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Show OAfSCLtrt KNOX HAD CAND. nit ru.p,r,. .nil tncqoat I Ijhl tallh a tad ItaoJ of Apaaliee. Wo were alttlna: ono night at n frelghter'a camp Ore, around whleli ero drawn half n neoro or mora of tho frdshtera, who, Willi their outllta, wtro In camp for tho nljlit. Btorlea uf old thnea when tho Indiana were bail, an I ! of tho bravrry of tbo whlto ploneera, I bad (-otio around the circle until It camo to old man Wllwn'a tnni, who anld- Talk aljout eand In n maul I tell' you ll takea land In n min to try ami aland off ilnglo bandeil forty or fifty Apacbea when bo ktiowaJuit how tho crap will end, mid Hint Uu. end will bo bla own death i but thnt waa Just Iho kind of land that waa In l'etlt Knot, , when ho waa klUl by tho Ap-ichea. You eec, Knoi waa an all around gambler, gam-bler, inch oa tho tenderfoot fruui tho eoat aconi ati mneli and knowao lllllo about, but hi bad n heart In him f ger tlinu any tenderfuot'a bead, I Well, It waa In tho aprlnn of IS.. Knni, with Ida wifa and baby and n tletlcan drlrer, were eotnlug from Silver Sil-ver City to Clifton. Tbi-y (jot to York'i ranch, which It nn tho (hla liter, about thirty mlleo from chiton, all rhtht, but weratoldlberotlutteli-utofAivtchealuiil been tern, and that they had l-cller go In camp then) fur h few dnye, but Knot who had fousht tho Apacbea diueni of timet and didn't know what fearwnt alJ bo wanted to innko Clifton lhat day. They droto on, and wcro about two Inllea from Yotka ranch when Kno aaw nn Indian como from behind n low, round lupi-c-1 lilll, and Ii-ellng na-uretl na-uretl then wcro ruoro of Ihein, and tint It wot n fight lo tha. deatli, lio mini bit -mekct with enrtrid-rea, kUtc-1 bla liltlo 1 leeplng glil Uvby and Ida wlfo for tho laat time, and, with n '-roodby' to them, bo Jumped from tho wagon and quickly turned tho team, and told tho Mcilcnn drlrer to whip them luck to tho nuieli, and that bo would aland tho Aiuc'jra off. Aa tbo wagon turned and tint furl-oualy furl-oualy ilrlien away tho Apache, wlm now eatuo In alrht. ilnd n volley, but killed no one. Then Knoi faced bit fiw and pumpoil tU lotul from bla 1 Wluchnttor Into them, TIhi liiJIona gradually clrcktil nrtmml Knot and tho end come, Tho Slclk-ati Utlitr laalied bla team back (o tlw ranch, wl-oro botli of tho hom-a fall tleavl from wounda ro-colvcd ro-colvcd from tlio Indiana llrtt volley. A rty, after a litllo delay, wot initio up and returned to tho plaeo wbero tho lUtht tooU iUoe, nntl tbero they found Knni'a Ualy, and tho Indiana, In-diana, contrary to their imial eiutoni, lutd not mutllati-tl It In Iho Icaut, but liad taken a clean pocket lutudkorehlaf-fnnii lutudkorehlaf-fnnii Knos'a ktt ami carefully rpread It oer bit fjc, and batl fntt-(lied fntt-(lied It thcro by putting a email atono on racli corner uf It to liol 1 It In lu plaeo and keep tho tun from the dead inan'i face. That waa their trlbuto to tho aand In Knoi. H-evrnty empty tbclUnero found lhat bad bwn implied imp-lied from Kiiot'a Mncht-ilrr, and ono of tho raiding Indiana afterward mid Jholr jnrty numbered forty tttu, aul lh.it Knot bad Lllletl atiti.il ot tliein. --Arizona llcpubllean. |