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Show (om: io his iii.ii. YraTEnrm, the mortal remain of Leo ltaefell were laid away to real. Wa an aorry that Information aa to lb tlm and place of the funeral wna not mora widely circulated. If tbey had btn known ther would hav been, so doubt, an attendanco of many mambert oftno preaa In order to abow tbelr tympatliy with tho bereaved and render a lait tribute to the memory of the deceaird. l'rofei-aor l'rofei-aor Uaefell waj a man of mora than ordinary learning and culture. He wat proficient In teveral lauguagee, a writer of comldtrable ability and a bright aud original thinker, lie waa unfortunate 'la financial mitten and had falllngi which lilndtred hit pro-great pro-great materially. Hut he wat of a ganeroua dlipoaltlou and gtnlal hablta aud wat icdlugly ttntltlv to klndneaa or a alight. If ho had been made of aterncr ttufl he would probably havo been more tuccetiful In life. Wa grlav for bit alllloted wile and children, and hope that tbey will be comforted by kind frlenda In their hour of trial. They ahould not ba left dtatltute, nor ahould lh faulta of tha departed obecure hla vlrtuei In th eyta of the living, or cramp the hand of charity In extending extend-ing needful help aa well aa kindly sympathy for thoae whom he hat left without provlilon for tbelr tupport. litollaefell larawell, and may you real In'eacel |