Show I Ii i Know Utah By ALBERT F. F PHILIPS I I Four years after the location of oC the tho site for the government of the territory of oi Utah had hart been de decided decided decided de- de upon at Fillmore the fifth annual session of ot the legislature convened at the new capital I It was the only session of the legislature ever held In the building The assembly convened In the state building build build- ing lug for the sixth annual session but It Immediately adjourned to Salt Lake City where the session was held in Social hall The council consisted 0 of ten members five of ot whom were from Salt Lake City Heber C. C Kimball was elected president of the council council coun coun- cil Thomas W. W Ellerbeck secretary Leo Hawkins assistant secretary Alexander McRae MeRac sergeant-at- sergeant arms Samuel L L. Sprague messenger Hiram B. B Bennett Bennett Ben Ben- nett foreman Parley P. P Pratt chaplain and George Hales public printer In the house there were twenty-four twenty members eleven cleven from Salt Lake City M. M Grant was elected speaker of the house Thomas Bullock secretary sec sec- sec sec- to Brigham Young chief clerk Jonathan Grimshaw assistant clerk Alfred Allred N. N Billings ser- ser at arms Jacob F. F Hutchinson messenger Chandler Holbrook foreman Joel H. H Hutchinson chaplain I. I 0 f fAll 0 All were present except William Wllliam A. A Hickman of Green River county The annual message of Brigham Brigham Brigham Brig- Brig ham Young governor of the territory was submitted submitted submit submit- ted kd t to the assembly December 11 1855 While the message was being read the secretary of the territory terri tern tory Almon W. W Babbitt took occasion t to make an insulting ting and threatening speech Governor Young expressed himself himsel as being insulted d and so did the resident president president of ot the council and speaker of ot the house Secretary Babbitt declared that he had the same right t to sit upon the rostrum or seat as the govenor governor gover gove nor had His Insult caused the freedom of the assembly assembly assem assem- bly to ro be withheld from him during the session by unanimous vote ote of oC th the Joint session Babbitt was killed by the Indians in August 1856 0 0 0 Among the acts passed by the general assembly was one authorizing an election of delegates t to a territorial territorial territorial ter ter- ter- ter convention which was t to prepare a constitution constitution constitution and memorialize congress to admit Utah into the union This convention assembled in Salt Lake City March 17 1856 Ten days later the constitution constitution constitution tion had been framed and with the memorial adopt adopt- ed Cd George A. A Smith and John Taylor the latter then editing a n. paper in New York called The Mor Mor- mon were delegated t to present the memorial and constitution to w congress 9 The old capitol 1 building still stands in Fillmore It has hIlS been used for various purposes since it was originally built bunt The legislature of 1929 made an appropriation of t to rehabilitate reh the build building ins which was done and the late legislature made an additional appropriation for its care There are various relics of the long ago on exhibition in the building It is the intent to ultimately make the building a state museum |