is 15 chairman of arrangements Ladies Ladles of the G. G GA A. A R. R will meet for luncheon at p p. p m m. Saturday a athe at the the Z Z C C. M. M L tea room S Democratic ladies ladles of the Third precinct precinct pre pre- pre pre- will ata entertain at a bridge party Saturday at 2 p. p pm p.m. m. m at the Belvedere lounge Mrs Mr Lawrence A. A Epperson Is 15 in charge |