Show I Favorite il w If r Today's Choi Choice by 14 L DR W. W J J. J I Ii h 1 MAYO I I Tho Twenty third Psalm Dr is 1 I S Hie tic Lara loma ia s an Qi shepherd I Inot III I Inot not want vant J Ho lie 10 mak th h mo limo to U 1 Ue down doun In Iii green pastures Ho lie mo ale beside the tho tUIi still waters Ho IIo r T r my soul lIe He me In Inthe IE In the lie paths of oC OU I. I for H His names name's sake sako Yea though I walk through Iho tho valley of or Iho tho shadow ol ot death dC I will fear eal no evil elli for tor Thou art with mo me Thy rod and Thy b Blat the they com comfort fort in mn Thou a a. table before me ins in tJ t. tia of or mine willo enemies Thou my head with oil my cup over tr Surely y goodness and mere mercy shall follow mo sue all tho time dJ days o of ot my WI lIf life and I J will dwell In tho the hous hoUse of ot tho thio L Lord forever Compiled by bJ tho the Bible Bible- Cull l- l lj j j l 1 |