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Show THE BACCAUAT CASE. .Sir llurlfi llnofll AddrrMH ttis Jury on llrbalf of lilt , tllrnti. MOOCLS Or THC WHIST TA01C9 PRODUCED. Wll.oii ItrriroJnrea I'liinmlag'a .till- tmlo to Short Itoir llio Chcattag Hal Done. nr T.l.rrwtta Uia Ntwa. Illai:l.l.,a A Dint l.-4. oiiii..l Ineltiellffrn.Unl. alale. !! 1a)NIjx, June 3. 'There were nine Ierwii. concerneil In thla melancholy u.liiM.," aald rtlr Charle., "all of whom have known tho plalntm (Cum-inliig) (Cum-inliig) fur many le.ir.. The plalntlll admliteil lie til I hit acciuera wero acting act-ing ninaclrntloiiidy In III la matter and Hie Jury would Uud It Itnpomlblo hi bcllevo thoae peraona were uiMakeii In legarJ to the character of ilaliitlfTa conduct on the nlzluaof Iho 8th and tith of Beplember, 1MK). Tho plalntlir had admitted lheyw.ru all raont of honor and hoiii.ty and having made thuchargea they adhered to Hum and Iho plalntlll had nota.kvd lobe con-frontiol con-frontiol with either of hla accuwrt. Objection lowcrecy lame from Lycettl (In en, who aakod that the matler be IhruheU out then and there 111 order' to avoid the lblllty of the plalntlll'. aflerwanl repudlallng the charge. The plalntm had algued n degrading, humiltatliig docuuient and ho itl-1 hot lakottepa to bring hla elaudercrt to Ju.tlcv until he fouud bluu.lf In au other tight plac. Then ho liirne.1 upon thoto who had lM-en quirt aud frepared to kiep thtlr agr-mtnt, hough In their eye ho wai a dlt-honored dlt-honored man." With thla remark Hlr I'hatloa accrued to take up anutlier Hue of argument, for ho alJ, looking oirue.tly at the Jury, "And now howabout tho three irlnclalactoranlplaliitliPactloiiln regard tu them? Do you, geiillometi of tho lury, doubt that Iho plalutlfl knew each of thou gellllemell Ullevr-l him guilty? Ho knew that In their eM he waa no longer In the cab-gory of hoiiorabldinon. Waa Itrounlvaidu that an Innocent man under eucli clr-cumitance-athouldtiearaULhan odloo buMen upon him? Tho ikfcnd.nl. would tell tho Jury their mouth, remained re-mained cloai-d In thla matter until January 7, lnOI, four miiitli. after thu tncrarat garnet at Tranby Croft, when Hlr William made an attttnpt through licikeley l.tvelt, one of IhewltneMi. lo M-ctire a modification or withdrawal of His charge. Tho defenltntt tald they wero pieparod lo luUltnUilo the clun-ea w hlcli they had maloagaliiit Hlr William (Ijrdon Cunimliig," HlrChaiha IIum.Ii then laMapcclat atleM uu the .rcullar clrcum.Uncet under which the action waa brought and ii-ferred at length to the Interview which Hlr William Uirdon L'umnilng hat with Lieutenant liuvett, who waa a tuballeru Hi plalntllTa rrglmeut, and who, being a.kcd by Hlr William lo do what he could with Mra. Atthur Wl. eon lu regard to the taccarat tcaudal, rrpllnl that he could not dl.le.Ucve hla own eyit, though, liu added, hu would gladly do anylhlngfor tho taku of Hlr Wlllumaiidforthetako of tho Icgl ment to which they belong. "Hlalnllira conduil," Hlr L'hffln cnntluuid, "at no tlage of HU. dhtree.-Ing dhtree.-Ing ttory haa been the conduct of an Innocent and honorable man. No innocent and honorable man would Iihtu laid ijulrt under thu charge, madaagalntt the plalntlir, or tlgued the confci.lon w hlch pKlnllll tlgned." Coiiiim-I fur the defeiidautt Hu n nld the iiroaecutlou watbroughlouly when the plalntlll fallM In hla effort to aecuru hla retirement on half pay from the army. He dilated upon the Innocent Inno-cent nature of tlm Tranby Croft card patty aud Hie mllJ character of tlm baccarat game played there, lletald ono of the tatl.factory reaulta of (hit 1-a.o haa teen the dhalpatlou of theali. lunliiolloiiawliKhhave been formed In regard to the occurrence, at Tranby CrofL Indetrrlt'lng Hi evenla which took place Hlr Charle aald Arthur Htanley wllnoii wllutued rvieatel acta of cheating oil the part of Hlr William (lordou Cummlng, and that when hu (Wilton) turned to Mr. Ilerkoley U-v-ett and w hl.pt rod "t.'ummlng la cheating," cheat-ing," the latter rcplledl "Nouaenre. You are mad." "Hut," added Hlr Chailta, "llerkeley livett, ner receiving re-ceiving thla communication paid attention at-tention to the game, watched Hlr William Wil-liam (Jordon Cummlng' play au 1 taw for liliuMlfthal what Arthur Hlalcy Wilton had Mid waa true. After the play waa over. Wilton told hla mother, Mr. Arthur Wllwrnaud Mr.au J Mf I.ycttt tlreen of what he had icon while Cummlng waa playing, and they agreed on the following night to have for baccarat playing a properly niaiked tablu with a line iiwii ft be. yond which the plajer'a ttake muit bo placed. At the reuet of Hlr Charle Hut-tell, Hut-tell, model, of the whl.t tallica i.ae.1 each night at Tanby Cioft In Hrpltm-lr Hrpltm-lr for playing baccarat In default of regular baccarat table, with tho poal-tlouofthe poal-tlouofthe player, eapeclally inarknl upon them, were produced. Hlr Charle. ltui.ell al cauwl the Jury tobethown photograph uf the room at Tranby Croft where the uow hl.tor-Icalgamraof hl.tor-Icalgamraof baccarat were played. The Jurymen examined theee exhibit with a great deal of care, a.ke.1 nun. Hon. about the game, maltlona of thu playert, itc.,aud Couf.rred with each other ujen teveral point which wein lalaed by thepruluitloii oflliHrihlb. It. Hlr (,'harlea alio dwelt uuu thu Intrlcaclca uf thogame of baccarat, and eiplalnod b the Jury that from thu .illlona which, aa they could aeu from thu tablca, the player occupied, It waa utterly luipoaatllofor thu wltncteiij lieml.taken aa to Hie conduct Willi which Hlr William tiorduu dimming waa charged. It waa noticed tho l'rliiruof Waltt and Hlr William (loi-ilon (loi-ilon Cummlng foll.iwe.1 Hlr I'harlu' teecli with great atlintlou aud diep llllereat. ConlliiuliigHlrt'li'irlet taldl "The pnii. which had U ii drawn up In re gard to Hie I menu at tcnndal, aald that the plalntlir ahoulJ be watched. lle youd tho ruarxed table, however, there waa no concert of action of any kind, but all who knew the ttory r Hie pre. vlouaday't play aud Hlr William (lor-don (lor-don Cummlng'a action taw the latter repeal tho anion, coniploaeil uf," llcitewed luterett wai .'inwii upon the tart of llm alwayt mmt attentive an llin.-o gatheml lu the court of (Jueeii'a tench when Arthur Htanley Wll-on, ton of tho million. Ire owner of Traiihy CrofL and n leading aloca-holderef aloca-holderef the well known Wll-on lino of ttcaniertplylngla-tween Hull, lyiu don and New Yolk, and many other pirli, entered tho wllmie img aa the MrttwItneM for Hi deftnw, Wllwii tiatlfled tillhn flrt that oil tho flrit night uf thu baccarat playlugal Tr.iu-by Tr.iu-by l.'roft In Hrptcrubrr, lie aw a ml counter lepre-entlng 13 on a l leer of laper lu front of Hlr William (lordou Cummlng, When tho lattrr'a tableau won, Hlr William had hi. handa In front of him and he alo had another Xj counter lu the palm or hi. right hand. Tho luronel, ai cording tu the wltnrat, then looked at Hlr LlwardHoiueml'a hand and tielng he held a natural and cairt card lie (Hlr Wllllini)atonco drpil the XJ I cuunlvr fiuui hla right hand and wn I 11 1 on both of thu cMMiteit, ho had I thu placeJ on the table. Tula evidence waaglveiiby Wllun without any he. Ilatlon and In a manner which aeemed to InipreM the ury and which decldel-ly decldel-ly lmpro-a.it thaudlence anl cauaud n great aenaatlon In the n urt room, rho court adjourned for lunch In the mld't of thlt teitlmony and thu 1'rlnce nfWalc again honored lord Chief Jil.tlcuatid lidy Colerldgu mid her tly with hla prveoce at luiuheon, wlillA.iieh el,.l.tllle. a. Iiril. I?nv- rnlryand Hoincnut and ru, Owen William., wli i had falUM lo bring luncheon, wnlch their b t'er Ulla-lml fllcbdahad piovldedthen-aelve with, hail to fight for refre.biii.nl for lli.m-elviaaul lli.m-elviaaul the ladle et their Illlle around tnibllo Iioumi bar of the neigh-'borluitel, neigh-'borluitel, which were ii'ki-d loaulloca-Uou loaulloca-Uou liy thu common herd. TAfl.r lunch Wliaon oiitlnne.1 hla I tmilmony, n tiling how h.-talki-l with Letyllt the Ih.tuightllie i-heating waa discovered and Inw the lathr waa ovtrnomuby Iho knowledge that thu llcuteliaut-niloliel of hit own regiment (Citnimlngt) had been caugliliheatlnK at eama. Wi m al told til niolber, who til1': "For g-enlnew' take, don't have a a all'lal here." Tho uexi night nil watched ami dlf llnctly w I'limmlug cheatlna; mi two Mra. in dining thu nlgbi. When Hie dlm-loaiirv wat undo the l'rincw of Wale uueatl nivj Cummlng andoth. cr,and ilreenaio-i lobe cmfrouted with the idalntiir. Young Wllwiiduilug the ciom ex-nmlnilloii ex-nmlnilloii waa not materially ihalen III lilt teatlmoliy. lletalUho had no ocouitl'iii,a!id haJ beeu at f 'arubrldgu for a year. "Hut," he added, "my father thought It only a wate of time my tlaylmc there." Iteara of laughter greeted till, admlulon. He further eald oactnrat ni pliei-l at Trnnliy Croft In 1 , but hC father uljected hi II and It waa not pla)t.t again until tho Fiince or Wain' vl.lt liiricptem-lier, liiricptem-lier, IIM Young Wilton, with ilramttlo ellect, reproduced Hlr Wit Ham (Kirdon Cummlng1 allliu le aud niotlonaat thu card table to ahow how the cheating waa done. Theu hla (Wliaon'.) Interview with 1-cvKt, how "my dtar chat' aprialetl at "uiy dear chap" and boili agreed Hint "thlt I t.Ki hot." Wllwn dl.tluetly denleil thu exl.tence of a ccniact to watch Hli William (lordou t'utumlug during thetevund night', play, and tald he could not Imagine how a abatement lo that eirect got Into Uetieral William' prucltof thealfalr. |