Show I Utah 1 Mystery Death th Is Probed Partially Burned Body of Motorist Discovered in Car i I Note Found Near Machine Points to Possibility of Suicide di diAUTO AUTO TRACED TO NEVADA Officers Seek to Learn Authenticity Authenticity Au Au- of Letter Special la te The Telegram rallS BRIGHAM CITY Sept 25 5 Mur 25 Mur lur- Murder der or suicide claimed the life lIle of oC an unidentified man whose charred body was wu found In an automobile off oft the road on Indian creek near Park TalIe valley val val- Ie Icy ley west of ol here A note found lound In a briefcase near the car supposedly left JeU by the man mau If It genuine points to suicide Investigating officers oWens have not determined whether the note was I written by the victim leUm or was left Idt to toI I cover a slaying I Seely Cutler of ot on passing passing passing pass pass- ing the burned automobile Thursday afternoon stopped to investigate He I discovered the partly charred body of or ofa ora a man on the rear seat eat He notified Sheriff John H. H Zundell of Box Elder county The sheriff sheri took City Judge B B. H. H Jones and Marshal John R. R Evans of ol Brigham am City to the scene Their investigation disclosed the note and details about the automobile NOTE BEQUEATHS CAR CAB CARThe CARThe The note was signed Graham G G. Go GoIt It said that the finder tinder of ot the gruesome gruesome gruesome grue grue- some death car and bod body might have havethe havethe havethe the car if he would give the body a decent burial in a clean plain box ina in ina a secluded place where it would not be found The note not said the writer had once before attempted tempted suicide b because use user of r financial reverses but had failed tailed Afterward the note said he had met a woman who gave him a new lease on life When he found out the note continued that he was un unable unable unable un- un able financially to take proper care cart o of her he had determined upon ending ending end end- ing his life Nothing found near the tragedy disclosed additional information as to the mans man's identity or place of ot resi resi- dence deuce The car bore Nevada license No Sheriff Sherif Zundell called Sheriff J J. J B. B Harris at Elko Nev and the car was traced to a man who recently had exchanged 3 a small roadster at Elko for the larger c car r in which the body was found PROBE CO CONTINUES The license was issued to James Dec Dee who gave no address Investigation Investigation Investigation gation is continuing In Iii Box Elder count county and in Nevada The body was sent to a Tremonton undertaker r. r Sheriff Zundell says that until evidence evidence evi evi- dence develops which warrants a coroners coroner's coroners coroner's coroners coroner's cor cor- oner's inquest none will be ordered |