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Show Real Moroccans. Moor and Morocco are words unknown un-known to tho pcoplo of that troubled land. Thcso people know themselves as Arabs and descendants of thoso valiant upholders of tho prophet's green standard who swept llko a flood across North Africa at the time of tho heglra. Tho Morocco of the present pres-ent day they found possessed by a sturdy race who claimed descont from the pcoplo who woro cast out of Ca tiaaan by Joshua, tho son of Nun. Their country, so far as Its plains were concorned, was taken from them by tho Arabs, and tholr fighting strength was mado to servo the Arab causo In tho conquest of Spain. They thomsolvcs gradually took to tho mountnlns, to tho great Atlas. Hero thoy havo remained ovor slnco, speak Ing their own language maintaining their own customs and racial attributes, attri-butes, and obstinately refusing to bo absorbed by tho Arab dwellers on tho plains. Thoso people aro tho Berbers; their tonguo la called Shllhah. Literature Liter-ature they havo none, In tho ordinary sonso of tho word. But they havo a rich storo of oral tradition, myth, legend le-gend and folklore. |