Show S s. s H. H Steinberg rg of Philadelphia supreme master master- of f the Alpha Epsilon Ion lon p Pi fraternity found in n making a atour atour tour taur of sixteen colleges and universities ite that a marked decline in drinking among students had been brought about through the efforts of the college officials Those Tholo sixteen colleges must have havo been seminaries and girls girls' bO boarding j schools Ho Hum and Now Beau What Do You 1 ou Say Why Beau such talk as you OU do make mako Just seems c ms to bo be all tommyrot to 1 vo heard o of fools and anti saps an and all allBut nut Jut you you uit I fear would tako take tho the You ou l anler r on with nil all your tales 8 or Of loves lo had hal and aM loves lo youve you've lost ost Why h lad you ou make mo ma ill iii at ease case Moro lore men in Ia I have to tossed d Than you rou could to count Not ot bM boastful am I 1 I not at nil all nut But you ou fool boy just mako me mc play The he Ie keys s 's upon this Under Underwood nd And make mo me tell 3 you rolt Olt of or the day When When I I. I too was wan a silly sill fool I had hail loves too once on a t. t time lime But Jut that wa was many years ago o And in a t cold coM and grizzly clinic clime clime- Such tales as I could tell telli I But no m my minds mind's mado up Just now These things Ill I'll keep them just for tor forme torne 31 me ne e. e For or It If t to 0 you I t told them then all 11 No sentiment In th them m there'd h he Fo or FOt from fromi your our lines of or lovely lo A verse o I gather little you would gain sain From thoughts so old and worn as mine Come Conte- come come- and try to your our luck again And maybo maybe then Ill I'll succor SYLVIA a a P Political opponents have a habit of charging the party parly in power with sins of I commission and sins of I omission but hut the time Democrats Democrats Demo Demo- i are arc going to have a ahard ahard hard ti lime le con convincing the time people that the he present national national na na- lional administration has been guilty of the omission I of a commission GREGG Welt Well What Do You Think About It What do you ou think think think- If Ie url ARtud Muller was as in our midst toda to today to to- day da dayI daI I h hardly think shed she'd be bo ral raking hay Not a lofty lotty occupation And should one of ot our Judges ride up tho hill E me Maud would not stand till still Sho She being a modern maiden en Th The judo o being beinS a 3 man of or some renown Shed She'd be bc right after him with Hh a bound To 10 start a n mild flirtation tation But Dut Im I'm s hl his honor would bo M stern an and cold And thinking that thal Maud faud was rather bold boM i Would quell her aspiration Thero ThelO aro so co many Mauds Mauda In tho Iho field you see Who long for fOl tho judges judge's bride to be bc In modern meditation But of or all tIl the sad d Words of ot tongue or pen I The saddest of these these- It might have hac been I This ends my lam lamentation nt Uon I MOLLY MOLL O. O w We Ask You Is She SheSo SheSo SheSo So Different The Tho young oun mans man's plea was full lull of or passion as lie he kneeled before his hla one and only and asked her to b be his for once once for for All all forc forever Thero was fire Iro In itt his voice as us he hl stuttered out tho the words that were har hardest est for or him him to say MY at tho the moment still moment-still still ho got git no results He was making makins- hl his final lual plea plea plea- Darling do marry maliT roe me Im I'm not rich richand richand richand and handsome like liko Oscar Jon Jones s. s And nd AndI nd I haven't a big bh car and a mansion and well stocked cellar celiar Uk hiko O Os Ocar ar But 1 I do o love you ou better than life lICe Itself Tho The gal hal was astounded at thI- thI And I love hove you ou too dear she said al but who ho Is this O Oscar car Jon Jones 8 V V VAnd And now comes cornea along State Street Sadie with her little quip that America is a country wh where re retho the tho mergers almost keep up with the divorces a a listen gang ang tomorrows tomorrow's tho time day wo we 0 again award the two tickets to tho limo for th the best contribution contribution contribution tion during tho w elc Well We'll have to admit right off ocr that's going to bo boa a 3 rither tough Job giving out two tickets ticket thero there were some somo darn good turned In this week weel Nevertheless theres there's going to be two of them n away and well we'll promise e you right no now its it's going tobe tobo to tobo bo be a plenty lively lI show bho There aro arc some of or the thc members of or tho the gan gang think tho the mURtLe must mURt be Le chock full of ot humor to Lo appear pear In the tho column They're Theyra off on oti the time wrong foot fooL We 0 received a contrib tho the other dl day one day ono ono that bat would lIra drag draga a sob tob out of a wooden Indian and Indian and It was one of the b best st st. Send them In were we're were we're glad d to see sec an any and all nil of them them and dont don't be bc disheartened If JC at first you ou dont don't succeed wo wo wo tried for or years Jears and anti are still trying A certain professor proCessor the tho other lay day told a a. group of oC people that only fools are aro sure of anything and that loads u us to rise ric and anti ask l k If H the pro pro- sure is b uro of ot that |