Show Hollies Narrow Margin of Seals PACIFIC r. COAST ST LEAGUE I.E. Team Won tool Lost st st. Pet San Ban Francisco 23 23 12 Los x s 20 20 14 Portland 20 IS 13 71 Sacramento 20 15 Hollywood 20 0 15 Sll Se Seattle is 15 15 20 Oakland 13 13 21 3 2 Mission 8 27 SAN FRANCISCO 10 ff De Defeats May De JP-De- feats last week hewed down the lead of San Francisco in the Pacific Coast league but the Seals still have a fair edge over oer their closest present contender contender contender con con- tender Los Angeles The Angels moved up UD to second place from fourth by taking six games from the Mission Reds and losIng losIng losing los los- ing one San Francisco lost its last weeks week's series with Hollywood four games to three Portland won its series with Seattle by one game but slid from second place to third in standings All games this week beginning to tonight tonight to- to night will be played at night The two northern teams Seattle and Portland Portland Port Port- land move south where the Beavers play the Ml Mission sion Reds at San Francisco Francisco Francisco Fran Fran- cisco and the Indians meet Los Angeles Angeles An An- geles eles in the southern California city San Francisco moves across the bay bayto to clash with Oakland and Hollywood plays Sacramento at the state capi capi- tal |