Show I Hate Ton eHom1 the II not It will pay you 10 investigate dvnugu or Forest Date before buying elsewhere We have our on water In mOIl durable water pipe system 01 east Iron pipes and the nerohtp the extension or the uter Including purchaser the pipe past your door costs en In Forest I > ale little If any more than laying the main In most cities The advantage this affords wili l be I Icadily water belongs lo the seen for the residents each purchaser ora lot being i allowed bit proportion ol the capitalS capital-S d the Urn Dale Water Com and It rests with them 10 fix the pany water rates chargetl Tire espen or running the systemic very email and of laying the o ns alter the first upense mains Is I paid the rate neW not be more than one tenth those charge by Ball Lake Clly hays Toai tfd Injlhlnst Some people have been waiting for years for land to reach bottom I price In the meantime they have PM rent and If tiny have made any Improve menu or done any work on their red I dencet the Improvement have been I made or the work done for their landlord Many other people have tulll home and while those first mentioned bays been waiting lor something to turn up have paid for their property and now own the house that shelter them Root Let la Debt unless you feel assured you can jet out gain flat If you have money saved buy a home If you lave an Income buy home It pay to have an objec In view and there Is no more worthy object than procuring a home fur those dependent upon > ou My clerk at room 331 Constitution Building will Rive you price and how > ou the property Goo M CANNON Owner Cash paid for Water Scrip at Cannons Real Estate OOice 331 Constitution lluildlne REFRIGERATORSter Best in the World from 400 up Baby Carriages I for 475 and upwards I I GASOLINE STOVES = rAND r-AND RANGES at 25 per cent discount CARPETS AND FURNITURE ut lowest prices 1 41 Cash or oasy payments FREED FURNITURE CARPET CO 30 to 40 1 Third Suit S I I Highest of all In Leavenlrj rower Latest U S Govt Report R oai Bakiofl l l o der ABSOLUTELY PURE lllull CocxciL tonight The Twentythird quorum of Seventies slit meet In the tjeveulli ward luoellllll boon tomorrow ironing al 730 Till miMlllltlll tVI ULH loin ls found only In clue Weber riauoe for half a century the favorite of inuilclin Call and bear them at Coulter A HnelgroT lo 71 Slain Hr BUTTER I Choice basket butler lIe pound For < a fw days only lltrnei lady Co3 said 30 Main rttrit On or stout June hlIbo Hole Mirket will remove Iwo doors north of priseul location IloimiT HiiEimoon rotniii iiiiiir ICIIIKUMI Will rally at Taigarii Hall First and O atrrrts Tburidsy eveulnr at 8 oclock Uood speakers will addreis the meeting and glee club will ron Jar new music ruualcU If U MCMILLAN lr1 in Tin Iiniiii JInln secured tho moil beautiful ian i-an adjoining our railway Iliuutl Ml wewilloren U I lo lb public on UAUKDAY JUMI lob as n KIIMT CLAM tUIIIIJ1I llrjum and dashing ao appropriate frame for II we propan lo gins so annual pans over our rood to J 1 r the party whoseuds In the most ao oeptabts uinie to the following judge John J Daly 1 W M lien and Fred Auerbacit Tub beautiful aeon resort Is about 10 mile from llm city by our Itallway via Decks llut Spring Hound trip 1 Including admlsiluu lo tire resort S4 cents children SO cent Trains far the reiort end Ceulervllle leave Depot Cur Third Writ and Hiuth Temple street 090 630 and 108J a nn anti 200 83J anti 7DJ p m dally TLeesmpany iln make special rates to UuudtT Hchools and IICuto 1arllei sod sclal trains will be run when required lid uunamed resort will bave a spacious bowery and dsuclug avlllou lots of shade trees and an abundance of good pur water Muo every day ana no Implicating liquor will be sold i ou the ground flea fill out the coupon below ando mall and-o send It to John J Italy Chairman Chair-man care ol U H Ir < t j 11 H Sty before = be-fore June loth when the award will be made by committee Trains fur Hot Bprlngs leave dept every half hour outing tins builum parlof thadsy ItutlMUTlill 1NCIVD o INU It At us 115 centi Very Truly Vonn UnrAT HALT J < AKI A HUT HiniMrii JlAILWW CUMIAMY M1MON llAII iiuiuKii OKNIIIAL MANAIIKII FtlGUIII1IO eu VI truss or nova nOUT 11 Ad deea nAtinirii iiiatn rimr Commencing May Slit trains bc lessen Ball Like and Qsrtleld will run as follows Leave Hall Like 71 1020am 200 300 and t 690 14 I in Arrive Halt Ink 124J s 400 ttli OIU sod 11 IIIIU I it in tlliuil rood tally tieirtUon dij Olsoni orchestra attendance every afternoon and evening Fare roundtrip round-trip 60 Genie D I Ii Iluntry Osnl Agl 1assgr Dipt Awarded lllchcst Honors World Fair DR tlfli CREAM BWNi PQII MOST PERFECT MADE A pure Crape Cum of Tartar Powder Tic j soon Ammnla Alum or any other adulterant 40 YEARS TUB STANDARD au bur Stn the Ilalte Him 1aprr Mills Co I 37 and 878 Weil Klnt H ulh corner Third Veal will payyuu goal pole > > fur Them I They also la Junk et all kinds line your 44 aad sores ables In eiu iinR it will in a sett dnMiii hoi it Lien etlet flank A iruit Co Hem lr ib a r areal lT auaeu te w few Mnli 1 er nnith Udxiiiwuill Ir KilleJ te Ball aida aid-a vaiu let your Abstracts of Till at the County Ileoorders ode They are madadlreclly Ih original records Th wnnrr I 550 Menu In 1111 Ih rsraroe 0Innanlnh enller e This valley is I not only full of bit lorlcal remlnlir > bulls OM of Ibo finest agricultural < < full growing < < sod dairying countries lu tine worM The plate for the fsrmerlho manufacturer the dairyman and Ibo stock Mlirr The hill am full of Iron ore and coil end the valleys abundantly pro Juctlve The oltmale Is 1 a golden mean pleasant In summer anJ delightful In winter rams water la I abundant and purr Land are cheap and can be secured by Stun maroon hers on Ibe anal favorable terms Com and luok over Ihli region while Ibo growing tint und grate dsmonitrale the firllllly of the anil aud Site genially of the climate If you with to make an Investment that you will nerrr Ihlnk of except wllh unalloytd pleaiurr or lit scour a home which will be the dellihl of yourself and family dont let this opportunity op-portunity mass I unliuprovrd This Is I not the veritable UarUrn of Ixlen bul It 1 li 1 one of the bell regions to be found In Ibe feel I country Ibo world For further Information call ta or addrn M V Itlchard > Land and Immtgra lion Agent 11 A O H 11 llalllmore Maryland The Cullen Hotel open on Sirs European lilan rain S2UO and J25U srday I Ueorg Culloni Assigns wknrakywassbeb I weeamksecaNeeia nn aP i on a Ckui = aeiol fur CutorU Wine 100 U eu MUt sire skat t 0 Cannel VOwa itii UJ CUUn lit itkji Cuwrla 1 to teraawl New end ehganllr I rrnlshsd Hoomi stlust I II 1 ene halt black north of roilcnio Nal3Ps Went Temple Saltair l Beach TIME TABLE L m Dilly SlllArrlio Dally Salt Lake Lake Ig I a m 1230 p nL I 2 pm 43p p m 4 R p I m 040 p m o p I m U50 p m 8 p I m 1030 p mIn m-In Infect 1015 n m May 3lit 189 N W CLAYTON Mgr The Saving Department of Tho Utah Commorclnl tit Savings Sav-ings Bank will keep open Saturday Satur-day till 8 oclock p m G j Par Cant Intoroat Paid Compounded 4 tlmainyoar r AaniTKi U X ttaxiKO ItI lint Oihier I mort Donuty For eomrvei for Impeornerenl I 01 the eem I Ireton u only 1uuorl 1uwusel her 1 1i II bvlblDc rqtitl to It II IIDiSTEIIT The Cbnp Cub Urixir IXilir lo I rim tupl > i > 4 rioT Urocirlei G li aouia 51 lt klm acal WISCOMfi COMPANY Sinpio Fanny end Ocean Orocolol D8 Bait First South Street DESERET MEAT MARKET 33 C South Temple SID Hilton Co Prone Family Trada Solicited OD June lit lets I lull lUuate from nr Kftll pl lice 1 or b l a lee < i Ilie ulalie lire II ile Alae M 10 l > > l m u s doo oh 01 Iveslloa wbich sv ll t l e known slap oast Ioaato0 ikMILK I IA > K A llAKtKV uliere I ib ll t t il bu trtlr rrinrltl to cnteruln an d I ester to the won of mr Itnni sod Ibi uWlo Loner sly 1hO iAlD I 7uu fur jimr luul taros IIMIKCItUllr S P BALL J P FOWLER B7 South Wool Tompln St HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHING lErr JIIIXE Soul TO OllllCIl hllltrlD ids I UUOI ce slgat slue goad work upoIr Carthoy Dumbeck PLUMBING ° STEAM HCATING do GAS FITTING No JOJ South West Temple bt Telephone QI J W BOYD NCW PORTING I GOODS O HOUSE Tine Gun Impairing Guns Borctl for Mtro i 31tpal 7t nf I Second South Broom Notel OODEN UTAH Iht150 3 per day Special rates to renter boarders Irec 1 sampto room electric IlKht team heat cent Ufhlk rally located 1 bloclii front depot lliibTKK HROOI J 1roprlclor JW FARRELLCO PLUMBERS 137 Main Stroot Oas Steam und Hot Water prating I Itctrlc VliliiK Gs and Llcctric Fx 1 Lures Water Service Pipes Laid Ilidranln and l Street Washers ally all-y lcod and Iron Pipe Fitting Etc TEIONI 200 HENRY WAGNER sxrr UK racy CALIFORNIA BREWERY Lagor Beer Ale and Porter Mksisats x001111 Ii Llld roalk8 Jook nl these Ladles homo mesa I apes Ties racy mall Hulls at Jean e Cutler It Ilros11 Nibs HIII I They also mike Mens und Iloya Suits I from Provo Caulnicrts al reaiouable pricei earl 1 Lw Y eewenar en Will clean your premises from Toe to llUOmonthly 0 < iiiools A specially Ilex 108 cal yIn y-In tiuyluic or relllnir Second Iland hoods we recommen l the I X U 41 I rail Hccoud Hoillli norl oils wanted Dr llutrow Icuili Aurlit and Op llelsn Hitclacles nUN Commercial lllock Tits moil itrikinn Stators nf the age Is J brit Shown In he new Willie sew Ong machine Hu error to all othurs limy are sold at lowest r rrlff end t on eeilnt terms br Ii I Hall SI writ FIret I Hnulh street Call and dumb or write for circular anti prlcii GOOD ADVICE rro Insurance r Hard Trnol UrIeR 1 to of Aeyn rrne the rroltr I 11 w proper fiff l d to n n nr at IqprN h enT w pteereen wits pin Wbr o q lb eua nil b MI e hl M era Lw 1 04 Inn dl n I ea lib hI W Y wr m n ar kfArr ro antfb bra4 toegrlnolA r Meg d 11 n1 uma rowan Ipso r + ua or tolS Inn preerrr ed 01 hr 1100 dr tnr vaaued In I nrnwnruo ar yIIr e to to + in ltol don Ma blb of inoenc 0 itirviaeltSt eniy 1Mu r me TUB MAOAHA TUB luntronn Tllr rKsmvAti Till lIIIIOAS om4 Assra Uer lneo70 fleter JI J Grant 4 rUI C Geol Agents 200 Alaska Refrigerator ANY JUST OllirKS ARimiU T1IIY TMKY UFCIMVPI USE ILSS FIRST I ICE TIIA AWAIU AND MMIMI Al Till WORLDS AW I AU SIZIS ALl IRirCSFKOM 400 U1 BPlEY J Jl RI i r GES i WITII RAiL REARING IHCVCIn WIIKKI AND TIn VERY IIHST KUIIRnK CUSHION TIES ALL I NEW DESIGNS FOR 1894 1RICl 1 54 00 UP UNIVERSAL STOVES AND RANGES ARE Till FINEST AND IIIST IN THE JNn < FVI RV 81OVI liUAKAKl I > IKICUb WITH ULL SET Of FURNITURE 1325 UI CARPETS DRWR1ES LIHOLEl WALL PAPER CROCKERY AND RUGS FEATHERS CHINA HATTING GLASSWARE AII OTIIFlt DEPARTMENTS NOW COMrLETH H Dinwoocley Furniture Co h DO YOU Ira soBATHE t J IF so > OO TO THB O 1 1 SANITARIUM And lake a salts In 1 the pools or n bath In the Imported 1urcel3in tube AIL IJATIIS 2SC rcti jVTHIRD SOUTH All suits and towels wuhe Troy Laundry JOS J UAYN res COALTEU tr rtldULeJ DAYNES S A I COALTER Lt I r Thc Salt take MusIc Dealers r PIANOS ORGANS Gullro Stendollm Iullnl J And u j51 bhI3IIIlc nooKS al 1011111 rlces In Utah CO MAIN STREET John Henry Hmllh Irsit Abeam II Cannon Vloe1isit 0 II lentil Seey tTrij W N WII11mi Hupu Coop Furniture Co TTs bare mails a general reduction la prices We do not claim lo Mil si cost nine do we employ any other method to deceive the pUblic but we do claim list our PRICES ARE THE LOWEST Wo hare a complete line of FURNITURE AND CARPETS ETC And our Roodo are all new and slllio Call sod lie us and U yon buy you will eel Soonest treatment BttOSlln 1D4 feU11ett 1os Iresiero rn1D4 SODA WATERS CIDERS FLAVeBINQ EXTRACTS SPICES Etc Purre Spices Croon Fresh Daily FAUIUItI 7401 701011110 lrNt Molt lAke Clly Utah Ihullo a01i 101110 Mahn SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO ORDERS BY HAIL OUR LITTLE SCHEME 19 TO MAKE THE EST S5O AND 3OO 0 0 SHOES FOR MEN o THAT CAN DE MADE m DONT FORGET TUB LITTLE FOLKS EITHER OUR BOYS AND YOUTHS SHOES HAVE NO EQUAL IN PRICE OR QUALITY ROBINSON BROS 35 Want pleat South TilE OLD iiELIADLE GODBEPITTS it DRUG COMPANY Are still attire 1 Old Stand Corner Main and First South Struts The largest and best stock of DRUGS Cheralcleiand Patent Mdicins In the Territory Fried ocrl modi me Everybody call and see us |