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Show The lii-ifr.Ttiou llurjtlon. (lavirnor Thomas has reieUed the subjoluid letters lu rely to Ittlira seut out by Ihe ixiullvu commit-tro commit-tro nf -the Irrigation Congnsa of which the (loveruur Is chairman'. ox in i, Neh., Sspi. W, Isut, Hon Arthur f lliomas, Chsllruisu Ns-lionet Ns-lionet llioeutlve Comtulttee Irrlga. Hon Congress: Hear Mr. 1 beg to aeknowlislgo Iba receipt of your este. mud favor nf thu Xlltd lint., aud In rily would say thai Inasmuch as the Traus-MUslsslppl Commercial Com-mercial LoliBreas Is to hold Its oea-loll here ut o iisrl v a tUte, OiHoIht luth lo Jills, and promises lo It auucouslou m unusual Interost, with lariiu sis legatluus from all the SlutosInJlsldoalli Inleisst-nl Inleisst-nl lu Irrigation, with lint as one or thu iiroinliiiutatiljiKls of dlscusati n, I am luillneil lo llio opinion thai tho best course rur our roiinnlltcolu pursito lab, arranko for the best puttdbte ri'priMunlu lloual this mi Hint? and endaulursto sertiro the ftlopllun or suitable rusolu tlons Indorsing Iho JMilley agreed t hy our Salt I.sku meeting In tbe misiolbuii petitions can l reiMire.1 fir ilruulatkou urttrtlio aiUourntnsnt of the eougress, slgiiulures to which will be mors readily obtained than liufore. ours res wtfully, Jash-hSTM'Hkvsov Jll'TTI', Mont., Sept. 34, Ifclll. Arthur I.Thomas, l.sil, Chairman S'l lloual hxeuntive lloiiiuilltoe Irrlgu Hull Congress! Ikoir sir. 1 have your uslcemol favor oflhoJiuilaud uote uont mis. I lia. ideal ored, since my return, lo iriab snmu Interest on the sutjeet of Irrlstatlou, as you will M !v an lutnivl w pill ilihe.l here yesterday, a lupy ot whl h 1 4MJI1, 1 hare lak II ut 'Ms! in to tslk Willi lilt (ioiuritor aud u number ol u.hois uu ihu iiiblta.1. i r . , III i, lest i , . i i ,r - , . . I I t. , I , ilmM. that i . h , in il n tl ti 1'n-li-du'W i tl I i am liis-t hi It'lM"!, sseiuii. v n 1 1 sonnsgaln arm el t,-.,n(,.r with him ii! n ihedasi l.ilitv of tailing e Mi u inuientlnn. I will also have attentlull railed U, Ihe rans Mlasleslptl t.incmssandenileavir to base our represenuilee a.,. Ileslieelfully yours, 1 V. A Ci Ann |