Show CARNEGIE TRYING H HARD RD TO DIE POOR PITTSBURG Nov 17 Andrew Andrew Carnegie Car- Car negie will celebrate his seventy fifth birthday this week by making a gift of to the Carne Carnegie le technology schools in Of this sum 1500 is for building and equipment and for endowment This was announced announced an an- flounced last night by William M. M Frew president of the board of trustees fol following following fol- fol lowing an executive meeting of or the board Mr Carnegie has previously given which went to found the tho Institute in institute In- In here including a library museum and concert hall hail and for tor the technology school The plans for the latter which provided for the accommodation of over students will now with the additional additional addi addi- million and a half be led carried to completion On a recent visit to PIttsburg Mr Carnegie said he was perhaps prouder of his schools than of any other philanthropic philanthropic philanthropic philan philan- venture |