Show Water Rat ons Prevail I Wyoming 52 Below Zero I I I I I I I I I. I I PARENTS CHILD FOUND HEAD DEAD IN INI I GASPER CASPER HOME Zero Sub-Zero Weather Loosens Loos Loos- I ens Grip in Far West to toI toI I I Move East Eastward a d P Proper Proper- oper- oper t ty Loss Up in In Millions I CHIPPEWA FALLS Wis Dec 20 By A. A P. P Seyen P.-Seyen Seven persons are II III known to be bo drowned in the Chippewa Chippewa Chip Chip- river here today when the i dining car of a Chicago bound Soo Line passenger tra train in hurtled into I II the river after being derailed It Itis It Itis I is believed a switch bolt was was' wasI snapped by the intense cold Twelve were rescued I I At least thirty persons persons w were I killed as a result of the th-e subzero I weather according to data obtainable obtainable obtain obtain- able today Six were killed in the Chicago district four in Milwaukee five in in Oklahoma two in St. St Louis six in Michigan one near Kansas City Mo one ono in Kansas four in Wyoming Wyoming Wyo Wyo- ming and one in Colorado Springs Tho The deaths were due to fires from overheated stoves falls traffic accidents and exhaustion from cold All records for cold weather in in r recent cent years in western Wyoming have been shattered during the past few days This morning Pinedale reported 52 degrees below zero Eden 45 below and Rock Springs 22 below i I CHICAGO DEC DX-C. 20 By fly A A. P. P P.- P. Winters Winter's icy grip relaxing in the I tho ho Far West Est antI and Hock Rocky mountain I region today tI tightened its clutch lutch lutchIn In the Middle lIddle West and reached reache out to envelop the F Fast Dait Although nearly normal temperatures temperatures tempera tempera- I tures may be reached In tempera tempera-I most o otho of 0 the tho cold wave area within tw twenty twenty- four lour hours days will before re win and alid ail raU an Atlon I l tt n U usual opera operations if Meanwhile the toll of ot lives n- n to mount AS deaths tr from m freezing were added to by fatalities fatali ties in fires re resulting from lataH over over- h heating Considerable suffering was taS among among- the poor but relief relle or organIzations organizations or- or I were not reported overtaxed over ever I er taxed by demands COAST DUE FOR RELIEF I Warm arm winds were WE're forecast forest to bring relief relIe to the Pacific coast to today today to- to day after a siege of subzero temperatures temperatures tem tem- in the tue north and heavy frosts frosts' In California which h necessitated necessitated smudge pots In the citrus area arla I ano anti and which nipped orange shoots In InVa InVal inVa Va Val lone lencia c Ii I mercury mercury- and and fair fair skies I I were reported In lit Montana and Ario d In I C the iho last of the Rocky mountain states to feel teel relief after I I five days das o of bitter hItter cold A man and anda I a 1 woman were WE're frozen to death In the Butte dl district I I Montana recorded two more i I I deaths due to the cold wave A Aman Iman i iman I man was found frozen to death In I his bed south of 0 Butte Dutte and a anoman I I woman noman was wall frozen to death II iq her I cabin In an isolated section In the Butte Butto district THREE BURN TO DEATH The mo roost most t appalling tragedy of oC the thelast I last twenty four hours was reported ro- ro I ported at Casper Wyo where here Otto Lundblad his wife and their hell heir Otto 6 C- month old months old infant were vere burned to death th their home was destroyed de- de e- e I I d b by fire tire Little hope U is held for the tho recovery reco of or the fourth I I m member of 0 th the family a n year old I h hoy iy During the night the gas I dropped to a n. low pressure point anti and the lie fire in the home I went out The accumulated gas I exploded n when hen Mr r. Lundblad at struck ruck a II match in the house tho the following 1 morning I Right EIght deaths we reported In j I Missouri I Kansas Sf Oklahoma I where thousands of ot or property prop erty- erty was U Twine Twine- th tM proP proP-I fire Continued on pare PAir 2 2 |