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Show P,iro".in Mnke ('(laffrcntf. Th iuatttrly couferenco ot the 1'arowan Mink convcued In Ce lar City TaUruncIc, rJeptmlr 20th and Slat, lliul, There wcra preaent on lh aland Apoetl Krancl M. Lyman, I'rraldlng Ill-hop William II. 1'rr.lon, ot Halt Lake Klakr; I'i.Uent Jrne W'.Croil y, nf I'augultrli Mbtk; l'realdent Tliomaa J. Jonea, (nunaclora Morgan Itlcharda. Jr., and Frencla WebiUr, meml-vra of Iho High Council aud tlio lllahop from eiviry ward lu th Htakti- Aftir th uaual jl'lng urplara Trealdent Tliomaa J. June oRercd a few reoiatka. He rertd Irlelly llio coiidltluti of tli I'arowati Htak. anddl.cuuraed aomo upon the lawoftlllilug. riiatker during tho conference wcr Aoetlo I'rncla M. Lyman, lllahop Wni. II, 1'rralon, Morgan lllchard., Jr., Jera W. Croaby and Krnncle WeUter, Tlm euNrcli die-conraeil die-conraeil uKin were worda of wlalcm, Hilling, grading and acboollligof the lrt-aai r rrlrelhuod, aetllng ofgowl i-ampha, i-ampha, theoloi-lnil training of thn yoiilh,dullitof i areata towurd their children, aud dull of th tjalnla generally. gen-erally. ThoHtakealatlitlcal rrpottwaa read aud tho gnneral and local aulhorllle prraentt J and au.talut-1 by votp. Th uaual rrlcalhootl meeting wa lieldlntheovenlng and bualncea pertaining per-taining hi tho Htake trauaacled. , TI. blihoa' leila Indicated tukt the Kalnta were In a very fair condition. condi-tion. The meeting during lh Conference Con-ference wire will attended, and ngood tplrlt pravall) throughout. Ctiuieienc adjourned for threo month! to meet In L'arowan. William II, Uulvoak, HlAk Clerk. |