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Show ."11AM.O.11I VS. WAIiO.V.' Ilie I'ulnn lUrlllc and Co.(),rrallie Waceu Comptiiiei Ill.putr. A number of Utah aper have been commenting very friely,durlngtl'ott week ou Hie actions of tho Union I'arlllo Hallway Comjany, In com-pelllng com-pelllng the Cw)iratlvo Wagon and Machine Company to haul freight by tralna fiom OgJcu to logati. A re-irtir re-irtir of Hilt ar was detailed to make liuhlrlea at Hie general ortlcca of tl,o.CMj ratlru Wagon and Maihlue Coniiuy lu this city, wllh the follow. Ing result. Iterltr Mr. Olell, what cau.eil the moving of freight l.y teams from Os,eulolxiii.T Mr. Odill.-The railway n,le more thatidoill,s.llhniates, Itetsjtter Wattheruany cood res. . . .'-..i. -""j 1,00,1 reason rea-son f..rtlil7 Mr.Odcll I luvolieeu Informi.l It waa to get oven with comitlu.7 lines to this territory, that have brought lu some ol our freight. Hen. Itmuiihuve lieen cxpenslvo toyourcomjsiny. Mr. 0.rs to some extent, we lost many hut galneil many frlendt and accomplished what wo ttarted out to do. !tep.-Wlittwattliat7 Mr.O, Not lo be Imposed upon. Hen. Are Ihe advan.x-d rates still In ellVcl? Mr.O. I understand theUnlon rarlflo put them batk at old figures yeater. dsv. Hep. Then tell me, ir you please, what they have acnomplltl.ed. Mr.O. I caunntMo Ihatlhey have accomiillalied anything, except to cause us a little Iniuiiveuleumaud to lore ... n ....tu ...tuuveuieuiv auu 10 loae for themivlvia the revenuu on over luo.uou poumli of juerchandlte. Hep Dj you Intend to do niiy more tram freighting? Mr. 0,-Thatdea-ndt on clrcumitancri which our l,gan manager may dicldo lu future. We have an oiler of less thau .10 cents per 100 lbs to move sll our Ixuau freight from cars at Ogilen to wnie bouses In Iigaii, and thla it really a lower rata than we hive over had from therallwayiindaaavlngfrom Its tariff, Iwju. drayago la uunecn-sarratellhurend. uunecn-sarratellhurend. Ilfi. How uisny cars do you put In lozan annually? Mr. O. Alut seventy-five. This dispute, we should thlnlr.oiielit to be iiromplly stilled. 11 certainly cannotlieforHielnleri-stof tho U. P. (.'o. to furco shippers to t.ort to the old wagon freight system, hut lu self, defend Urn latter will havu to avail HicniMdvea of It If reasonable ratis cannot beas.ured. |