Show SNAP NAP SHOTS SAT SATin AT HOME NEWS eer in Bankruptcy i Frank hank iJ H. H an engineer of ot filed a petition In bankruptcy lithe the United States district court this Hili debts amount to to i Ji his assets to of or which 25 23 claimed calmed exempt under the tho law Will Meet c Iho Salt Lake Lako chanter charter of or the tIe Amerl of or Banking will meet toa to to- a ht it the Commercial club The main ture of or the thu program will be be- another G the Tho series serle of or addresses on Commer Law Caw given i en by Attorney y E. E EC C. C Ash Ash- iI I i Company Reports he work of or mailing blank report cards J K aU thu anco companies doing busi- busi Utah Litah was completed this morn- morn IV by the ine state insurance department e blanks s at an to bo lc ma c out by the theas as soon after aCter December 31 as sible and Inti WI returned to Salt Lake Lak where v wilt be kept on record The re- re show the years year's business or of I and the Ue financial standing end of ot tl th year c stealing Butter rl Wims dI a a niftier arid and nd John D D. a a. pIa plasterer were ete arrested by Faan Fa- Fa 4 mAn an Simpson in the Ocean bar ban 2211 a k le street last night on suspicion of 01 IC stolen seventy five pounds or of but but- rom from a a. wag wag-on of the Jensen Jenen Cream Cream- any The butter ws found Ii in ill I 1 rear or of the room in which the thc men ncr 4 arrested f Ak k ef e state board of ot pardons will il meet Urda morning at the sUte prison cases are up up- for tor consideration Ja- Ja If Kump ump who wants pardon ardon and anti Lo Lo- MontgomerY who ho want wanta a a. mu COh sentence Emerson Sues Suez if Em Emerson merson has bas filed tiled suit ault fore for foi fore forin z e e in n t th the district court I k kJ tl L Emerson Emrson whom she charges arges L. L desertion desertion- The They were cr married In in I I n January 2 1909 and th the desert deser- deser S t Js alleged to have taken place Au Au- S I IB Of the same jSam year In addition of divorce she a asks ks for tor 1 15 p nth t. t L for tor Neat Sum nent for in It favor of at Em tt and aid a against R. R E. E Rykert I I b ben heen en tendered rendered by Judge Armstrong lount as alleged to be duo due on a iS nol note 1 S T s sIdes Ides of t. t Incorporation of the the Maus Mu sArt s- s Art art company of ot this the city have been t ll wIth the county clerk The Them com com- has has' a tf a capital C stock of with onith 1 lat th the par par value of 51 31 1 each The I the he company are Theodore J 4 lf president J and arid trEa treasurer ur r B. B M. M art wrt rt Ice president and secretary i in I j Corps Inspected fi B B B Kean post W. W r. r U. U C C- held heldI I sessions e yesterday esterday in Odd Odd- Fellows Fellows' S at the d department president t Campbell pre presided Th The was as inspected by hy Mrs Margaret e. e y the floor work In the tho after after- ras most attractive e and anI the meni- meni orthe drill team earn ver er 5 h highly hh com corn b by the Ins inspector per The local Id l tIon lon wa w is fo found und to he be in a a highly J condition In addition to the ment commander t twenty twenty five ent five oth- oth tors came from O Ogden en Sixty mem- mem Wand and visitors WEre WE're entertained at I iD-eO iD fi al a a. downtown hotel In the the the-af- afon af- af on 5 en Inter Demurrers Demurrer J i cases of or eleven en women omen of or the he f word Orld char charged ed with vagrancy and J demurrers were ere entered entered to complaints wh when n the cases were Judge court yester- yester The The attorneys I tornes a R represent represent- gt red on the ground to I the complaints the de- de were charged jointly with th mis- mis a anor which could not possibly be jointly and the court after ithe the arguments allowed until Sat Sat- fm to LU amend amena me the complaint c Bartlett who Is alleged to have ted a a. house at tt 7 Victoria alley the women comen who wore ore arrested in ou ie e. e ire t lC e represented by br Attorneys s 's 5 Hutchinson ea and Rogers Mar- Mar I ke and the women from her v Ion op fl Commercial street are I by r William Newton I |