Show EVENING T TELEGRAM LEGRAM AN INDEPENDENT NEWS NEWSPAPER APER Established 1902 1002 Published Daily except Sunday by tho I E LT LAKE TELEGRAM PUBLISHING COMPANY 1 Incorporated t Member of tho Associated Press C 0 0 O. GOODWIN S S S S EDIT EDITOR Jh Business and Editorial Offices Tribune Building I Telephones connect with all departments departments Boll Bell Main Ind md TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION T THE EVENING TELEGRAM will bo be delivered to subscribers subscribers sub scribers for 50 51 cents a month per year IN ADVANCE AD AD- VANCE where carrier carrier service is maintained Orders by or r t telephone will be promptly attended to Irre u. u J larty in ti delivery ry should be promptly reported and missed apers will be supplied THE EVENING TELEGRAM willbe be sent by mail to any address in the United States for 50 cents per month Remit by P O. O or express money order registered letter check heck or drafts Address all communications to Salt Lake Lak Tee Telegram Publishing Co Salt Lake City Utah The Tho S. S C. C Beckwith Special agency sole eastern li i New York York- Kansas City Gity Building Tribune l building building- uil in Building Enter dat t Salt L Lake o k-o- p S1 m as second class cass n matter U v. v si I TRADES |