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Show IiATKST TKLEOKAMS. A raeilen Slchl Com., March 18-Thn balllnvrblth n publlo lecture was being given lu North Cork loiilgbl, was the rcojeof a faitlun flulll belwren the I'arnelbtee slid niitl'l'arnelllttn. Msny eisona wero Injuied by missiles. Ihe AearrhUl lis rranee. Paiiih March 18. The government fears thalthe communists will tsku advantage ad-vantage of thalmarclilstludlaturb'tnces to cause troubluon the anniversary of Hit Mil of thn commune, May 27. Hpeclel military an 1 clvlo precaulluua have been taken to prevent It. f,r. n.,llll.n. Wahiiiutux, March 18. Senator Morrill sed Ihemoet fsvorabl night since bla Illness, and every symjtom Iiolutsto convalescence. To Work tlnlr rive IISTS a Week. IxjNLos, March IB The delegates to thuconferentool tho miners' fede-rstlon fede-rstlon decldtd today that aflerthe men resumed work on Mouday tbey should work only five day a v, eck. Illll-.l by Inlllnc Tlalta. Bt. PrrKitsncito, March 18. Ily the ujllaias of a housu under conitruo-tlou conitruo-tlou today, thirteen workmen were killed by th falling walls. An liffulloii Innwllserland. Uvli.il', March 18. Tbu first execution execu-tion lu Bwllierlaul since 1603 took plaou today at liuceme. Thu culprit was an llaliiu named Haiti, who murdered mur-dered M'll Degan, n teacher. Hu was oxcculed by guillotine. TI.e lleanll er l-rraeual Jellrnatlain. CulfmifH, ()., March 18. Patrick J., brother uf William J, Hlllolt, now aervluga llfo lenience for the murder of A. C. Oitiorueoll thu street of Columbus, Col-umbus, ou February Unl, 1801, loilay wils convicted ol manslsligbter. The two brolbtrs aud O.boruu vere rival Bunday uewspa) er men, aud the shooting shoot-ing vss thu result of personal Journ-alum. Journ-alum. ollrrlie Mini Dunn. Maiio.nkv City, Pa., March 18. All tbu collerlra of this district shut down today until further notlcu. How long tli tuionlon will last la cot knewn. A l-arllal Mlnlslrr lihl. In l-rassla. Hkiu.in, March 18. Humors were current- her today that there la a I arllal crisis In the Prussian cabinet, reaulllug trout a meeting ot the ministers yesterday at which the primary c-duiatlon bill was discussed, rhesudlin return to Ilerlln of Horr Itauchhaubelt, a hading conservative, Is belltved to be connected with, the Impending resignation of Dr. Herrlurlh, minister ol tbo Interior and Count Von Bedllli Trutzechter, minister min-ister of eccleslsstlcal allalre. Another cabllitt meeting la belug held today. Anolhee lellm or Typhus. Nl.tv Vonic, March 18. Banllary policeman O'Connor dlid tarly this morning on Jtortb lirothcrs Island from typbus fever. Ihsl'ollollhnpt.lr. WAaniMiTOX.Maicbll). The March resirt of Iho atallstlclan of th department depart-ment of agriculture shows that the proilucllou uf cotton uf the world exceeded ex-ceeded ttin consumption more than n million end half bales lulb9andan Increase Is visible In the stock In 1S91 of on million one hundred thousand bales, Tho ptlcnof middling 111 land In Liverpool lell frrni (1 and a ) incu January, IslKl, to 4J fvnee In January, 1802. Tblatoiintry rroducedanexcesa above the normal rsqulremeuta In tw o years of mure than two million babe. A Isrge reduction of acreage la thu only remedy, 1 Iioimms n. lteed Narrastle. I'ohtlamj, Me., March 18. At the banquet ut th Young Men's Republican Republi-can Club ht night, Hon. Thomas 11, ltetd, the elite! s i aker, said! 1'urhar.a the si ry l-at example ot the fundamental funda-mental dlllVrcnce between the Demo-cratloaml Demo-cratloaml lliqubllcan rtlis cau be eteii In that curious excursion ol Ja(hetln starch cfblststher, or David hunting lb pcsldsncy now vhlble under Ibo Bouthern beaveus. David II. Hill la a typical Democrat and ought to lie the presidential candidate ofhlsjarty, liecausu he represents It. 11 understands it nni In a short time, If elected, bu will 1k It. Two nriiiDesalle Candidates. New Yoiik, March 18. TbeWaah-Ington TbeWaah-Ington correspondent of the Jferattl exndahli apcr a story lu wblcb he raises tboqucstlon aa to whtthcr there may not bo two democratto candidates this year. The writer thluks,and says others think, thlt It Is net unlikely In view of Ihu differences on silver and tarlir. The dlsatcb runs ou lu this uayi "Gentlemen favor Ibis policy, whosejudgiueut will give an Intelil. gent direction to Ihe movement and whose frlvale wealth will furnish to a great uxteat the sinews of war, and aro terribly lu earnest regarding thu matter." During an interim Islween now and thu meeting of tha national convention con-vention at Chicago proposition will b quietly dlscuised among them, and letters and circulars b sent sent out to sound the rnouuy Dtmocrats. artlc-ularly artlc-ularly in New Hugland, and tu mlJ-dle mlJ-dle and Western Blalcs, Inviting co-optrntionwltli co-optrntionwltli the movement, lu lb oveut that by that thu actlou ol the Chicago convention, It shall become necessary. |