Show II ITALIAN AllAN CHAMBER OrNS ROME nOME Dec 8 AP AP The The chamber dram dram- ber of deputies presented an animated animated animated ani ani- mated spectacle when it reconvened reconvened reconvened recon recon- late lato today The Tire deputies of tire the fascist party wearing their black shirts More than members had re returned returned returned re- re turned to Rome Borne last night and an additional number arrived cd In the courso course of ot the morning The Tho galleries were pack packed d to suf sur- There were applications applications for special tickets but only were granted There was considerable voting on routine and cleaning up of the calendar calendar cal cal- to be gone sone through before belore Premier Mussolini's long awaited s speech which wInch will close the present present pres pres- ent legislature the tire last of tire the party type which will be superseded by byan byan byan an fascist all-fascist body under re recent ent changes |