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Show 10 Sr I i oi.mcs AM III l,l(.ll). IS) .Hi 9 Wb hops the declaration made by HC'lHlr 9 President WoodrulIattdBmltli, In re- C VmM Q Intlon to Church Influence In politic. X intf 9 will prove tatUfactorjr to All who aru SfelMjK 3 Interested In the matter and putanend 3vrMS Bti to ever ipilbble and dispute on thta ,i 'Ay N subject. WyvmL. W 0n of "l"0"' fruitful ourcc of fjS.JBK H trouble Jut now I the Irritability of c5;mK jH jarlliana on either ilde. They are to loS'tiB m worked up In their feellnge that their litRC-ar fl! udgnieot le aometlmea Impaired, and lltfnHtt email thtnjca ara magnified In their I'q'n W eyeatlll they appear to bo niounlalniof B?IlB - dlfllculty, Sil iEi Itli to bs rrnratted that the men wt wtr- who were once united uuJer the ban- flJK Kf tier of tho People' Tarty, cannot learn SIibIh how. to "agree to duitr" on queillona f vlv D' naonRl I'olltlcar There la an tin Siuiall latleoce and Irrltatlou eihlblted by 9fiiv ' many of them that Is con- flajtfe aldrred Improptr among cultl mfEm' vated men of the worlJ, anl EJ(f'i la certainly Incompatible with their iHtRjf.V . poiltlonae followcra of the eamere- llgloua faith. Hut they are not alouo In ttilamant-feitatlonof ttilamant-feitatlonof temir. It exlita among prominent mcu on either aide, anil ex cltemcnt la eailly provoked and rum high when It la atarted. l'ethaia the altitude haa aomethlnK to do wllh It, nervca tlni; In a highly eemltlve rou-dltlou rou-dltlou In couii-iuence. Vo aurtgakt that It would le well for all artlea to put on the brakea and go a Itttlo alowrr, with a dlpoaltlon to be fair, courteout and calm In tolltlci theaame aa tubuilncM. Apart front tbla, we aru free to cop. feaa that there teem to be aome caueva for the dlwatlifactlon which haa cropped out recently. Unauthorized perioui, It la laid, have made It apeari Infereatlally If not directly, that they riflectedtbe vlewaand dealrei of the l'reaidency of the Church, aod In tula way li&vo Imprcened othera with tho feeling that the I'rrildcncy wlihed tbemto vote In a certain way. That thece iierioni had no right to rtprcaentthe Trealdeucy In any man ntr, ought to be clear to every vane peraon who hai read the rratid atatementaof the Church authorities It I to bo rgruttel that there are ' & any cltliena of tbli Territory who have n not peraonal convlctlona and ilreugtli a of mind to act upon Ilium, aufllclont to m fortlly theniaiialnitall eucli mUre re' S tenUtloni. Hut It li u fact that the Hi radical dlflerencca betweeu the two Jc great larlle aro not clear enough to jyW aome inlndi to warrunt a drtrrtnlnod l altitude In favor of one or the other. And tbli iltuatlon ltalllug bttaeeu two o lnlonit, render them iutce title j . 1 tothelufluonce of uch unscrupulous 1 grf S or over sialou iraoos at thofo to ii whom we have have referred. ft It li Ulloveil homilly, by , I aome kallog men, that It i would not le n good thlug for all the oi 1 of Utnh to le iiiumuJ on either ilde of the i-otitk-al coulllil. They think that It wmil 1 lu btttur for the I ntcretla of the Territory that there B'lOUld be ItejutliiiuiN a well ki J D( niocrala here, and vice vena. The griftt oljecllon to the "Moruiou"people ! In im-t politic that they all voted i tosethtr. II thin wa oljictlonable a t undir the l'eople'a Party, would It not J ' be iqually oljectlonable uudtr any f other pail) t I Dlvlfllon, thirrfore, liai teen tn ', couraged. Hut It Imi not bet-n dlctattd by Ihe authority or cupxent of the , Church Prwldency. They haeaald from the beglnulug, ai they my now, let tacli turty have an equal opor- tunlty to pmunt It principle; lit Hum le duly dlicuiaed nnd tonildered; ' IBM ,,t eery cltlieu make III own choke; K' wien lie hai maue It let hhn itund hy Wml " honorablj on I Lo true to hlj arty .S pledge. If there hitu bleu urlvattj hlnti, and wlnki, an J Inilmiatlon, and rrttenJi-d mnif, convoying Ihe Idea that the 1'mldtncy dll not mean what thiy eald, or that they had one thing for the ) ubllo and another thing' for rlvale ear, all that li wrong anddeiplcalle, lntilllug to our leal-era leal-era and mlalradlng to thoee who have been the victim of the decip. Hon. It em to ui, however, that no one ntril be milled In tbli mutter. Peraonal Per-aonal conviction ihould rule In xjII. tlcsai In rellglou. Another perion' oplnltn ought not lo ! erough for any cltlten. While men can l-e awayed one way or the other, a certain perion dictate, dic-tate, there will bo no urlty In political polit-ical allal-i. And If tlulo ate peorle who will look for the mind 6Y othera rather than their own, they aro told emphatically that Ihe mind of the Church leider I that every cltlten lhall tale hi own choice, freely, voluntarily, vol-untarily, lionettly, and from III own conviction. I not that lain enough for even the moet servile, or the moat dovote 1 aeoker after coumel? There la ufrellog prevalent In till" country which, whatever we may think of Id oanilalency, muit not le Ignored. Tha li, that while alrao.t any lecular clai of men may leek to Intluenra their fellow tn politics, I atiuade Iheui, deceive them, get theni to change their politic and vote one way today and another tomorrow, any apparent or lujpoied Interferences of Church authorities au-thorities In till direction aruuir a bltterncs and fury from either party Hut lead men to the grentiit extremis. ex-tremis. It iprlngi, no doubt, from the abhorrence of prleitcralt which U lm-llantedluevery lm-llantedluevery American fncnian' heart, and from the determination to erate thurch nnd Halo tOectually In Ihe affalri of Hill grett nation. Hut whatever It origin, ami however mistaken mis-taken It may bu In reference Ui Utah attain, It should not be loit sight of lu viewing our local altuatlon or lu the policy vie pursue. The rubllc, however, muit not ex-ct ex-ct that a leading churchman shall become a political eunuch becauieof hi icclcalaitlcal lusltlou. lie I a much a citizen with af) the imnersaud llberllrs of a citizen as If he were n lamaiioranlnfldel. Hut when ait' log as a, pclUlrlin be will II nd It .11111-cult .11111-cult todluoclateln tho publlo mind his personality aa ft citizen and hi rrclnlutlcil cilice, nnd therefuro the utmoit prudence la suggested In III course that he may not be mltunder-stood. mltunder-stood. Let Hill be clear to all ople In Utah: The Church hi no dictation or iriuailoii for It members a to which i arty they shall Join or support. It niiy one Intimates to the contrary, he Is a dcctlver. If auy one i retend that the Church luad-rs dealrv that memUrnhall be In a condition to 1 wayrd to one side or Ihe other, as exigencies ex-igencies may demand, he Is misrepresenting misrepre-senting thow leaders and Inculcating most dangerous and delusive doctrine-Honor, doctrine-Honor, aluctrlty, truth and righteous ness are essentials In our religion, and falsehood lu liollllcs Is falsehood In faltb, alike detestable to 91 and to all liooestmeu. |