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Show m KEKMiV CAMIIDATKS. 'i Oae of Tlirm 11 111 ll.i to Hie Ganlo anil if tlio Other to the Ill-Mil Till. I Ms fleorge Palmer, alia John IMIulch- J1 lnataneiCbloago attorney, who baa 1 been In thla city for the year lait paat, fl and whoao alleged purlodlcal attompta 'J ataelMlcitruotlou nnl oocoalno tud n?rplilne hablta have made lilm an object of pity, wae befdre Juattce Kea. M ler thla rnQruingou tho cbargo of-.ag ' I rancy. lie waa ale, neivoua and . haggard aud eactted the eympatbynf ,' all whoeawlilm. He pluad not guilty 1 and explained that he had wrll to. , , do brother In the World' l'alr city l who would probably aaalat blm to go i ill tutake a courae of treatment at tow , fr local branch of tbo Keeley Itiatltule, Lr The Couit ieraonally acouinpauled. J'l the unfortunate victim to Dr. Uruvca .M' . ofllpo aud made arraugemcuta for hla Lfrj keeping until hla brother could be VW oonimunlcuted with. , AhOTIIHI VICTIM, !; Jamealiielatbe iiollco court tlllenf ii'c.f largo and muacular two hundred if pound Inebriate who pleat guilty to iiU, druukenneaa and then tuked the lenl Jjji ency of the court. Ho mild that he had IsfL bten making ptiiratlona tor teverul 1 daya to "go to the Keeley" butlatt ,tl night he got full "leforo everything nw. waa ready." (U The Juitlce remarked with atraln to 2lr bobuuioroua that tho prtaouer would Jjn, be In a better pby.lcal oiudltlon to i 1 enter the reformatory alter hu had Im bibed Wa.ulcb otjuo for About five daye, while taking vlgoroua eierolae In the city gravel III. 1 ho big fellow did not like the auggeatlon of tbo oourl and a led Iruui before tbo Judicial dlaa by an olllier to at onco inter ution uUlncaiceiation. |