Show STERLING DEB DEBACLE GlE DUllS WOOl T TRADE DE DEBOST BOST BOSTON N. N Sept 25 The P ITe The Commercial Corn Com Cor mercial Bulletin will wi say tomorrow Business in the wool wooi markets marke of this his country has been more or less suspended during the p past st week inconsequence inconsequence in inconsequence consequence of ot of the departure of England fr from m a gold basis and ad the subsequent decline of the pound poud ster- ster ste- ste ling ing been for The he effect abroad has commodity values to rise rie more or oress orless Iles less ess in offset to the depreciation in sterling sterling has gone down dawn rather faster laster than wool has gone up Here there has been a disposition on the p part rt of the manufacturers to t await the outcome and to se see seq where the he pound was likely to settle sete before making any further commitments of moment moment although the the goods maret market market mar- mar ket et appears healthy and the statistical cal position of wool here is sound enough It I is a buyers buyer's market maket although although al- al though hough prices have not declined ap ap- Mohair is still si dull dul The Te Texas warehouse committee has hns effected an extension of ot the holding plan to October 3 on an agreed asking price of ot 25 cents cent for adult adul and 40 cents for tor or lid kid hair lowing owing The Te Bulletin quotations will wi publish the following following fol- fol Texas Texas Fine Fine 12 months selected fine short 12 months months fine eight months months California Northern California Norther Northern 52 middie middle mid mid- die dle de county southern 46 Oregon Oregon Fine and f. f m. m staple 60 Gal fine tine and L f. m. m fr Ir f. f combing 55 5 57 fine tine and t f. f m. m clothing 53 valley No 1 53 Territory scoured basis lon basis Mon Montaria Mon Mon- tana ana and similar Fine staple choice choie 60 62 half blood hal blood combing 55 tree three eighths eighths blood combing quarter-blood quarter combing Pulled Delaine Delaine 68 70 fine A supers A supers supers Mohair Mohair Domestic Mohair Domestic good original bag ag Texas spring good original original inal nal Texas kid Arizona and ad adNew New few Mexico 2920 20 Oregon Oregon |