Show Till SIlAS lIlmr huh cleat I AlohotlAsi ppal I lor Alii JilSIMillAM 1 I Ala June OTb tim chIle lu Alabama la I believed lfujtlcilly broken flue euliut I toil I ytiierday wai 10UUU tin lit 1 tm bird of the normal ouiput I till itnuu Negro aud ronvlcl I I In I tevented coal lauilne nnd o lbs sink hll beeu lueUcctlv ililuricommittee bet Ittued an I ai l for aid for Iholl eitiieil g whom I lleblUrin I Iretldeni Funnier of lAlitima mlueii baa been called lu mliui Ubio by a telgram from tOnI anti iicooy blln Iho stUbs loon be ordered oil A C < JAI IAUINE 1 ruUtHY III June 6Th coal lu lu Ibis cllou U I now at III 1kt and will lemaln to ai long tin uiloen retrain from work I All tie III factoiliehav beeii uitoiuipeml for want of fuel tills hunter farulllei completely Hoikand food Ii growing won sr J hip ins Wabash railroad Ii I moBbIng their Iralni which are Olin lUll and tbciu vngluci are oj Will Each which berttofor wai IJiG hllIIUI1 Ti road net being all to run their Khtiluleol Iralui their I Hit of out lie bu loon reduced In nil I Ibu 1 NO litoumK VET CKK raiT 1a June 7001 00010 leo Just arrived flout IMUt ulloJ uo ut utlei Ore ou II ai hid i etedby Ito walling crowd n tijhtily en atlonuit will b made QI tIe Aatloual lube Work la operate S priaialloDibavel booth mall to Oils work acid no workmen have 0l0i I Jloeutertheuoloiure I lu aihuatlon l I critical I but no 110 loUul 5 lbg ai new men 111011 iire not brought luor au al 41 mate tti nhrume the liani J Jl htlioiiT It Juno 0Neor Its it417 Wilhieflol uch cnei of S 01 hew 1 ant tbe Inability of Iho OtOotIie O I to cope iII Ohm law I break i It bate ijtu enacted hone ioiay 511V iu ttna during the nlghl uff iJ trW nut of the atrlke at T II ffin I Vor f anti tba strikers I allir kZ1 Jwlwitieil Ihe lollce broke ha mill r a4 > sod made yiteu t 71 tin worki and their l cur 11 ita 1 LiDt I resumed In two depart lo t iou7 ant uljnu Iwentyllve T I d i yoik Tue bewmulcklj I J ha by noon a mob ol ueailj Ocetnuhiud ohout tue gain I 1I0 iii lie Ibloorance ol 1 Ito work l I4t L Iol oh hit mn 10111111011 > In iUlal Uha iuu 1 n iSJ llual < l logo I lo their J prr Ulh by the mOl III I HII disbouseth lu tall bul > k IOOblitg rUe1all amid by 0 I Ill 4 I abll 601lG 1n01l wora I1 0se M lourhii 0000Ut end Ir1 was 1011 H I ti > i iruurlbi Uf lb mall wart roroUnrr They cupturnl a Star woikman oat tteatiiliu terribly Till IICIDIIRA lltl NUT COWl Ko atleiniit was male la han up Ihu lube woikt today 1 Hie ttrlkcri art toarmliiK uraund Iho work mud lIrul Trouble I will follow any atltiuil t to Introduce new worklngmen or df mini The rnt 10 rn ilepulle rxpeoteil daybreak did notcomt It It coil lion compauy will not Iry 10 rMuiue lor the niiil About 11 oclogk lome ono wino amoalt Ibo rlbIUDd sititoutocci Ih1 liion wore working at Ole aback bhiee > acron iho lIver A ru il l ruih was mad I > joool Soil moll Tile 111110 it Jubn Dull caine down bur tile un iluitbt From Ihero tbe cr wd IlIad a husk for a new tlpplu being vreclr l by I John Mclnlyro a mile auoTrwhlcli Hut Iho nino Isle line I lack lIbel lint not brin load ute i f for ytin Thu city wai limit deierted tills alter noon by Iho departure of 1101 < ttrlktri tu C > luJ u Ihrra tulle loutb ID Unlroy the coal tlpplei its obict being to cnllitthoMriKliK nilneri for their iauv Uaplnln Mcloljtu narrowly nar-rowly icapeJ IjrnchliiK atth bami fit I Iho mob whIrl dtitroied tin 1orl View llppet General itanager Con ltin staled lint no vpuly ilirr lit liaij b traIt asked for maul no mill will br liuj nrd lo niart t Iho work CAMNUS nAciu IN IIMITIUN The duller have obulncu three hart 01100110001 which wci used by the II intittad Mrlkrii two years aiiu lliry I were pliulnl III a cool tniudlnit poililQQ ou its river bank alwul WJj rJ apart and manned by I r or eight amos ouch One of lnu guns l o luavlly loaded with railroad Iron IbtrewrreprobiblyHX I men hur In Ihorlollnic y lerd y loult Manlln and Joirpli Kilrteky tutltlued In IUIII8 whIrl nosy result fotaily Mayor Andre IIM IxuvJ a proclamation ciutlonlni tbu people not loooiitro galooii lit shreetoon noun J tho works IIIK SITUATION LHITIUAU At 1144 oclock ouml tltlkm irylug lltlamie left for luiunii to burn its thrIce Th y thletlen I I to cut all JI Imraeilooio ou Ihe river ss llu < y much down Mayor Andre Inurd anolhrr I rocUmitlou 13 oclock ouuiniinJIuK all unemployed la Hop eoilKliUklliiK on Iha lItl uiJtr penally of iirieil and orderlUK all alooii and whole isle liijiior IIOUIMI rloiv iiuill furlhrr order The lIbation limoit crltlcil Tim sinkers cannon uiinauili the brlift molt th railroad and will rile UU any depitltabrnunlit In IIKAIiy toil IKMTIIITIMI CAIITI UMlii III Jun liThu mhu are willing tor thoihoilir acid military la make a morimini Tlo wIres bate I 100 u rut ircTentlm con munlcallon wllh llruili aud lilitwonly guardaat Iberulotti Illim WITIIUU1 tUKL CIIICAUU Juno OUoloII lIter ore luimedialu lards tiiini nU ol oiul tu thl < loll by UIITeMri mm dealer Inn lint two or three day will whose th lyliiK up of a laruo uiimbtr of 10 ers TIter little I KIIIKJ dayi eupply in ball and It woo autrtul that the upply stored In Iho I larger veete dI 1 il would bu eihatutod 111 tho neil two dayr 1IIMXAUTAWNKV lu June OOte hundred and lofty membcii of Iho ci al andiron joihos i tao Ukeu oiieilou ol uiluci No I and 0 near Iturallo lIumre ala rIfe ILnl a large force of oieratltrn will bo Impelled today Trouble It eared 011 JeeAeqlellsd lllHMINUIIA Ala June GCIII Jon > a blolber 01 loreruor Tlioiui U Junti hai tren ariullted In the criminal court of Ilia launder of Dave Jnckion colored |