Show FREEZING PUTS CITY GITY RESERVOIR AT lOW Southeastern Section Is Hard Hit Hit Hitas as Result of Big Cottonwood Shortage Parleys Parley's Conduit Full FullI I Continued f freezing In Big Coti Cottonwood Cot- Cot I i canyon so reduced the tho th i flow of 0 this stream that the city water waler department experienced some I difficulty in maintaining maintaining- service In fri Ini i that part of ot the city fed fet by tho the Twenty seventh South pipe lIn line As a result portions ot of the southeastern south south- 1 I eastern section of 0 Salt Lake were on On short wat water r rations during the I day I Tho Thc City creek flow was also materially Interfered with through I fr freezing of ot the stream again lorl Fr- day iday night but a force torce of 0 men menI I went to work in the morning chopping chopping chop chop- ping ice and the stream am was soon opened d. Tho The Pleasant Valley reservoir reservoir reservoir res res- contains sufficient supply to keep this system operating foa to fo for fora a a. day or two 1 The flow In Parleys Parley's creek was reported good Saturday and the Parleys Parley's conduit was running capacity ca ca- all day In so that system fed by this wa In good condition BRIGHTON BRIGHTON 26 BELOW I The thermometer at Brighton registered 26 below zero again FrIday FrI orl da day night but through some pome freak prank prank of I weather the thermometer at at Mountain Dell DehlIn In Parleys Parley's canyon canyon ennon can enn- yon on registered only z zero ro as against 23 below zero the previous night In City creek the thermometer stood at 10 degrees below zero which Is five degrees higher than the night previous Many Ian reports of ot frozen pipes pipE's in tn I houses throughout tho the city are be- be I mal maita to the ity waterworks office As yet the city has hM not at attempted attempted at- at tempted to do an any thawing the consumers' consumers t In each cb instant Instance to o call in their plumber lum r. r l None o rio e of M the freezer have hue been found ou outside the private property line so o that the the- city has no jurisdiction Juris juris- diction I The water department Is k keeping its patrolmen busy in all tho the canyons canyons canyons can can- to keep the streams open and they are all ann armed cd with Ice cuttIng instruments |