Show Princess Marie Jose Cheered at Milan on Way to W Wed ed Italy Heir MILAN Italy Jan 4 United Press Press The The train bearing tho the Belgian Belgian Bel Bet gian royal family to Rome arrived hero here at 7 p. p m. m today and was given a welcome King Albert and Princess Marie MarieJose MarieJose Jose JOC di disembarked embarked from the train and were escorted to the station waiting room for an official civic reception Tho The queen who was slightly indisposed remained ed aboard the tho train S BRUSS BRUSSELS LS Jan 4 Associated Press Press Speeding over a 1 secret route to avoid enemies of her be betrothed betrothed bo- bo Princess Marie Mario Jose Joso today was on her way to Rome Romo to become the bride of Prince Humbert heir to the Italian throne Her special train tran should reach Rome Monday Tho The wedding is set for Wednesday Ih The rho Belgian royal Joyal party part In three special pech trains left hero at 40 o'clock Mst night Extraordinary Police pr precautions marked 1 Maries Marie's departure Police I cleared d the railway station and surrounding sur sur- rounding 1 streets before tho the royal roal party con consisting of or King Albert Queen Elizabeth Princess Marie tarle MarieJose Jose tho the crown n prince and und princess and Prince Charles arrived Crowds outside the th banned section cheered a as- as tho time pretty ear ij princess was borne borno to tho the train which v was as to tako take her from her homeland Queen Elisabeth a also Iso was cheered It was vis her fIrst Ir t public pub pub- lie lic app appearance in six weeks She appeared pale but hut waved a a. cheerful cheerful cheer cheer- ful farewell to tho the crowds m s Mario Jose walked e with her father ather at ut tho time head of or tho the procession procession pro pro- cession from fromi rom automobiles through tho time decorated station to the tho waitIng waltIn wait walt In lug Ing trains traina Once aboard abord the train her e e. e eyes es cs obviously oh were welO misty as sho she leaned from a n window to wave her own farewell to friends and country r people HIDES HER EMOTION Several Se times sho ho burled bUlled her face faceIn faceIn faceIn In a u of oC liLies of 0 tho the valley which she site wore to hide her emo tion lion Necessity for or guarding tho the station at nt her departure and the necessary elaborate precautions against mishap en roulo were known to to o have saddened her hel As th Iho allis tm-allis started cheers and shouts Of r Long live 0 the tho princess pO Long Iong Ion lIve U Prince Humbert and Long LonS live ivo the tho king could be heard and antI ns as the Iho train disappeared l In the tho night tho the princess could be seen mill still wa Jn waving her gloved Io hand baud Tho Tue royal train arrived at Basle Hasle Switzerland from rom Blu Brussels sell at 1040 a. a m m. m tod today The rhe tr train ln proceeded at 1110 a a. a an m m. m for tor- ur Lucerne |