Show A l I WASHINGTON BYSTANDER E By KIRKE L. L SIMPSON W WASHINGTON WAShINGTON-It It It seems fairly c clear eal by now that twins and career caleer I diplomacy dont don't mix That Is unless unless unless un un- un- un less the tho lad with ambitions for a place in Uncle Sams Sam's diplomatic field force has an income of his own sufficient to piece out his government salary In revamping the service boosting boosting boosting boost- boost ing salaries setting up definite pj promotion promotion pro pro- motion systems and otherwise regularizing regularizing regu regu- that service neither neither- congresS dongress con congress don con gress ss nor an anybody body else took note of ot the possibility that families might come two at r. r time TWINS ALTER CAREER The Tho recent lecent event gi giving si-ing ing point to these observations is the resignation tion from the foreign service of Alan Francis Winslow first secretary of the embassy in IP Mexico City It lowed on the birth of ot twins to the Winslow household and despite the fact that thai Winslow was by way by-way way of oC being a ma man marled for steady ad advancement advancement ad- ad in the service He is a son law of William R. R Castle assistant secretary of state a veteran pilot of both the French and American air services during the war had diversified experience and rapid advancement after he hc joined up with the diplomatic arm I of government in 1919 Then came camo the twins twinE and Winslow Winslow Win Win- I slow lacking personal or family I fortune decided to get into the busy world of or private enterprise PRECEDENT N NOr r is Winslow the first of the career service men mento to bo ho breed out in search of more profitable employment employment employ employ- ment by the birth of twins Exactly the came Game thing happened to Cord Meyer then attached to the legation legation legation lega lega- tion in Stockholm It was even more serious In his case however as he was a diplomatic secretary of the second class with a salary ranging t somewhere somewhere- between and a year ear and a considerable time to walt wait for any great reat ad ad- ad Meyer also was a coming coining man manin manin manin in his career service That is demonstrated demonstrated demonstrated dem dem- by the fact that he has been continuously In demand in connection connection con con- with Pan Ian ati congress congress con con- gress matters ever since he quit II H Hhas He has been recalled to active duty several times to act as assistant secretary or secretary to the WashIngton Washington Washington Wash Wash- ington government delegations to such conferences the last occasion being at Havana He also was slated for secretary of the delegation at atthe atthe atthe the very important special Pan- Pan American conference here in December December De Do- cember comber which grew out of or the Havana Havana Havana Ha Ha- vana discussions That December gathering has bas been given the somewhat somewhat somewhat some some- what resounding title of the International international international inter inter- national conference of American States on arbitration and conciliation conciliation concilia concilia- tion which sufficiently indicates its potential importance in Washington Washing Washing- ton eyes It was this conference Ambassador dor dol Fletcher was called home from Rome nome to deal with as secretary gen gen- eral Because of f his liis special fitness for the tho task the decision to assign him as state department representative c accompanying President elect Hoover I on his La La- tin-American tin good will wiIl tour was a ahard ahard hard one to make Without doubt the fact that Cord Meyer was available available avail avail- able to take over the task of seCretary secretary secretary secre seCre- tary gen general ral had a bearing on the change in Fletchers Fletcher's orders But equally without doubt Ie 1 Meyer er has little reason to question the wisdom of or his action in barging out of the foreign service A second second sec see ond pair of twins has been added to his household since he resigned |