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Show iimtl nail iiolhlng Itloto It to giro It Juriadlitlon. lu, Iho Ktltlon lu tho 1'rohate court under ulacuailon Ilieru waa nairetent of an allegation that th ifrvonal rotrty of Ntodham,do-ci Ntodham,do-ci aaro,waa Intulllcleut to i ay the debt duo from tlio tto and legal chargoa agalutt It. Tho order of talo thowed afllrmttlrely that llio real vatato waa not aol.l to lay Ucbte and cliargea, lut only that ft would bo for th UalluterMtof tho oatato and the helra of Iho detraml to aril the land deecrlbcd in tho petition, rhito proctodlnga were therefore ale aoluloly void. '1 h dcml from tho ml-mlnlttratora ml-mlnlttratora of Nrolham'a citato paaavd uo tltlo to Halt I.ako Ully, the Kianteo, and that dtx'd being In tho chain of tltlo through which thrao rtapiudrnU claimed, they ha I not i oo of lu Invalidity, were not Innocent liurohaaera without notice, and could tale nothing by It. Thriauiuptloiiof law, under all ilrcumitaucea, waa that tho lurtloa having tho legal tltlo to land wiro lu poeHMlon until thoovldeuco ehoHrd liirroudoranrulhatltHaa held ad-Miaely ad-Miaely totho owner, The aiirl accordingly rovcraed the Judgrjent, and tin, chuiiu waa nuiaud-ed nuiaud-ed lor further proceeding!. |