Show A ether a use 1ettat t IIIUII mil alulae a well 00 the iarm I 01 John Wallet near lMlllno IlouglM county IVaih the wolo at it depth fit G foil I detected a hollo aiwtrlog round totbe blow ollb pdac Tapping the lldx of Ilia well 1101 broke Ito aramo with a cacti I aired IrMO of lrrnnIR along bal T tQw1 tI olc lU > > lJIlIt oua nNllnM 10 1r ItIIIT l ereheah71a1 a01 errhtr lhrtresm Woe eseliydiett Pd Into the well od Tie Palter will bavo an Ineilm illlila I ur > plr tit pure I runolog w alot TWrourM ol the etrrenm Ca not pr 111 with the ravlat In which ILl Hll woe telog unk but mwd It 1 almost right analM Onvnnlan |