Show NOT HIGH COST OF OP LIVING BUT UT COST OF HIGH LIVING That the real object of Thanks Thanksgiving day has been lost in obscurity and that people are arc ar not celebrating that great eat feast day as a the they should was the declaration declara declara- tion ton of th tho Rev nev C. C R. R Neel Nee who ho preached a powerful sermon ermon this morning at the Firt Methodist churchIn churchIn church In n all al the the great rush of this material age he said the thereal real thanksgiving is lost There is too much of an inclination to see se the sift gift fit and not the giver given The heart goes goe out in gratitude for the home for th the many blessings of or the day clay and age for or tho the turkey tutler dinner and the tho man many other material things things' s' s which now flow fow down from the throne thron of God Go But Bul the sender of all al the tho blessings blessings Is forgotten Our hearts should be he lifted to God on such sucha a da day We Vo should praise prIse God from whom hom 0 oIl all blessings foW We e should bo ho thankful for the accomplishments of ot the a age the age tho e-tho tho education the inventions the government and for all al alother other great blessings which hicl add ad to our comfort and our 0 O praise the Ix Lord for his goodness goodness' and nd for his wonderful works works- This passage from I scripture is the ke keynote for tha iv- iv ing Irig Praise the Lord ord Do not think that mat material blessings are arc nil all ai W V Wo must nuit be thankful for or the tho spiritual blessings Be grateful grateful for health for happiness arid and that we e live in inan an age where we have havo freedom and where each cach is man a fc unto himself People complain of ot the tho high cost of living and ask how they can give gho thanks under those conditions It I is fg rather the cost of high living for which no man can carl bo bg b thankful The services were were- v attended by a large number of ot the members member of several of oC the I larger churches On tho the rostrum were tho the Rev W. W M. M 1 Paden of the tho First Pres b terian church and the Rev i F. F I I. I GI Goshen Gohen church hen of tho First Congregational |