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Show EIGHTY LIVE8 SNUFFED OUT. Explosion In West Virginia' Mint Brings Qrlef to Many Families. Charlosto, W. Va. With a detona tlon hoard for miles nnd hurling do oris hundreds of feet in the air, dust in tho Stuart mlno nenr Fayottovllle exploded Tuesday afternoon, bringing a torrlblo death to eighty or raor mon who wero at work 600 fcot below the surface Thoro Is no chanco that any will bo takon out nllve, for It i thought that tho terrific forco of the explosion snuffed out their lives instantly. in-stantly. The disaster is porhaps the worst, in the number of klllod, In the history his-tory of this stato. Most of tho men wore Americans and many of them wero marrlod-ani! LJd-fJige-fciiinielC Thero woro a dozen or more colored men and about twenty alloiiB among tho victims. Tho rescuo work was begun as soon ns tho Bhatt bouse could bo repalrod. |