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Show THE !VI(.Alt.(lUA IMfiL U-1 Ihluka tlia I'mjrrt Mould ilolate a leilalu Treaty I'rlnriii llm I'nllnl Malranml I'mhiid. Sr.NATOH CDMUND3 A0V0CATC3 THC DILL. Tlm HalarlM or I'lillrd MjIco Illilrlcl J ml aril MrMllUii'a Amrnd- meal ft Takwnak toiko.vrwi Till! KIM1IU SHUN 11, III lllltll. Iho Miorniiu Innol lull In Ike WAalllMITOS, Ka k SI The Hrnile today H.al 1 L, lo-naluii bllla ami Hii'ii IHMrrJ.,1 tu eoli-ldomlloll uf thu alinragua Canal bill ikt, liiopinalilou in the Nicaragua Canal lln I IK.ri-ut llrllalnaouml Hut Mini lajleii-llulwertreiily waa In I rxiatiiice(ituitfieri'ualu lit I nu In-1 tlnutluu tliat It did null, then II waa I fair to aiMinm that 11. o (lui.iumeiit tf tlnit IlritaliiwuiilJaclBallie(loerii-iilviil IlritaliiwuiilJaclBallie(loerii-iilviil nl the Unlleil Htit.-a wiaiM tiuilir aiinlliri'lriumitaiicir IfOniit Itrll- ' aln liuiilil, In apll.i of the Chiton-llulwer Chiton-llulwer tlmty, iindertalu lu Mi I Id n twiala rooatiie l.ll.nnia ulihoul tlm roiwut of the llnltial Statea, would nruat lltltalu l.i Mitialled when tol I IlKthercmduitaati tlm II. llm all I ' Munpilto Ciaal had dttlnijdl llm I I koiou.liiertrral.l. If tbeHeuatora were i.niiire.1 to my lu the llrltlah l.mrdre that the) ttould nnniMl.ti: till ijtu-aiTlui WIlhollUliyriKlencolo her lldrrcalt orwlih,then let lln in my tli.it. and accrt what would Ui ll.u cm-, ipirnci a, If not wir, n i ondllloii of mil-uiorlty, mil-uiorlty, aiitagunlam audillaiiiKtwhlili won hi o:a-r.ite Injutlomly on the Inter-rata Inter-rata of la.th cvuntrlioi ami of the world. J Jmuudt luaid Vrat If hu thluka the bill If a Motion or nui obllgntlou ul the Uiille.1 Huim toward Ureal lint-aln lint-aln or any oilier foreign ciuulry. Vrat-I think, lllllira Ureal llrllllll liai Itaelf abroalid thn trial, tlila dcm. TherrnliiderorYral'necliwaadc. Tolul to au argument Hint the Intereala ot the United ritalea wt rutacrlflci'd tu thuouor thu ouniVkalolialiMof the canal cumjiauy, whu had tirvniilanl among ttiuittelrin a comlructloii ivnijainy, wllh whldi the Mnrltlme Couijany luaile contracta. junto a -i iai ti.irn U tlio workhal bilieduimby a ccm lany. It woull (tni (at thu bunJa would havnlu Ixi nold at DO r cent and Intereatliavu tu laa atld on the alockwlilli the work waa Hi nigrea) Hi),lM,U.X), while under the udlng tlli..,lTia8l.,iKfeVrSf IIS 'lllTli having to ay 9 &tia tun, they would not time in y more than (I a ton. rlli watt gave nollcu of un amend, mint providing that the chief of in-glnerrtof in-glnerrtof thu army thall havetiier-vlilon havetiier-vlilon and control of thu canal, nud llm work huiuljrrt lo tliotrrma, ruli and n-gulatloua of Cungn-ft or Hie War Department. Davit optoml the I III. The prml-lugproaliloti prml-lugproaliloti waa. In lain tirma, n aubaldy lo thecxtciilortKxi.nOo.lio) tu build n work lying ilillnly outof the national iloiualu and traM-nllig a foiUltu country. It won Ida opinion, If Ihu tanal wai lu t couatniclrd nt all. It klu.nl J U done by the government govern-ment illrtKlly, like any otlirr work of lil He hujiurtaurr. lIniundtlpoke tn defente nud advocacy ad-vocacy or Hie bill, and without acllou the rjruito ndjourrird. in Tin. iiui'tr. In Iho Home Camion rrporled from the Coiumlileu Ion lluliia a rewilu-Hon rewilu-Hon for Imiiiedlilo comlderallou uf tualncaa reiorled by ttiuComuiltteuou Judiciary, the Drat bill lo leumr.ir thu rrlliforiherliiprcnioCourt, Willi Ihu rii nalu ameudiueiita. Aftirau InellecliialrlTortby llloiint nud llreckturldgn tu defiaat Hit rcaolu. Hon, Caunnii took the 11 nor, atatlng that liewbiildkaynfvw wordtuuthouiirlU of the i rooallli.n. McMillan ( Pi iiii.)liiiulrrd whclhrr Calilinu't oljed waa not Ihu priven-tlonortliefoit-mluutedelAleullIuweil uulirlhollilre. Cannon replied In llieanirmilhe,lu view of tin dilatory inotloiit already mi.li' on Iho di mocrutlu aide umlir the Itad nf McMillan. The reiiMlcni am ted the notice from lhat tide lhat II did not ilealre tu facilitate I iiMiicm. MtMlllau tald the iluiiucrata wuuld unit Cuunuu'i irorammu at uirry joint. lllotlllt IlloJol loleconilillt llm rcau. lutloii. and on tlm yiaa uud uaian grt it laid) of democrat kfl the hall, tiii: VD1K in it'll in: Ytui 12, lift) a I V, tho ilnlc li-jllng n tliiorum. Iheiiuiallou then recuirtal on llm demand for llm revloiia tpiialluii, auj having di niaudeil thu )taa and nn)t .McMillan tallid Hit dimocrala from the cloak iiiiui Ui hla au rt, llav-lug llav-lug oU led thi'kliinal long uiougli U) uccoiupllih Mi.MIIUli'a oljoct Ihu deiuiK rata otitai moru dlaa pi anal. The luolluii waa uitlul, I V) tu 8, a tjuurum la-lug noted. 1 he rekulutlon w na Ihen ngn rd to IM lu a, and the i nirt bill una limned-laltlytakiu limned-laltlytakiu up. Hamate ninuuduieiita weru lion coiicninil In and u con-fi con-fi rence orderid. T he Ilouan tuUtltulu for thn bill flx-Inglhi-Mlurliaof Uulll Huka Dla-trlctJulgi Dla-trlctJulgi waa withdrawn, having IheHiiiale bill III the urlglntl furni, pnvl Hug that the ea la ilea kliall lot JVHKltir anuuiii McMltlnn olltreil nn nmeiidment, reducing Hm talarlea to fimal. 'lu tlila, J, 1). 1a)lor cir.-nil anaunml-mint, anaunml-mint, pruildligthattlm aalarliai rhall Ikj Imriaard .vm. SuipiQiuui ottal and the llouae look n ret eaa. |