Show Reception ec Will i Follow Concert Mr and Mrs George Q Morris will gill entertain at a reception at the I Belvedere apartments for a few close friends following the Marion Marlon Morris concert at the Ladles Ladles' Literary club I Monday night which will be bo one of I the social events of the season Mrs Mathew Mathow Felsted will give a dinner for tor ten guests preceding the the- con con- cert S The Tho hostess committee for the garden garden gar gar- den tea to be given by the patrons association of Rowland hall han at the homo home of Mrs J J. E. E Bamberger In Cottonwood Sunday from 3 until 6 p. p m. m Includes Mrs Mra J. J E E. Bamberger Mrs George George- H. H Dern Mrs Arthur ArthurW W W. Moulton Mrs Henry A. A Post Miss Wilfrida Messenger Mrs F. F S. S Bascom M Mrs Robert R R. Hampton Mrs H. H C. C Goodrich Mrs E. E O. O Howard Howard Howard How How- ard Mrs Adolf AdoU F. F Baer Mrs Samuel Samuel Samuel Sam Sam- uel C. C Park Mrs Fred Cowans Cowan Mrs F. F N. N Cameron Mrs Ernest Bamberger Bam- Bam berger Mrs A A. E. E KImball Mrs J. J R R. Walker Mrs Grant Hampton Mrs Will Browno Mrs J. J C C. Dick Mrs A. A L. L Hoppaugh and Mrs Val Wal Valter Walter Valter ter Trask Miss Louise Armstrong daughter of Mr and Mrs William Armstrong has gane gene to the Wolfe school of art artIn artIn artis In is Los Angeles for the winter The Ladies Ladies' Literary y club chorus will meet at the clubhouse Friday at 1245 p. p m. m Mrs C. C R. R Openshaw and daughter daugh daugh- ter Dorothy have returned from California where they spent five weeks They visited Oakland San Francisco Palo Alto San Jose and Sacramento Miss Marion Marlon McCandles of ot St St. Marys Mary's College Notre Dame Ind is isa isa isa a guest of ol Mrs Enos D. D Hoge during her stay in Salt Lake |