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Show i;l I H f S0CII.TT HlMOIli. OCH (count of Hi" I roceedlngn of tb.llellef Society Julilleo celebration, held In "" I'"1""010 irisUrtlijr, Mreh "tli, was neieeearlly jrno ,'lted, end ruue'li ,l,it WM li'l'f"1" vas unaeoldally omitted. Wo courtier cou-rtier It luiiorlul tint the historical mttlrr rewolcd ihotild retiecliilly It rreeerted. Vltr.ly only it limited Jortloii ol tho eketch of the iarl rise of tin orgaulratlon could lio tjlven sracc, trullo Ir prepared by Ai-.lilant Ai-.lilant Secretary Itomanla 11. Pratt, flTlnx u RCC lm" u' ta0 a.dmlnlttra-Hon a.dmlnlttra-Hon of th prtsenl resident Hitter Zln t'. i'ouoifr was entirely omitted, not beelnu been read t Hi" Katlierluir, 0n(! to lack of time, HeckUte of ttitlr historical value, both of thtsu jip nre lirrrwttti (uiblloIieJ Id full: Ai lllaTOMOAL Bitrrcil of Hie first orgaulratlon of tli 1. I). H. jlehef society, repared by Barah M. Klmuall, secretary, waa read by Hide r James K. lalutatie. Tho following la a full at count ol Urn flnt meeting! Ily liiTltatlon of tho 1'resldent of th Church, a uumtier of sitters tonstut J Initio Masonic l-otlge room, on tho lTUi of March, 191.!, I'reeldt ut Joseph. Hmlth, l.lderJolin Tajlor and Wll-lard Wll-lard lllcharda were rieent. President Bmllli stated that tho meeting waa railed for the pur-oseuf maalo mom complete tho organisation organisa-tion ol lbs CIiukIi by organizing Iho women In tho order of tho Priesthood. John Titylor vraa called to the chair aud Wlllard lllcharda acted asseere-tary. asseere-tary. After singing and rayer, it role u taken to know If all weru atltfled with tho slttera present and wllhutr to acknowledge thetll III good fellowship and admit lliem to nil tho i rlvilege-n of the Institution al-out to I r organlard All being nullified, the lumen of those preseulttelo taken an follow! rsimsSontn, fllial-tlti Jones, Martha hnlKl t, I ntrsTstlfr, Meitet. l.,.lr., , 1 sail snuvr. Sarah M tle,ianl, o In I atlsril, ISsbeAnnllswtes pBili.hrl a vt emtlh, ?i::KVt"mee. w.'.'.iii'iiSKk. Kliiatirtti Ann tt hitnerl l,el SI tt heeler, earths! Xl,iietll, eo hia IL Marl. Prtaldcnt Saillli then eaplalned some of the duties that Mould devolve ou numbers of the sot Id), sail they rou! I provoke tint brethren t goo I works, look after the need of the poor, mi 1 lerform charitable acts. Wonuti mutt atalit In roriecllui: tno morula and etrei gthenllig tho virtue of the conirnu.iliy. Bald It l mw In order for tho el.leri to elect a president to preside over the Hocllty nud let her tboosetwo rouiiseiorn to aeeltt lu the dutltiof helottlie. lie ttould orjaln them, and let lliem preddo Jutt an thu rrttltluucy trealde nvtr the Chun h, and Iftlil'J medidlllaloetrilltlolllhe) could utk and they would w pli uvod to 5tve It from time tu tluit. J.ettlio reeldeney eertuasa euntlltutlon and their ileclelont Ucome jrecedeati toe you to net upon. If ufllcora are uanted to carry out thene dnlifta of the llietltlltlon, let them bo uiolnted aud ml a art an Teaehera, Deatnue, etc , areaiuollR ua. I,llnllli A. Wiiltuvy moved, and Hophln l'atkard accouded tho motion, that I muia ritultli bu vlei ted reejdtut of thaioclety. The vole wan ut by the elialrnian aud prouounced unanimous The iircaldrnt elict made choice of Hirah M. L'leviland and l.llubelli Ann Whitney nn tier counaelnra. Lllu It. Himw wan nlntedaecre. larj.l'hebe M. Whtihr ii.autec. rttary and l.lvira A. I'olentreaturer. Prraident Joaepli Hmlth read the riveliitlou to l.mma riinllli from tho llqokof Doctrine an 1 Cotrnaiilf, and late I tliut tm waa ordained at the time the revelation wan Klvui, In ex pound therlcrlplurtn, to tenth, tti. lie tbi ureal crllurealothow that aneleitlad) lionn elelt'd loprealdi. Ity riituett of l'reaident Joteph Hmlth, Aleetlt John Taylor ordained Harah M. Cleveland mil l.llthtlh Ann ultney to 1 (.ount lore to and tualat l'reeldent l.minn Hmlth In ttio dullen ol her i fllce, and ahare lu the bh aalltj; perlnlntbic thereto. . lie then cmllrmed on Kmun Hmltli her toruier ordlimtlou and blevwiu her to boa mother In lirael, a attern of vlrtuo andtoponaefnall thu quallflca tlonniHtteanry to euable htr to prealile Mlthdiiiulty and kIvh auih Inatruc-lion, Inatruc-lion, na may be niulilui In her tailing aneloitlady. , l.Uer Taylor vacated the chair and ueildeut KmmaHmltli aud Counaclora took the etaud. A leujthy dlecuealon followed on the qunllnn "What ehall tliln x.olety be railed;" lire. L'leviland and U hltnry adrrcated the approprlatinrea of tho name Itellef Hoilet). John Taylor aud Joneph riinlth, (poke In favor nf the word Htnevoknl. l.mma Hmlth and K. It, rinow argued In lavur of Mr(. Clevrlaud'atholcu. Tho gentle-men gentle-men wlthdrtw tholr oljedlou and a motion to adopt thu name Itellef tioclety waa unanlmuuely curried. i'rralJeut Joerph Hmlth then rail: "I nowdtclaru thUrtjtlcty oreanlt.-d, with irealdeut and rounaelora. All who ball lierenfti r be ndmltied in utt t e f reu from ronMiru onl admitted by vole. l'rtaldent Joitlh Huillli laid ilowil u five dollar cold lire to comment t, the IWUfBocletyfuud.und eld: "What I do hereafter for rharlt I ahall do tlirouEhthliHocltty." Harah M. Clevtland gave . $'U:) Harah M. Kimball . . l.UH Emma Hmlth . . . 1 ml l.lliiln th Ann Whitney Ufiu WIII.rdlUiliar.il. . . l.M John Taylor . . . .'00 l'retldcnt Joreili Hmlth eald: "I will Klve a city IM, on which thu Boclety can build. Will nuke the deed to the treasurer," At the third meeting of the toeloly, March 30th, 1'retldeiil Jonpli Hralt'i said the member of the society mutt act In ronrtrt, or nnthliii can be accomplished. To move uccordlnir, to the anrltut Priesthood this nuist Ikj a select aocltt), separate from the evils of the world. UTIt MLUI.NO, AIHIL 29111, President Joacph Hmlth stltl bo was priaent to sreak upon the I'rUstuoud. An Ills Instructions were Intt nded onl) far members of the society , he wished those not members to withdraw, after which he called attention to tho l!th chaj ti r of Corl ntldui s: "Now concern-lrK concern-lrK t Irltunl Klf s, etc." Hald the na-rage na-rage llch reads "Ko man tan any that Jesus In tho Lord but py lb Holy tlhoat" should be tronslateu "Xo unit nn l,now,jetc. Continued the riad-log riad-log of the rhaptcr, and Kavo Instructions Instruc-tions reelecting the dlHertnt oflloes and the necessity ut etiry Indlvltusl acting lu the placu allotted to hint or her, and lining the olllcts to which they were o iiolnted. Hpoku of the dls P'slllon or some to consider the lower tllltea In the Church dishonorable and to look with Jealous eyi n on the sltou ufolbirs. ejald lluus thu uonaeuioal the human lienit In a.plre to petitions not aplntea of tlod.that It wan letter for Inuivlduals to magnify their retrc-live retrc-live ealllign and wait pntlenily ti Uoti shall nay Uotueup hleber." Bald It wan talked by ulemhersofthe society that some were not doing right In la Ing hand. on the skk. If they ht,l lonimoneynipathy they woult) reh he thlt the nlek could li healetl, the time linn not Uen t-rforc when these thltignvouldle III their I m r order. The Church la not now organded In Its roer on.e , and latitnt tie until the temple Is toiupl.tcd. lleieferred to the coinmlarlon given to the nut lent Apoitlia M)t) )e Into all the ttorlu." etc." ISo matter who believes, these slgne, such as hialln i thu sick, rnatlng out Oevllr, shnuld follow all that btlleve, whether male nrfemalu. If the sitters have faith to lie.ll the sick, let them do so, and let the good work roll on. 1 1 la no slu for an body to administer la Ilia slik that lias faith, or If Iheslck have faith to be healed by the administration. 1U.J roved those that weru disposed to find fault, ('uke at some length on tbedinlcultlesheliadhad to surmount ever lime the organliatlou of the Church, on account m aspiring nun, said tbe tame aspiring dlnpotllluu III be lu thin society and muat beguard.-d against. Aa ho ha 1 the opportunity lie would Instruct the society how to act according accord-ing to the will of God. lie did not know that he should have many opportunities oppor-tunities of teaching tbemt they were going to bu left to themtilvie; the) would not loag have him to Instruct thtm; the Churrli would not have hit Instruction long, an I tho world wuutl not lie troubled with hint a great while; aioordlng to his prajer, Ij1 had appointed liliu elsewhere. The coiigrtgatlou was melted to tears. He exhorted Hie sisters In sustain with lUIr confllccce, thilr faith aud their tra)ers those whom Ood had apoltitelto liad. Bald the keys nre about to Ut glvt n to you that J o,i may le nhlu tu delert anjthlug falte as readily as the l.ldert If memliera of tlieaoclity ttcoi u corrupt, you must tit nl with them, the sympathies of the licarla of the C'hurclt have Induced them to boar with those that were Lorruft, In romeuence of which all Uromucoiitamlnattd. Vou must jut down Iniquity and by ojr good ex-amale ex-amale provoke the l.lderi Ui good works. If )oudo right, thti eli no danger of going too fast; resist e II and thero Is uo danger; nelthtr ISld, meu, angels nor devils ran uomlemu those that rt sist evert thing that Is evil. Aa it ell might the devil nk to dethrone Jehotalius that s nil that resists ever) thing that It evil. Vou are now laced In a situation situa-tion where you can net accordlug to thosesympathles whlrhtjjd hits planted plant-ed In )our tiosoma. If you live In accord ac-cord with your irltllegea angels cannot can-not bertstralntd from tmlng yourasao-elates, yourasao-elates, Wonan, If they are (meant Inuccent, can rome Inlothelreseuceof U,i. If wu troul 1 cumo Into the prts-emu prts-emu et Uott wu mu-t l Ule. The devil has grett jiower, his wnys are de teptive. Do not bu contentious, butltt the weight id Innocence be felt, which Is more might) itun n mll'stonuhuug about the neck; meckuesn, love, purtt). tbtse are Hie things wh.cli sbouhl maguliy us, Iniquity usual lee purge 1 out, then thoviil will t-ureut and tho lilesslngs of heaven will fisw down. Afttr this Instruction you will be moie responsible. It Is an honor to sjtveyoursilves; all arurtspooslble fur theiu-eltts. Then rend the thirteenth rbipttr of Coriuihlaus, " Though I sjieak wltti the tougue of Irneu' cto. bal I do not l- limited lu your views with rt gar I tu your nelghlsjis' virtue; tlo i ot think y, urselvca more righteous thau others. ou must enlarge your soul towarJ olhers ir you would do like Jesus, and ctrry your fellow matures ma-tures to Abraham's bosom, Heintl lualiirested lot g stillerit gaud wemuat dotbusame. Hnld "Though oueliave the a lrlt nf prophecy," etc, though one should Income mighty aud do great things, uterturu mouuUins and then should turn to cat nud drink with the drunken, all former deeds would not a-tvu iheul, but they would go to de. lructloh.Ae)oulhUtiaelllltuocom-e, Urtueaud (.codmns, let )our hearts txpnnd,let them bouulargtd tuwnrds others; you must bo long-suuVrlug and liear with thefaultsanl errors of nunkind. How precious the aouls of mull! The Hoclety Is to get Instruction through the ordtr which Uod hat established, es-tablished, through thu medliuu of those l iolntuii to lead, and 1 now turn thu keyto)ouln tho namo of Uod, and thlsHockty shall rrjolee, aud know, ledguaud intelligence shall flow down from this time; Inlsls the beginning of better days for )ou. When you go home never give n crotaword, but let klndiuss, rharlty itutt lovu crown your works, lh, not uuvy sluncn; exercise mere) towards them. I.et)our nduilnMralliua teconflucd mostly to thoso around you. As far as knowledge la concerned, It may extend ex-tend to all the world, Hut) our administrations ad-ministrations should bocoullned to the circle of your aoiialatanco, aud more especially to the members of theHo-tlety. theHo-tlety. Those ordalneJ to lead thu rloclety are authorized to appoint officers of-ficers an thu circumstances shall re-epulro. re-epulro. If any ha ua matter to reveal let It bu In your own tougue 11j not Indulge In-dulge too much In the gilt of tuoguts, ur the elevll will take advantage, Vou may sjieak In lontiuee for your comfort. Hut I lay this down aa a rule, that If anytliluz la taught b) thu glftof tongues jit Is not(to bu received for tloctrlnu. President Hmlth then gaveluslruo tluns rui ectlng women administering to tho tiokby the M) Ing ou of hands, said It was according to revelation; Le never was placed In similar circumstances, auu never had given thu sumo Instruction. At tbo ninth Heller Boclrty meeting, May 1.0th, thu I'railut rUd tbe lstlt rhailer of l.reklel, uud smltl Iho Lord ha I declared de-clared by thai I'ropbet that the peoi le should statu! for thuimultes unl tle-lieud tle-lieud nu no man or men lu the elate of rorrupllon lu the Jewish chimb, that rigkleouH persons evuli ouly deliver their own souls. A piled It to the present condition of the Church nf ..utlir-dayb.ilhts. If the iitoplo depart de-part from the Lord thuy must fall; they were depending on the l'rothut; htneu there was darkotsj In their inldsl. He had two thlugt to recsmiueul to the redely,! He guarded In yours) eech, no organized body tun exist without giving heed to this caution. All organized or-ganized bodies have their peculiar evils, weakuesica and dllllcultles; the olttl Is to ru-iku these uot tugood, ttiual with the gootl, and ever hold the keye of power, which will Influence tu vlrluuaud goodness. When you cliastun and reprove, never mention It ugalu; then yon will bu tstabllshel lu jawer, virtue and holiness and the wrath uf (J id IU bo turned away, (lod deslgcs to live thu buonlv out of their slus, Jesui said. 'loshalldotliuwoikt which )e see Me do." These are the gtaml key ' words for Hie soQitly t actuon. The tenth meeting was addressed ly Undid, N. K Whitney, I'naldem , Jos-p! Hmlth t-elng present. ' l.levetitll meeting, June It h Pre. -dent Jorejlt Bmitht 4-ll grtewsme that theio Is nu fuller fellowahli; If one member lulleia all lut I II, . by union of feeling wn olitiln bower (with (lid, Christ raid He came to call sinners tj reia.nl lauceaud to save lliem, Christ w s condemned by the righteous Jews lw-1 rauto he took sinners Into his soclet), t betook themut-on tbe principle that they reint. Nothing Is so much cal culated to lead people to forstkesln as to take them by the band and watch over them with tenderness, lhe tiearir we get to our Heavenly father themoro wearedlsosed to loek with toinputloii uil littishlng souls. I say to this society If) on would litvo Uod have mercy on ) ou, have merry ou one another. How mil II) the Hnvior dealt with Peter, saying! "When thou nil con. tried, strengthen thy brethren;" at another time He sail to him "Loveet thou me? IVed my sheep," The society la hot ouly to relieve the wor Lut losave souls. Hlxttentri meeting held In theOrove, August llsl, ISIS. After relating recent re-cent dinlculllis ho had encountered while being hunted by his enemies, he said the Keller Boclety has taken an active pari In my welfare, In petition Ing the Governor In my behalf. These measure were neceassry, and your In llueure heled to trlng aUut my re demptlon from the hands of my eceml's'; 1 have come here to bleta you, Iheeotlely has done well, their (rlnclpki are to practice holluet-i. fjod lovt-a)ou, and your prayer shall avail much; do nof cease to lot them ascend to Uod lit my behalf. Tho enemy will never get weary. 1 txreel he will array everything against me; exi-ecta trumrndous warfare. He that will war the Christian warfare will have thu angels and all thu powen of darkness dark-ness continually arra)ed against lilrti. A few things had been manifested to him during his absence reelecting Istptlrni for the detd, which he would communicate next Bab-lattli Bab-lattli If nothing should cccur to prevent It, He then tillered a fervent prsjtr toUnl In It half of the society. After the transaction of some hutlneia, llilhaadutmentii( which President Hmlth nl!ere I counsel, he etlJ he had one more remark to make respecting baitl.m for the dead, which must surllre for the resent aud until huhad tbe oi 'rtuntty to present the subject at greater length All i-erions baitlzed for the dead mutt have a recorder present, that he may leaueye-wllaesnl'tle-llfy of It. It will be necessary lu the Ureal Ctuncll tint these thlugs be testified of. It should be attended to rrum this time. If there Is any lark It may ho at tbe expenau of our friends, lull was the lax It, B. meeting that I'rcst. Joseph Bmllh attended. During the two years'adminlstratlon of Pre... l.nimn Hmlth aud her nssccl-atve, nssccl-atve, vliltlug sisters weru aipolntod to search out the ntedy, to flntl work for iho able bodied, to receive contributions contribu-tions and to re port conditions. The labors of the society were extended ex-tended to the four wards ot the ell), Tweltu hundred aud sevent)-slx namea were enrolled an members Tbe recorded rceel; bt were $Sio.:!t, im: inisri-T Amii.-tiCTitATiu-t, Halt Laki. Cm, Utah, March 17lh, It!)!. Administration of thu Ilellel Bode!) of the C hurch or Jesus Christ o! I-aittrday Haluts. Xlua I). II. Vouug, President. Alter the dtulh ot Bister i:ilza It. Bnow, which occurred UeeemWr oth, IbST, Bister Zlna I). Young, who ha I been her first counselor, took charge until the semiannual confrrencu nf I hi Church. April Slh, ll,8, when President John Taylor apiolntel her to re.lde uver the Itellef Boclety, AMttle I ranklln 1). ttlchards, after thu authorities of thu Chur. h Intel been (resented, snldl Oir late lamented Bister l.llza It. Bnow hat been president presi-dent of the l'ollef Boclety ever since Its organization In these mountains, and has labored with uuexampled tltll ceacefor lis welfare nu j alvancemeut. Herdeath now lenves the organize lion without n president. Bister Zlna 1). Voung was tier first lounaelor. It Is now movrd und seconded that she be made prelldeut. Blsler Voung was unanimously sustilned. Uctober 11th, ISSt, President Zlna Vouug choau at her first counselor Janu B Itlcbards, at her second JlathshebA W. Bmlth, corre.H)udlng secretary Kmuttilliie 11. Wells. 'They were set apart tinder the hands of the Fltst Prest leucy of thoChurib. Thu rentrnl lioard ot the Itellif Boclety wan then folly urgantred aa follow ti Prealdeut, Zlna I). II. Vuutig; Hrtt counselor, Jaue H. Itlchards; second counselor, Ittthshebit W.Bmlth; secretary, Barah M. Kimball; asslst-autsecretary,ltomanta asslst-autsecretary,ltomanta II. Prali,corres ponding secretary, Pmmillne II. wells; treasurer, M, Isabella llorue. Oneoflhe most notthlo reatures or firogress or tho Heller Boclety was the uaugurallon or annual and sent! annual an-nual conferences for women, whero scc!al Instruction Kcullar to their work could bo git en by the President and lier couusclori and other exier!-enced exier!-enced women, aud where ver-bnl ver-bnl reports be niade by the Prtsldents of Btaku aud aocistles or their n reeenlallvcs. l.ach society through these rlvltegea Is enabled to reCelvu thu beuelU of lhe combined wlsuoin and Intelligence or the whole. The first general ennfe rencu of the Itellel Boclety t ouvenee lu the Assembly Assem-bly Hall ol this i Ity Biturday morn1 lug, April Oth, 1&S!, President Zln.i I), Vouug presiding, assisted by her counselors. coun-selors. Bister Voung wrote an elcnueut ad-fress.wlilch was riad by Bister II. 11. Wells. It consisted of sj eoial luilrue lions, upou thu duly of women ai wtvetaud mothers aud llclier Boclety work. 'Hie next coiifereDCe,thesenilannual ot thu Itellel Horlety, waa htld In the As.tinlilv llnll lu this rliy, October 7lh, ISfU, V.m 1). Young presiding There were two sessions. Aprll7th, 1S01, the Ural annual run rereuce convened In Iho Aairnlblyllnll of this rlt) aril hell twu sea.lous. Presldt ut Zlna Vouug i residing. Octolier Till, ISdii, the second semi annus! oouferuute convene 1 In the As.einbly Hall In this cltyand hell (Mo sessions. President .Ilia Voung presldltie.'. . April 7lh,1601, lu the Tabernacle lc Ihlaclty, thu second annua! conlcren e of tho Itellef Btclety won assembled. I'n sldent Zlna I), Voung presiding, October 7th, lb'!!, lheihlnUt-ml.au nualronferenie, was held In the As wmliir Hall In this city, Prrsllent lu 1 1. Voung presiding. lhe approximate amount expeudru In charitable work during the ytait 1SSS SO ID 01, lu Utah, Idaho, Colorado, lUlzuna Handwlrh lalnudi, I.ond aud CunJu was tTU.SU.'.UJ. Theruuri probably over too branch sottietlewltli a m-mtirshlp of about .'5,iujo Ilesldes gatberlog and dispensing this vast amount ot mean, the Hell, r Society hesurgtulzedauumanaticd many en lerprlzes tilled iioinu Induilrles, stioh as tnu Woman's Co op. BUire,niliMuiry lallnra an I drn-smaklog establish-inents establish-inents Many societies have laillt and on their own ball" aud wheat gran erlel. When we consider the many thoiisinds ol the (wot nud needy Hint tills money lias (tunrortcd, fed, ulothed nn,l kei t warn), the stx, e and Indutr) of the llellrl Society orifaulz-tllon can It a measur I" realtzed. President Zlna Vtung, her counselors aud other slsltrs travel eitenelvily among the Biaker, organising new societies and lusiructlng In tho work. They hvu been Indefatlgnllu 111 their I ibors snl the fruits thereol erealnady tien In every ait ot the Chimh which bun been bleated by Ihelr f tin me, lUlMANIA II. PlIATT, |