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Show The "loolriliutor." Tha latitat number of thl popular megatlno ha a ant-rate labia of con-lent,aa con-lent,aa will kaaeen by tha following Hat, One of the principal frature I a richly llluatrated deecrlptlvaaketch of "Colonial lloaton," by Joatph M.Tan ner. "At bl Daughter' Wedding," tranalatad by Leo Ilaefell; "l.a-tltla. "l.a-tltla. A llomauca of 'The I'olnl,'" Jotephlna tjpencer:" Wlnga," ranalated bjr I.eo llaeell; "Al-mini," "Al-mini," (continued toryj. Nepbl Audenon; "Moral Faculty In Anl mala," lleiplca Flnem; Art "A Modern L'hrlat," (lllualraied,) lMw, 11. Anderaon; "Church Kmlgratlou, illl. "Detailed Immigration Accouut, lt.VJ.lUl." Andrea- JenaonJ KdllorUI. "M.I. A. Normal Work',""I'eraonIAl-l-stranca of Coluinbua," Venluiy; AbeocUtlou Intelligence: "(leneral Conference,"" rrogramme,""Mlalon. try Hepoita," Mualct "MUtlonary' Farewell," "School Thy Frallnga." Published by tbe Cvnfnoufor cum pany, Ibl city. |